
Chapter 346 Playboy, triple the amplitude!

Speaking of which, Xuanmingzong is also a first-class sect in Dali Kingdom, and it can be regarded as inherited from ancient times.Since the establishment of Xuanmingzong, it has been famous all over the world for its powerful strength and endless magic weapons.The many original sects of Dali Kingdom were very dissatisfied, and they once attacked Xuanmingzong together, but ended in a loss for both sides, so this mysterious sect is always rumored to be mysterious.

The moment Luo Tian made his move, an ordinary-looking young man wearing brocade clothes was sitting on a cloud platform hundreds of miles away. , these four maids have picturesque features and no makeup, they are actually rare beauties.

The young man frowned slightly, and immediately lay on his side on the cloud platform, yawned boredly, and then said to himself, "Where did this master come from?"

After giggling coquettishly, two maids came forward and massaged the young man very familiarly, with a hint of admiration in their eyes.



Luo Tian's attack was fierce and ruthless. Dozens of purple lotus flowers suddenly appeared in the air, accompanied by the sound of howling wind, and quickly wrapped several people of Xuanmingzong in it.

The few monks of Xuanmingzong are not mediocre, especially the monk headed by Xuanmingzong who is dressed as a scholar. His cultivation base is the highest, and he is a monk in the middle of Yuanying stage. With a wave of his hand, the monks behind him seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they all sacrificed the magic weapon. For a moment, the entire sky was filled with colorful light, which was mysterious and extraordinary.

"Fellow Daoist, this is a family matter of the Xuanming Sect. I'm afraid you can't interfere with it?" The talented monk sneered, "Fellow Daoist has a high level of cultivation, but it's better not to act rashly in Dali Kingdom."

Luo Tian shrugged his shoulders helplessly after listening to the other party's neither humble nor overbearing words, "The strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake, but there is no way, whoever made me an unlucky friend, please forgive me. Uh, burst !"

After listening to Luo Tian's words, the other party almost fainted from anger, but as soon as Luo Tian's voice fell, the purple lotus flowers all around suddenly exploded.

The power of the explosion of dozens of purple lotus flowers is naturally extraordinary. Even Luo Tian himself would not dare to take it easily, but after the explosion, except for a burst of distortion and rupture in the void, it immediately returned to its original state.The monks of Xuanmingzong on the opposite side were not injured except for being a little embarrassed.

Two brilliance flashed in his eyes, one purple and one blue, and Luo Tian immediately withdrew his spiritual eyes, thinking to himself, this Xuanmingzong deserves to be said to have many magic weapons. When he was in Huoyan Kingdom, he heard that Xuanmingzong had nine treasures and countless other magic weapons , it seems that the rumor is true.

"Hey." While cursing Fang Yun inwardly, Luo Tian let out a sigh.

Hearing Luo Tian's sigh, the talented monk of Xuanmingzong thought he would let it go. He was thinking about the words in his heart, but before he finished thinking, he found that the surroundings suddenly became dark.


This time there was no need for the monk Xiucai to speak out to warn, the fellow disciples behind him all sensed the abnormality, and had already put all their attention on the young man in Tsing Yi who spoke and behaved strangely in front of him.

Divide Baoyan.

That's right, Luo Tian finally used Fen Baoyan this time. After Xuanji Yugui was given to Ouyang Yun, Luo Tian seldom used magic weapons against the enemy, because his cultivation base and some magical powers were enough to solve the opponent. Except for using Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi in Yuyang Country, and single-handedly destroying the Black Demon Sect in Mengxi Country, they didn't use any magic weapon to meet the enemy.Now that Luo Tian used Fen Baoyan, he naturally wanted to make a quick decision, but it was also because the monks of Xuanmingzong were not so easy to deal with.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Tian's eyes were filled with awe-inspiring light. Immediately, he pressed against the void with one hand, and pressed three times in succession.

Bang bang bang!

With the growth of Luo Tian's cultivation base, at this moment, the precious rock can be transformed into the size of a big mountain. In addition, Luo Tian's mana in his body is endless at this moment, and the precious rock has been smashed down three times in succession, which is already amazing.The bottom of Fenbaoyan contains thunder, light and fire. Whenever it passes through the void, there will be a crack that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The crack is naturally a sign that the space has been shaken open by someone.

The thunder light rolled around like an electric snake, and the scorching flames rushed towards the face like a stormy sea. These two breaths were mixed with the great power contained in Fenbaoyan, and there were bursts of dull humming sounds.And Luo Tian controlled Fenbaoyan to attack from top to bottom. He already had some advantages, and he smashed down all the way from top to bottom. Even those monks of Xuanmingzong had amazing magic weapons, and they couldn't bear it.

Hu Hu Hu.

Brother Xiucai and the others greeted the three attacks of Fenbaoyan who had blocked Luotian, and their faces turned red. In fact, they didn't want to hide, but the Fenbaoyan was large in size and had a large attack area, which is not considered a wide space. Here, everyone really didn't have much room to choose to dodge.And Luo Tian was precisely aware of this point to force the opponent to confront him head-on, thus greatly consuming the opponent's mana.

Generally speaking, at the Nascent Soul stage, the mana in the body can generally be integrated with the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, and it is also easy to use the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth.But Luo Tian had already calculated this point, and Fen Baoyan attacked three times, directly evacuating the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth. Yes, it was impossible for the opponent to mobilize much spiritual power of the heaven and earth.

As for Luo Tian himself, he hardly used up much mana in his body, not to mention, the mana in his body was several times more than that of monks of the same rank.In this way, the other party will naturally suffer a big loss under the ups and downs.

At this moment, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately mobilized the mana in his body and waved at the Xuanmingzong people again...


Several monks of Xuanmingzong are also prominent figures in the world of cultivation in the Dali Kingdom. So many people were suppressed and beaten by Luo Tian alone. When Luo Tian was killed, the mountain in the sky fell down again.

Boom boom boom!

This time, Luo Tian was too lazy to spend any more time with the opponent. Isn't the opponent powerful in defensive magic weapons?

Fen Baoyan fell directly four times.

When Fenbaoyan fell for the third time, the monks of Xuanmingzong were almost bitter, and most of the mana in their bodies had been consumed by Luo Tian.You know, that is a big mountain, who the hell is idle and bored to play with a big mountain?But now, several strong men from Xuanmingzong have done it.

"This fellow Taoist, take your time."

At this time, a gentle voice sounded in the air, and immediately, an ancient painting scroll suddenly appeared from the void, finally resisting all of the Fenbao Rock, making it difficult to smash it down.


Several monks of Xuanmingzong suddenly showed ecstatic expressions on their faces, and then looked along their line of sight, an ordinary-looking young man in white slowly walked out of the scroll.


Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and the other party turned out to be a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, and the other party gave Luo Tian a strange feeling. Luo Tian felt that although the other party's Yuanshen monk was not as good as his own, it was still very powerful.

Luo Tian smiled wryly in his heart, and then made a decision. He decided to use the second of the seven shocking moves to defeat the opponent.

The second form of the Seven Shocking Forms can increase the attack amplitude by three times!

ps: I modified it, and the website is stuck again, so it's a bit late.I don’t know how many chapters are left in the future, and how many can be written, please give me a few more recommendation tickets.

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