
Chapter 342 Passing news about Maha and Great Wu

In fact, it is quite difficult for Ding Chunqiu to restore the memory of his previous life.At least, with Luo Tian's current Yuanshen cultivation, it is a bit difficult, because the black magic cauldron in Ding Chunqiu's body has been preserved for too long, and Ding Chunqiu is now more than forty years old, and it has been deeply rooted.In this way, although there are many elixir to assist, it still cost Luo Tian a lot of hands and feet.

At this moment, in the big wooden barrel half a person's height, Ding Chunqiu's expression changed one after another, his face twitched uncontrollably, as if he was enduring great pain.The pitch black potion in the wooden barrel was also boiled, and broken bubbles appeared one by one.

Luo Tian watched coldly, he could clearly see that the pitch-black potion in the wooden barrel was melting into Ding Chunqiu's body with traces of medicinal power, plus Luo Tian's Yuanshen had already entered Ding Chunqiu's body to guide Ding Chunqiu's Yuanshen and was wrapped around it. The inexplicable power of the black demon sect is even more lamenting that the black demon sect's exercises are too vicious.

Click click!

Suddenly, there was a slight bursting sound from within Luo Tian's primordial spirit, and when he looked carefully with his divine sense, he found that the inexplicable force outside Ding Chunqiu's primordial spirit had broken through several cracks due to the double impact of the medicine and his own primordial spirit.After a crack appeared, it spread continuously, like a cracked egg spreading out in all directions.

The Nascent Soul in Luotian Zi Mansion, at this moment, is Baoxiang sitting solemnly on a black lotus platform. Suddenly, two small hands pinched a magic formula, and the surging power in the Nascent Soul suddenly surged out, and then it was extremely precise. It hit the inexplicable power outside Ding Chunqiu's Yuanshen.

After repeating this several times, that part was finally completely broken by Luo Tian, ​​and then the inexplicable force melted away like boiling soup and snow.

Half a day later, the inexplicable power outside Ding Chunqiu's Yuan Shen was finally pulled out of his body.


As soon as Ding Chunqiu opened his eyes, he roared angrily, his face full of resentment.

"I'm sorry for your size!"

Beside, a joking voice sounded.

Ding Chunqiu looked around and finally saw Luo Tian with a smile on his face, "Brother Luo...you...senior..."

Previously, Ding Chunqiu was only at the Qi refining stage, even if Luo Tian released his spiritual consciousness with all his strength, he might not be able to detect Luo Tian's real cultivation.Just like an ant, no matter how powerful he is, he can never measure the strength of an elephant.But now that Ding Chunqiu has been given a strong dose of medicine by Luo Tian, ​​not only has his memory recovered, but his cultivation seems to have returned to the late stage of the Foundation Establishment period. At this time, he can naturally feel the extremely shocking aura on Luo Tian's body .

"Uh, the name is wrong." Luo Tian chuckled, "You should change your name to Master."

"This..." Ding Chunqiu showed a troubled look on his face, "I am a disciple of the Zhengyi Sect. Although the master has passed away, I have not yet betrayed the Zhengyi Sect."

"Okay, I'll go to the Zhengyi sect in the last few days." Luo Tian had a half-smile on his face, "But, should you find a piece of clothing to cover your body, I'm not good at Longyang Duanxiu?"


Ding ChunQiu was so excited just now, but now he looked down, he was naked, he couldn't help but look embarrassed, he quickly stretched out his hand to look at the side, and put on a piece of clothing casually.

"Let's go, the battle outside should have ended long ago."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian made a haha, then turned his hand and took out the gold-painted folding fan, walked to the door in a big way, the door opened by itself, Luo Tian and Ding Chunqiu walked out one after the other.


As soon as Luo Tian walked out the door, he felt something falling from the sky, and then fell to the ground, raising a large cloud of dust.Looking around, I can't help but be a little dumbfounded.

"I said little sister Fang Yun, what kind of tricks are you playing? Why keep this kind of guy? Just kill him."

