
Chapter 329 Understanding Cause and Effect, Xuanyin Sect was born!

"Yuan Shen Silver Bead?!"

Including Wu Ren, Wu Yi and Daqian Daqian, among the tens of thousands of monks present, there was only one monk who could count with two hands, and then they all fell into dead silence.After all, the Yuanshen Silver Bead is just a legend, and they have never seen it before, but the vision on Bai Shijie's body at this moment shows that he has indeed cultivated the Yuanshen Silver Bead, because everyone knows that Bai Shijie has no magic weapon like beads at all. What's more, although there are many magic weapons of the bead type, the magic weapon of the bead type that can be condensed into the magic weapon of the primordial spirit is also the second least magic weapon of the lamp type in the world of cultivating immortals, and it is extremely difficult to find.

Luo Tian was sweating profusely. He remembered that it was recorded in the last few pages of the book of rare treasures. If he ascended to the sky, the Nascent Soul of the Tribulation Transcendence holds the pearl in both hands, which means that the real strength of that person has reached the lowest level in the fairy world. , That is to say, Feixian's late cultivation base, the mana is several times higher than that of ordinary Mahayana monks, not to mention, even the primordial spirit is invulnerable.Of course, Yuanying holding beads are divided into two levels, one is Yuanshen silver beads, which is Bai Shijie's current state.The other one is even sharper, the Primordial Spirit Golden Bead that will be snatched by countless powerful forces as soon as it enters the fairy world.Of course, even Yuanshen Silver Beads may be rare in 1 years.After ascending to the Immortal Realm, Bai Shijie might also become the target of competition among the major forces.

After listening to Luo Tian's explanation, Bai Yan'er couldn't help but blushed and was very excited.The reason for her happiness is very simple. Since Luo Tian and Bai Shijie have a good relationship, at least few people in Luo Tian's world of cultivating immortals will dare to come up with ideas, and it will be much safer.

Boom boom boom!

Three black thunderbolts fell in succession, with an incomparable momentum, the entire high altitude has been completely broken at this moment, and not even a piece of space debris can be seen, just a dark light curtain.

Bai Shijie stood still, and the Nascent Soul on top of his head suddenly swayed a silver-white brilliance, which turned into countless silver lights, and finally condensed into a huge bead, absorbing all the black thunder that fell from the sky into it .The black sky thunder kept struggling wildly in the silver bead, but it was still unable to break through from the inside of the bead. In the end, the color became lighter and lighter, and finally disappeared.

The silver beads were truly extraordinary, absorbing all eighteen black thunders from the eighth level of heavenly calamity.

The tens of thousands of monks below were stunned for a long time, but they didn't see why.What shocked them in their hearts at the moment was that the silver bead seemed to be Bai Shijie's hidden trump card, which had never been shown to anyone.


Next, the color of the vortex above the sky changed again, slowly changing from black to white.In the vortex, there seemed to be countless thunder, light and fire that were about to rush out, and the sky against it was all white, as if in an instant, the entire sky changed from night to day.

"Hey, in the end, Bai Shijie still has to go first." Wu Yi couldn't help looking away when he saw this, and said with a bit of bitterness on his face. Apart from the bitterness, there seemed to be a fleeting worry on his face.Bai Shijie possesses such a defensive immortal weapon as Wuwang Immortal Clothes, which can only survive the first six heavenly tribulations, and the latter three heavenly tribulations can't even withstand the immortal weapon. How terrifying is this?

"When boy Luo returns to Tianxuan, we will go back to Yuchi Island for retreat." Wu Ren said flatly, with a determined look in his eyes.

"Isn't there still a final catastrophe? Could it be that the two seniors thought that Senior Bai Shijie could get through it safely?" Luo Tian asked a little confused.

Daqian Daqian knocked Luo Tian on the head, "Nonsense, Bai Shijie even cultivated Yuanshen Yinzhu, this catastrophe is just a farce."

The Ninety-Nine Heavens Tribulation became a farce?

Luo Tian couldn't help laughing wryly, so after cultivating Yuanshen Silver Bead, is it so strong?Even the catastrophe can be ignored.

The power of the ninth-level catastrophe can really be called the earth shaking and the mountains shaking.

Bai Shijie stood high in the sky, and countless waves with a height of several tens of feet spewed out from the sea area below him. The howling sea wind blew past, and it felt like a wind knife cut his face. Peeling off layer by layer, the huge stones and huge trees thrown high up were already crushed into powder when they were in the air.In such an environment, if ordinary monks enter it, they may die if they meet each other.

On the ninth floor of Heavenly Tribulation, there are a total of eighteen thunderbolts coming out of the white vortex, one after another, without any interval or pause. The monks in the distance looked like a long white horse running from afar. It poured down from high in the sky and shot straight towards the white vortex.

Eighteen thunders, like a thunder!

To everyone's amazement, a silver vortex suddenly appeared above Bai Shijie's head, spinning slowly.It seemed to have been waiting there long ago, swallowing that long sky thunder into it.


Bai Shijie's mouth flashed with divine light, and with his hands raised, an oval-shaped ancient wheel suddenly appeared, then quickly wrapped the silver vortex, and flew straight towards the sky.


With a deafening bang, the ancient wheel and the white vortex in the sky disappeared.Then a straight golden light shot out from the white vortex, directly covering Bai Shijie.

"He, is he going to use the magical power of turning the wheel to fight against the vortex of catastrophe?!" Luo Tian was about to cry when he saw it. right?

Wu Ren, Wu Yi, Daqian Daqian and the purple-clothed old man also looked dumbfounded, "This guy, what a lunatic!"

"Bai thanked all fellow Taoists for their support, the catastrophe is over, let's go away."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go..."

Bai Shijie didn't have any coercive voice, but at this moment, it exploded in everyone's ears like thunder. The monks whose cultivation base was lower than the Nascent Soul stage almost everyone's eyes were blurred, and even those with low cultivation bases , For example, the outermost monks in the foundation building period and the gas refining period fell directly from the sky, and fell into the sea water without knowing their lives.Looking at people crossing the sky and seeing such a thing, it can be regarded as bad luck for eight lifetimes.

All of a sudden, many monks scattered like birds and beasts.The forces that have a good relationship with the Loose Cultivation Alliance stepped forward to say hello, while the forces that were against the Loose Cultivation Alliance ran away with their tails between their legs. Just kidding, this Bai Shijie is a lunatic who dared to confront the Heavenly Tribulation. After the catastrophe, he can stay in the mortal world for a month to settle his karma, but who can guarantee that Bai Shijie will not be so crazy that he would rather not ascend to the sky than kill a river of blood.

"We meet again."

Bai Shijie, who had been baptized and transformed by the spiritual energy of the fairy world, appeared in front of Luo Tian from the void, but Luo Tian still kept his eyes on the direction of Huangsha Island, which had become history. submerged.

"Your master and I are very good friends. Back then, I felt guilty for not being able to help him. Now, boy Luo, you can make any request." Bai Shijie stood with his hands behind his back and said with a smile on his face.

Both Wu Ren, Wu Yi and Daqian Zhenren sent voices to Luotian's spiritual consciousness, and quickly asked Bai Shijie to give him some benefits, such as asking for Wuwang Immortal Clothes or asking for some rare spirit treasures, etc.

"Luo doesn't dare to use the name of master to gain benefits for himself, and just ask senior to break all the restrictions outside the Xuanyin sect."

"Okay!" Bai Shijie didn't expect Luo Tian to make such a request, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said very brightly, "Xuanyin Sect will be born again in three days!"

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