
Chapter 344 The Key to the Treasure House, the Giant Tooth Monster Race

When Luo Tian and Fang Yun saw it, they were immediately helpless.Each of them looked at each other in dismay, thinking to each other, isn't this an idiot's act?The Dali Kingdom is the most powerful country in the Profound Sky Continent, and there are countless master monks. This person dares to run amok on the ground of the Dali Kingdom.But don't play so big if you are confident, right?

Luo Tian and Fang Yun then leisurely waited for that guy to be dealt with, but after waiting for a while, there was no movement.

Until Wuweihou's complexion changed continuously, and when he led Luotian and the others towards the hall, the dark clouds in the sky not only did not decrease, but increased in number, and finally almost densely suppressed the sky over Wuweihou's mansion , about to fall.

At this moment, not to mention Luo Tian and Fang Yun, even Ding Chunqiu and his wife realized that the other party must have a lot of background, he actually surrounded the entire Hou Mansion, and did not harass other places.It seems that the other party's voice transmission just now was also sent to the Wuwei Houfu, which is very targeted.

"Cousin, this is?"

After entering the main hall and taking a seat, Ding Chunqiu hesitated for a moment, regardless of his wife's eyes, and finally asked.

"Hey, it's a long story. It was caused by a guest elder in my house." Wuweihou sighed, "I'm afraid this person came here for that matter..."

"What's the matter, cousin?" Ding Chunqiu asked anxiously.

Luo Tian and Fang Yun glanced at each other, they both shook their heads secretly, this Ding Chunqiu is really frightening, your cousin obviously set up a trick, just waiting for you to get in by yourself, you are a fool Xixi questioned.

Wuweihou straightened his face, then waved his hands to push back the people on the left and right. After a moment of silence, he smiled wryly: "This matter is related to the treasure house of the Western Emperor."

"The Treasury of the Western Emperor!"

This time, even Luo Tian and Fang Yun were shocked. The Treasure of the Western Emperor has always been a legendary existence. It is said that the Treasure of the Western Emperor was a paradise in Zhongzhou in ancient times. Unknown what happened, the Western Emperor's Treasure House completely disappeared into the world, and there was no news of it.The Zhongzhou in ancient times is no different from the current Zhongzhou. The Dali Kingdom is located in the central region of the Tianxuan Continent. Therefore, the land here is fertile and the population is prosperous. Dali Kingdom has become the most powerful country in the Tianxuan Continent. The reason why there are many master monks is also because the prosperous and prosperous geographical location is extremely important, and it is the main throat connecting the four directions of the Tianxuan Continent, east, west, north, south.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. This has caused the Dali Kingdom to be relatively powerful, but it has always been relatively low-key and dare not expand its territory everywhere. Otherwise, with the strength of the Dali Kingdom, it may take more than a hundred years to defeat them one by one. Unify the Profound Sky Continent.However, it is precisely because of the important geographical location of the Dali Kingdom that the leader of the Dali Kingdom dare not act rashly. If he moves, the surrounding countries will probably panic, and it will inevitably lead to crusade from all countries. No matter how powerful the Dali Kingdom is, it is not the whole Rivals of all countries on the mainland.Thus, the situation reached a delicate balance.

"Yes." Marquis Wuwei said bitterly, "The Great Elder Keqing in my Marquis' Mansion just won a key to the treasure house of the Western Emperor, and that's why he attracted the leader of the Juya Monster Clan, the leading monster force in the southern region of the Dali Kingdom. Coveted."

"That person outside is a master of the giant tooth demon clan?" Before Ding Chunqiu could answer, Fang Yun asked with a slight frown.

Marquis Wuwei didn't expect Fang Yun to speak. After a moment of surprise, he said, "Exactly, that person is Xinghui, the foreign affairs elder of the Giant Fang Monster Clan."

"With your Wuweihou's power, I'm afraid it's difficult to get a Nascent Soul cultivator to work for you, right?" Luo Tian waved the gold-painted folding fan, and said casually, "The elder Keqing in your mansion must have some background."

Luo Tian's words are aimed at Marquis Wuwei, you can invite helpers, no matter how strong the Giant Tooth Monster Clan is, they will not dare to massacre on the ground of Dali Kingdom.

Marquis Wuwei must have known this too, seeing this, he hurriedly said: "We have sent voices to the imperial capital thousands of miles away, so we will dare to come here in the next few days, but in front of us..."

"Why is Hou Ye begging for help in such a low voice, the old man is going out to fight Xinghui to the death."

In an instant, an old man with white beard appeared in the hall, dressed in a light blue Taoist robe, his appearance was calm and majestic, but his complexion was slightly pale.

Luo Tian rolled his eyelids, and now he was more certain about his thoughts.And even if the big monk in the early stage of Yuanying in front of him is fighting to the death, he may not be the opponent of Xinghui, the foreign affairs elder of the giant tooth monster clan. Unless he blew himself up, there may be a chance, but the hope is still slim.

"Are you from Xuanmingzong?"

At this time, Fang Yun raised his head suddenly, with a trace of excitement that had never been shown in his eyes.

The white-bearded old man was originally arrogant, but after meeting Luo Tian and Fang Yun, he couldn't help but secretly startled, knowing that the other party's cultivation was not inferior to his own, his tone quickly softened, "The old man is a member of Xuanming Sect."

Fang Yun took a deep breath and said lightly, "Since that's the case, I'll make an exception today."


Luo Tian let out a miserable howl in his heart, little sister Fang Yun is an idiot, it's none of our business that these two forces are biting dogs.But looking at Fang Yun's expression, Luo Tian knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was useless, so he had to let him. In fact, Luo Tian knew Fang Yun very well after getting along with him these days. A guy with a heart, and once he decides, he never changes.

"You fucking insist on going all the way to the dark?!" Luo Tian helplessly transmitted the sound to Fang Yun, but the latter was unmoved, and when his body moved, the next moment his whole body turned into a sky blue streamer, and then went straight up. nine days.

"Junior dare!"

In the air, the Elder Xinghui of the Giant Fang Monster Clan let out a low growl, "Since you are here to die, I will fulfill you!"

The white-bearded old man is obviously also a stubborn old guy who doesn't want to owe favors to others. Seeing this, he wanted to fight side by side with Fang Yun, but he found himself surrounded by a domineering force at the next moment, and then a figure in Tsing Yi walked out slowly. He stuck out a jade pill with his fingers.

"This elixir must have helped your injury. I hope you will take good care of others here."

After a sigh, Luo Tian's big sleeves fluttered, like a fairy returning home with the wind, flickering lightly, and disappeared directly into the hall.

"Luo Tian!"

Yi Xiaoyue didn't know Luo Tian's cultivation level, she thought that Luo Tian was at best a monk in the alchemy stage, which was amazing enough.But at this moment, two Nascent Soul stage monks are fighting outside. Isn't he going...Could it be...Could it be?


Ding Chunqiu and his wife couldn't help murmuring in a low voice, they were extremely grateful, they knew that Luo Tian's cultivation was superb, otherwise how could one person destroy the Black Demon Sect?Only Yi Xiaoyue has been kept in the dark.

"Cousin, which of those two seniors is your master?" Wu Weihou finally recovered from the shock, and looked at Ding Chunqiu with obvious fear.

"These two friends, any old man is no match for him, ashamed!"

The white-bearded old man from Xuanmingzong couldn't help but sighed softly. He was the most cultivated among all the people present, so he could naturally feel the fighting atmosphere in the sky with his spiritual sense.

ps: A weak question, if I write a book, it may be of the Xiufanji type, mainly funny and obscene, if you like it, please leave me a message, thank you.

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