Luo Tian said this casually, as if he had no compassion for the half-dead guy in front of him, even though that guy was also a great monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

But Ding Chunqiu who was behind him couldn't help shaking, Luo Tian and Fang Yun might not recognize the identity of this person, but he clearly remembered that this person was one of the two ancestors of the Black Demon Sect.In Profound Sky Continent, the only ones who can truly deserve the title of Patriarch are those who are above the Nascent Soul stage.But now, this patriarch of the Black Demon Sect, who is usually majestic and majestic, fell in front of his eyes like a dead dog. This huge psychological gap made Ding Chunqiu collapse.

"Wait a minute."

Luo Tian gave a wry smile, and immediately pierced through the void and appeared hundreds of feet away. He saw Fang Yun helplessly looking at a figure in red, manipulating a flying sword towards an immobile man like crazy. The old man beheaded.

"Pay for my grandpa's life, you bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Yi Xiaoyue commanded the flying sword to slash at the black-clothed old man like a mad tiger, but although the black-clothed old man was restrained, his mana was still there, and the mana flow in his body directly transformed into a protective shield, Yi Xiaoyue It's just in the middle of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it's impossible to kill a monk in the middle of the Core Formation Stage.

No matter how crazy and desperate a rabbit is, it may not be able to kill a trapped tiger.Luo Tian couldn't help but sighed softly, and immediately waved his hand and sprinkled a clear light, trapping the crazy Yi Xiaoyue.

"Xiaoyue, tell me what's going on?"

When Yi Xiaoyue saw Luo Tian, ​​she couldn't help but burst into tears and wanted to rush towards her. Luo Tian's heart softened when she saw it, and she immediately removed the restraint, gently hugged Yi Xiaoyue's shoulder, and patted her on the back, "No Cry, with brother here, even the most difficult revenge will be avenged."

Yi Xiaoyue had a sore nose and couldn't help talking.

It turns out that the Great Wu Kingdom has been somewhat uneasy in recent years. Many monks have entered, and I don't know what they are looking for.And Yi Xiaoyue's grandfather, that is, the right minister of the Great Wu Kingdom, offended a monk and severely injured that monk. Yue's grandfather was seriously injured and died in the end.


Luo Tian's face turned cold, and a ray of transparent flame popped out from his fingers. It was the Fumo Ganghuo that had not been used for a long time. nothingness.Fang Yun, who was watching, couldn't help being secretly startled.

"As a monk, you actually attack mortals. Your grandfather is not in the innate realm. A monk at the alchemy stage actually slaughtered civilians. He deserves to be killed! The Great Wu Kingdom didn't seek justice for your Yi family?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"The Black Demon Sect doesn't know what kind of agreement it has reached with the monks of Great Wu Kingdom..." Yi Xiaoyue said with swollen eyes.

"His grandfather, those monks from the Great Wu Kingdom are so fucking embarrassing and thrown abroad!" Luo Tian sneered, "I'll deal with them when I go back."

"My Black Demon Sect is an affiliated sect of Xuanming Sect, you are all going to die!"

The dying alchemist from the Black Demon Sect yelled mournfully, before dissipating in a wisp of smoke.

"It seems that Great Wu has not been peaceful recently." Luo Tian looked to the northeast and pondered for a moment, "First get rid of my second apprentice, and then we will go back to Great Wu together."

After a few days, Luo Tian finally formally accepted Ding Chunqiu as his second disciple. How could the Zhengyi sect dare to negotiate terms with the two Nascent Soul stage monks? They almost agreed to whatever Luo Tian said.God knows if this evil star will slaughter the Zhengyi sect like he wanted to slaughter the Black Demon sect.

Luo Tian single-handedly destroyed the Black Demon Sect!

I believe this news will spread out soon, and the black hands behind the scenes will naturally show up.So Luo Tian took Ding Chunqiu, Yi Xiaoyue and Fang Yun together to embark on the journey back to the Great Wu Kingdom after passing on Ding Chunqiu's Maha Du'e Sutra.

ps: Grandma is critically ill. I haven't updated it in the past two days. I will try to make it up this week.

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