
Chapter 343 Tianxuan No. 1 Power! , Wuweihou

Luo Tian destroyed the Black Demon Sect, not because his head was too hot to think about it for a while. He also knew that Xuanmingzong was an extremely powerful sect, but the Black Demon Sect repeatedly came to provoke him, and Luo Tian immediately eliminated the future troubles.At this moment, going all the way to the Great Wu Kingdom, Luo Tian knew that he must pass through the Great Li Kingdom, so he had the idea of ​​going around by sea, but after careful calculation, it would undoubtedly waste half a year, so Luo Tian did not hesitate He chose to cross the Dali Kingdom.

The group of people marched for about half a month, and finally reached the border of Dali Kingdom.This speed is already very slow, because if Luo Tian and Fang Yun go on the road, the time may be shortened by half.

"As expected of the most powerful country in the Profound Sky Continent."

Not long after entering the border of the Dali Kingdom, Luo Tian sighed inwardly.To judge whether a country is strong or not, it mainly depends on the life of the people at the lowest level. However, the farthest southern border of the Dali Kingdom is well-organized. There are no bandits, let alone robbers.There were only a few playboys who occasionally met along the way to hang around with dogs. Although those playboys were prodigal one by one, Luo Tian looked at them and found that each of these playboys had strong kung fu.

Of course, what Luo Tian meant was not weak, compared to ordinary people, not his own cultivation.

All people are soldiers!

This is the first impression of Dali Kingdom to Luo Tian. No wonder, Dali Kingdom has been known as the most powerful country on the Tianxuan Continent for more than a thousand years. In comparison, they are all very different.

Luo Tian and his party didn't stay any longer, they just passed through the cities and towns, and then continued on their way.

"Little sister Fang Yun, now you are clean." Luo Tian couldn't help teasing.

Fang Yun rolled his eyes and ignored Luo Tian.He has always been so elegant that he couldn't help yelling, his grandma, this guy was just looking for trouble all the way, and he actually made him take action many times, it is really shameless and despicable.

"Master..." At this time, Ding Chunqiu behind him couldn't help but speak.

"Master, you are tall, hurry up and study." Luo Tian directly rejected the newly accepted second disciple.

In fact, although Luo Tian looked wild and unrestrained, he was extremely strict with his apprentices. Along the way, Ding Chunqiu was assisted by Luo Tian's excellent elixir, Lingshi, and had successfully broken through to the early stage of alchemy. It looks like he will be able to restore his original mid-stage alchemy cultivation in a short time.All of this is also due to Luo Tian's urging day and night.Although Luo Tian has little experience as a master, he has a very high vision and naturally knows how to teach students according to their aptitude. For example, the first disciple Ouyang Yun is practicing the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, and this second disciple has the body of nine yangs, so he is naturally suitable for practicing Mahaduer With this kind of strange ancient scriptures, and with the corresponding exercises, Ding Chunqiu's cultivation level naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

"No." Ding Chunqiu said again, "I have been to the Dali Kingdom a few times in the early years, and I have some friendship with a dignitary in the southern region of the Dali Kingdom. The nobleman is still a cousin of the disciple, so I think... "

After a little thought, Luo Tian understood that people who cultivate immortals have no time, Ding Chunqiu will go with him this time, there may be no fixed time, it is possible that this time will be a farewell, Ding Chunqiu is going to see his relatives again, so This is also human nature, and there is nothing wrong with it, so he nodded in agreement.

The territory of the Dali Kingdom is extremely vast, so there are many officials, but even Luo Tian didn't expect that his second disciple's cousin would hold a high position in the Dali Kingdom.

Fearless Hou Mansion.

The four gold-plated characters exude an awe-inspiring aura. The soldiers at the gate are tall and strong, with the physique and style of the people of Dali Kingdom.

"Chunqiu, I heard that you were forced into reincarnation by a traitor, brother Wei is very worried about you!"

Soon, a heroic old man came out of the mansion quickly, and when he saw Ding Chunqiu, he cried out very emotionally, with a few drops of old tears in his eyes.


Ding Chunqiu's wife couldn't help curling her lips, and said quite disdainfully.

"Siblings are here too? Please come in! Who are these?"

Ding Chunqiu's cousin is a powerful lord in the southern region of Dali Kingdom, Marquis Wuwei.I saw that he clearly heard Mrs. Ding Chunqiu's muttering, but his face was still filled with enthusiasm, and then he began to greet everyone without any embarrassment.

"Cousin... These are some of my friends, very important friends." Ding Chunqiu had already received Luo Tian's voice transmission, so naturally he didn't dare to reveal the identities of Luo Tian and the others at this moment, so he could only deal with it casually.

Luo Tian and Fang Yun looked at each other, both of them were a little funny, this Wuwei Hou has no airs at all, but according to Mrs. Ding Chunqiu's words, if this person is not without a city, then the city is very scary.But the latter is clearly in the majority.

Coping along the way, Wuwei Hou obviously couldn't see any clues from the surface, and still led everyone to the mansion with great enthusiasm.


Walking into the depths of Wuweihou's Mansion, Fang Yun suddenly had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and spoke for the first time.

"I am his mother."

Luo Tian, ​​on the other hand, had a gloomy expression, and sent a voice transmission to Fang Yun, "Little sister Fang Yun, you also know that brother is a kind person, and he doesn't like to cause more killings, so it's better to be you this time..."



In fact, with Luo Tian's primordial spirit cultivation base, Luo Tian noticed something strange before he stepped into the Wuweihou Mansion. took some breath.

"Little sister Fang Yun, which side do you think this is?" Luo Tian said with a faint smile, one purple and one blue brilliance flashed in his eyes, "Don't worry, little sister Fang Yun, you can handle it this time, The opponent with the highest cultivation level is only in the Nascent Soul stage."

"No, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Exchange with a certain number of spirit stones and elixir." Fang Yun's mouth slightly turned up.

"..." Luo Tian almost couldn't hold his breath and passed out. The world is getting worse, the world is getting worse, even the little sister Fang Yun has learned to take advantage of the fire, and this day can't be passed...

"Let me tell you, if the conditions are not high, I can still consider it..."

"You're so stingy!"

"Let me tell you, this is not a stingy thing. My brother is very good at living, understand?"

"... "

Fang Yun was half-crazy right away. This guy is obviously a rich and powerful local rich man, but now he pretends to be pitiful, which is really helpless.

"Jie Jie, Wuweihou is quite powerful, he has summoned a lot of experts in such a day or two! Wahaha, let's see how I kill you this time!"

Suddenly, dark clouds surged in the distant sky, and then those thick dark clouds directly transformed into a huge black face.

Embody with the power of heaven and earth!

This is something that can only be displayed in the realm of the Great Perfection in the Nascent Soul Stage.

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