
Chapter 345 Biluo Bow, Huangquan Arrow, Shot

At this moment, above the sky, there is also a battle between dragons and tigers.

The huge face transformed by the layers of dark clouds has long since disappeared, and the black clouds in the high sky are billowing and churning endlessly, like a dragon jumping into the sea, and the momentum is extremely terrifying.The terrifying aura in the air could be felt in the hundreds of miles around Wuweihou's mansion. Suddenly, many monks from the world of cultivating immortals released their consciousness one after another, and all of them gathered in the sky above Wuweihou's mansion.

Hundreds of miles away, several streamers of light flew from afar, stopped in the air after meeting each other, and the colorful brilliance suddenly flickered in midair.

"Hehe, Beiqing old monster, are you rushing to help me?" In the air, a short boy less than three feet tall laughed. There was a little red cinnabar printed on the center of his eyebrows, and he combed his hair. The two turned upside down, looking like a child, if it wasn't for the occasional light of vicissitudes in his eyes, no one would believe that this person is a very famous master in the southern region of the Dali Kingdom.

The monks headed by the two parties are both at the early stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, but they are not divided.

The old man in blue cloth with thinning hair is the old monster Beiqing. Seeing the triangular eyes of the old monster Beiqing, he said with a smile: "Old man, don't try to use words, one of the two people who are fighting It’s Xinghui from the Giant Tooth Monster Clan, this old man can’t offend the lunatics from the Giant Tooth Monster Clan, you, you can give it a try.”

The Immortal Boy, who was like a young child, smiled indifferently: "You old fellow can't be offended, and this seat can't offend me naturally, but it's okay to go and have a look."


"Very good."

Thus, the two old monsters, each with their own scheming plans, headed towards Wuweihou's Mansion together, keeping a certain distance from each other, lest the other party suddenly kill him.

Soon, such situations happened one after another in the southern region of Dali Kingdom, and more than twenty monks were dispatched.Among them are five or six Nascent Soul stage monks, and the rest are alchemy stage monks.In this kind of battle, the monks in the foundation building period are no longer qualified to participate, and if they don't notice at that time, they may be destroyed physically and mentally.


"Haha, happy!"

High above the sky, Luo Tian crossed his arms and watched the battle between the two with cold eyes.As for Xinghui of the giant tooth monster clan, he became more and more courageous as he fought, holding two silver sledgehammers, and smashed down with a whistling sound. Every time he smashed down, the huge force caused the space to vibrate into chaos, and countless fine space cracks suddenly formed.

Fang Yun had extraordinary skills, so he was naturally not afraid of Xinghui, and countless sky-blue ice swords spun out around him. The two silver sledgehammers often only smashed most of the sword curtain, and then they couldn't fall down again.

Luo Tian was a bystander, so he could clearly see the difference in strength between the two. Although Fang Yun was able to fight against the monks of the late Nascent Soul stage with miraculous skills, the other party was a genuine Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen monk, and he was only one step away. It begins to enter the state of the out-of-body period.As we all know, after entering the out-of-body stage, one can manipulate the Nascent Soul out of the body, which is already able to initially exert the maximum power of the Yuanshen magic weapon, which is really different from the Nascent Soul stage monk.

Of course, Luo Tian has never worried about these things. What he is most afraid of is the out-of-body monk, because after the out-of-body monk's Nascent Soul is out of the body, unless it is a magic weapon of the spirit treasure level, there is no way to resist his Xuanyin Taishang. Taoism.Of course, if the other party's Nascent Soul is out of the body, it will be difficult for Luo Tian to fight against Luo Tian with his real cultivation.These are all Luo Tian's trump cards, of course, except for himself, only a few people know about it.


That Xinghui failed to take down Xiayun after a long battle, and was really angry. He threw two silver sledgehammers directly, and then directly swelled to the size of a hill in the air.And Xinghui himself showed his true form.

The Giant Tooth Monster Race is worthy of the word "Giant Fang". The real body of the Xinghui Monster Race turned out to be a seal with the upper body resembling a seal, with two thick and long teeth protruding from the mouth, which are longer than ivory. It looks amazing , while the lower body has two curved bird claws that are as old as bark, and what is even more strange is that there are two black wings on the back of Xinghui's real body.


Xinghui laughed strangely, and then flapped the black wings lightly behind him, at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Fang Yun, and two bird claws stepped on two silver sledgehammers and smashed down.

The two silver giant hammers fell down like hills. Fang Yun would not be so stupid as to resist the condescending opponent. Seeing this, his pupils shrank and his figure flashed, but for some reason, Fang Yun moved extremely fast. slow.

Luo Tian frowned, he was the closest to the two of them, and immediately discovered that Xinghui seemed to have used the innate skills of the Yaozu.And if Luo Tian's expectations are correct, the innate skills of the Giant Fang Monster Clan are Gravity Domain and Extreme Speed.


The next moment, the sky-blue sword curtain around Fang Yun's body was smashed to pieces, and then Fang Yun flew upside down, spitting blood, and didn't stop until he flew more than twenty feet away.

But the color of Fang Yun's eyes, which was clearly seriously injured, suddenly changed from black to sky blue, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood again, and after the blood flowed in the air, Fang Yun had too much blood in his hands Two things.

One bow and one arrow.

The bow is five feet three inches long, and the arrow is three feet long. One is green and the other is black. It looks extremely strange.But Luo Tian didn't dare to underestimate the aura emanating from the two magic weapons.


This was the first thought in Luo Tian's mind.

Elder Xinghui, who was about to pounce on him, was stunned for a moment, then stared blankly at the bow and arrow in Fang Yun's hand, and after a while he shouted: "Xuanming Nine Treasures, Biluo Bow, Huangquan Arrow!"

call out!

Then, Fang Yun took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to grab the Biluo bow, put on the Huangquan arrow, and shot it out.

Below, the white-bearded old man of Xuanmingzong from Wuweihou Mansion looked shocked, "Bi Luo Bow Huang Quan Arrow!"

Hundreds of miles away, the faces of several flying monks couldn't help but change slightly. Among them, the middle-aged man dressed as a scholar murmured: "The Biluo bow and Huangquan arrow that my junior sister took away finally appeared!"

Luo Tian had a wry smile on his face, his consciousness was astonishing, he naturally noticed that there were countless auras that were not weak coming towards here, he sighed inwardly, and immediately stretched out his hand, a cyan light curtain flashed very quickly, his whole body The person disappeared immediately.

In just a few breaths, Luo Tian appeared dozens of miles away.

"Thank you."

Fang Yun lost all strength at this moment, and slowly sat down on the ground, looked at Xinghui who turned around and fled, then quietly turned his hands and grabbed the few pills Luo Tian left behind, looking He swallowed it without looking at it, and adjusted his breath.Once the Yellow Spring Arrow is triggered by the Biluo Bow, it will not be retracted without seeing blood.


The few monks were hurrying on their way, but they found that the wind and clouds were swirling ahead, and then a young man in Tsing Yi appeared in front of him with his hands behind his back.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

"If you come to get the Biluo Bow and Huangquan Arrow, then let's fight."

The young man in Tsing Yi smiled lightly, and immediately, the world in front of several monks was filled with countless frightening purple colors.

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