
Chapter 330


The sound of the wind came, and after the countless cloud curtains automatically parted, Bai Shijie flicked his sleeves, and Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er appeared outside the Xuanyin Sect's Cathode Island.

Luo Tian swallowed hard. He is worthy of being a quasi-immortal who is going to ascend to the Immortal Tower today. In just one breath, he went directly from Sanyuan Island to Cathode Island a hundred thousand miles away. The immortal's teleportation supernatural power is indeed It is so powerful that it cannot be added.

"Senior, there is a restriction outside the Cathode Island." Next, Luo Tian, ​​as the landlord, naturally had to explain that he was not afraid that Bai Shijie would not be able to break the restriction, but that he was afraid that Bai Shijie would give the Cathode Island to him too much. erased.

"Don't worry." Bai Shijie laughed uncontrollably, "There are eleven restrictions here, I already knew about them."

After finishing speaking, Bai Shijie just glanced at Cathode Island casually, "These eleven forces are really willing to spend money, isn't it just for the original land of immortals, even the restrictions placed outside Cathode Island are so exaggerated. "

"Land of the Immortals?" Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er looked at each other in blank dismay, what is this place, they have never even heard of it.

"About the land of the immortals, I will tell you in detail when I go back." Bai Shijie waved his hand a little funny, and immediately opened his mouth to spray out a golden light, and then the golden light covered the entire cathode island like a flame, and began to ban a Refining layer by layer.

Immortal methods are naturally extraordinary.It took only half an hour, all the restrictions outside the Cathode Island dissipated, and Luo Tian Yuanshen was able to enter the Cathode Island smoothly.


"The headmaster is back!"

Several noisy and excited voices sounded from Cathode Island, and then many elders of Xuanyin Sect headed by Tantaiyun came through the air.It's only been a long time since Luo Tian went out, and he's only been able to break through the restriction.

Of course, Tan Taiyun didn't know that with Luo Tian's ability, it might be enough for another Jiazi to break the restriction.

"I have seen the head teacher."

All the elders of Xuanyin Sect saluted one after another, their faces extremely excited.

Luo Tian hurriedly said: "Everyone please get up quickly. This time, it is Senior Bai who should be thanked. It is he who broke all the restrictions on Cathode Island. It is not my credit."

"You don't need to be polite." Tan Taiyun and other Xuanyin Sect elders are also in the late stage of alchemy. With the Five Elements Shifting Technique and Concentrating Fragrance, their cultivation has progressed extremely fast, and even their physical strength has reached The small success of the Five Elements Shifting Technique.But after Bai Shijie spoke, they found that the coercion from the primordial spirit made them unable to worship.

"That's right." Bai Shijie saw the strangeness of the Xuanyin Sect members with just one glance, and then turned to Luo Tian, ​​"Since you are here, I will give you a day to arrange the affairs of the Xuanyin Sect. Afterwards, we will return to Sanyuan Island."

Luo Tiangong said yes, and then hesitantly looked at Bai Shijie.

"If you have any farts, let them go quickly, don't whine!" Bai Shijie couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

"Hehe, senior is still wise." Luo Tian flattered without any trace, "Senior, my Xuanyin sect made many enemies in the past, but now that the restriction has been broken, people like them simply cannot resist some people with advanced cultivation bases. The old monsters and trolls, why don't you send the Buddha to the West..."

Bai Shijie shook his head and smiled wryly. This guy has almost no resemblance to his master. His master has always been arrogant and arrogant, and no one pays attention to him, let alone begging for help.Luo Tian, ​​on the other hand, knows how to use all the resources around him.

"Okay, I will arrange a ban near the cathode island, so the head office will be fine."

"I'm afraid one is not enough, senior should come with a few more..."

"... "

One day later, Luo Tian had already arranged the affairs of Cathode Island. Since the Xuanyin Sect is still not strong, Luo Tian spent a lot of money and went to the second day of the Black Lotus Space to bring thousands of high-grade spirits. The stone and the top-grade spirit stone are reserved for Tantaiyun's cultivation.This time, Luo Tian spent 200% of the spirit stones in the second day domain, but there are dozens of spiritual liquid pools in the second day domain. After [-] years, the spirit stones will probably return to their original state.

"Okay, you all go back, now the restrictions on Cathode Island are solid, you hurry up and wipe out the forces around you." Luo Tian finally said this, and then took Bai Yan'er's hand and flew to In front of Bai Shijie who rolled his eyes.

Bai Shijie has never been so depressed. He has set up nine defensive restrictions on Cathode Island. Not to mention it is impenetrable, even a dozen or twenty Mahayana monks and masters can't break through it, but Luo Tian is just using it. Sweeping the forces around Cathode Island is really overkill.


Bai Shijie waved his sleeves, wrapping the two of Luo Tian and disappearing immediately.

"Damn, I'm blind, right? That senior white used teleportation just now?" Tantaiyun's eyes barely popped out, and he cried out in disbelief.

"Crap, could it be that Senior White is the master who crossed the catastrophe a few days ago? Now his grandma's Mysterious Yin Sect has developed!" Even Ye Shaoyuan, who has always been gentle and elegant, couldn't help shouting.

Several other elders stared fieryly at the direction where Luo Tian disappeared.


In fact, it was impossible for Bai Shijie to teleport back to Sanyuan Island in one breath when he first entered the realm of immortals, because the consumption of mana would be too high.After all, he is only a quasi-immortal now, not a real immortal.After teleporting three times like this, Bai Shijie finally brought Luo Tian and the two back to Sanyuan Island.

On Sanyuan Island, there is even a branch of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

After Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er followed Bai Shijie into the branch hall, they were surprised to find that Wu Ren, Wu Yi, Daqian Daqian and the old man in purple were leisurely drinking tea, especially Daqian Daqian, The flushed ground and the old man in purple are playing Go.

"You old bastard is playing tricks again, aren't you?" Daqian Daqian shouted with red eyes and jumping feet.

"Don't afford to lose." The purple-clothed old man chuckled, "There's no need to play tricks on you, okay?"

"I'll wipe it..." Daqian Daqian scolded directly.

"Hehe, boy Luo is here." The old man in purple looked at Luo Tian with a familiar expression.

"Senior, do you know me?" Luo Tian couldn't help being taken aback.

"Fuck me, there is no one who doesn't know this old guy, his purple hand..."

"Hehe, this purple-clothed old man is your master's best friend, Master Qiankun, one of the three heroes of Tianxinghai." Wu Ren immediately interrupted Master Daqian when he saw this, and then squeezed towards Master Daqian Eyes, I said in my heart, don't delay things.

"Luo Tian has seen the senior!" Luo Tian paid homage at the moment, pulled Bai Yan'er to kneel down and kowtow together, Wu Ren, Wu Yi and Daqian Daqian were beaming with delight.

The purple-clothed old man Master Qiankun couldn't help but looked at the three of them with a wry smile, "You three old people know how to instigate younger generations to blackmail my old man! That's all, the old man also has a martyrdom puppet that he spent his whole life crafting here. It can also offset two catastrophes, so I will give it to you two."

"How is it enough to offset two catastrophes?..."

Next, Luo Tian's muttering made Venerable Qiankun's eyes turn pale and his face twitched. He had no choice but to grope towards Naxu Jie with trembling palms under the gloating expressions of everyone including Bai Shijie...

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