
Chapter 350

The capital of Dali Kingdom.

At this moment, Luo Tian was looking at the huge white jade table with a length of ten feet and a width of five feet with a wry smile on his face. The size of the stone table was already amazing enough, but the huge pile of food on the stone table was even more impressive. appalling.

Baiyunju.This is a hotel under Jubao Pavilion. Jubao Pavilion doesn't know who the founder is, but they only know that they appeared in Tianxuan Continent a long time ago. Their businesses spread all over the continent, and they have accumulated for thousands of years. Their wealth is astonishing. .Although there is a lot of wealth, no one has ever dared to make the idea of ​​Jubao Pavilion. It seems that there is an extremely mysterious and powerful force behind this force.Since the creation of Jubao Pavilion, there have only been two main businesses. Of course, this is only on the surface, namely the auction house and Baiyunju.Needless to say, the auction house has been managing all the big auctions in the Profound Sky Continent.And Baiyunju belongs to a huge hotel chain. Of course, what this kind of hotel sells is not ordinary food, but processed and screened food from the world of cultivating immortals.Although people in the world of cultivating immortals have generally reached the state of bigu in the late stage of foundation building, the food in this Baiyunju is made of all kinds of rare treasures from heaven and earth. Eating it can increase your cultivation base, and the price is naturally high .

And the Taoist Mao Yunshan that Luo Tian met, the guy who scared away the famous blood son, although he was only at the late stage of alchemy, his appetite seemed to be several times higher than his cultivation.At this moment, he, who was facing Luo Tian and the others, was opening his bloody mouth, devouring food frantically, and everyone in Luo Tian was stunned.

Fortunately, Luo Tian had a lot of spiritual stones on him, otherwise, this meal alone would at least be able to eat up the treasured wealth of a monk in the alchemy stage for hundreds of years.


Fang Yun swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and couldn't help it at first, stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a mouthful of vegetables, then looked at the pained Luo Tian with a funny face, and said via voice transmission: "Hey, you guys are in a cocoon this time, right? ? However, the little Taoist priest Lingyun on the opposite side is really the only one in the world with his appetite."

"Don't add insult to injury." Luo Tian rolled his eyes angrily, "I'm going to beat you up when you recover from your injuries."

"Okay!" Fang Yun's eyes lit up, "Recently, I feel that my cultivation has improved again, and I'm afraid I'm about to enter the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Stage. I welcome Brother Luo to give me advice at any time."

Luo Tian snorted and stopped talking.However, he was secretly surprised in his heart. He thought to himself, Fang Yun, what kind of monster clan is his father, who actually gave birth to such a perverted son. Every time he recovers from serious injuries, his cultivation level increases. It's crazy like not dying.

"You guys eat some too, I'll pay the bill anyway." After Luo Tian finished speaking, he looked at Ding Chunqiu and his wife who had been sitting still. Naturally, Yi Xiaoyue didn't need his greetings, and she had already started eating. You must know that the food is delicious. It's not food, but cultivation.

"Thank you Master."

Since Ding ChunQiu dragged his master into the water because of his cousin Wu WeiHou, he has always felt guilty and uneasy, now he greets his wife as if he heard the sound of heaven, and starts to eat.

Fortunately, the young master still has the spirit stone of the second day domain, otherwise, he would definitely have to sell everything and become a thug to pay for this meal.The muscles on Luo Tian's face twitched imperceptibly a few times, he didn't want the child to be caught by a wolf, and he didn't want a woman to be caught by a hooligan, the Jiuyan Xuangong rolled down and fell, but it was still on this little Taoist priest.But this little Taoist priest really has a strong appetite, he is almost three points more ferocious than Fatty Wang Jinbao...

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, it was already dark at this moment.

"This guest officer, a total of 700 yuan in middle-grade spirit stones." The shopkeeper of Baiyunju nodded and bowed with a smile. This is a big customer, and one meal is enough to catch up with all the income in three days on weekdays.The headquarters of Jubao Pavilion is in the imperial capital of the Dali Kingdom. It is naturally extraordinary to be able to sit in such an important place as the treasurer of Baiyunju.The shopkeeper's cultivation is already in the middle of the alchemy stage.This made Luo Tian couldn't help but marvel at the greatness of Jubao Pavilion. It was only on the surface, they sent a monk in the alchemy stage to be an insignificant shopkeeper, so the strength behind it might be even more astonishing.



Luo Tian had a different reaction from everyone else. Except for the little Taoist priest Lingyun, everyone else was a little surprised. Eight thousand and seven hundred yuan for middle-grade spirit stones was an astronomical sum for them.On the other hand, Luo Tian pretended to have a pained expression on his face, and then grabbed his hand towards Naxujie like a miser.

Seeing that Luo Tian possessed a Naxu ring, the shopkeeper couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he quickly lowered his head and moved his lips slightly.


Luo Tian directly took out 87 high-grade spirit stones.The exchange of spirit stones is generally at a ratio of one to one hundred.However, there are very few high-grade spirit stones, how could anyone be stupid enough to exchange high-grade spirit stones for middle-grade spirit stones?The spiritual power contained in top-grade spirit stones is dozens of times higher than that of middle-grade spirit stones.

After Luo Tian paid the bill, the shopkeeper of Baiyunju walked up to Luo Tian's side respectfully, and said with a smile on his face: "This guest officer, our deputy pavilion master is here upstairs."

"Well, lead the way."

Luo Tian doesn't talk nonsense. Generally, organizations like Jubao Pavilion are based on profit. Luo Tian has consumed so much at one time, and he can be regarded as a big customer. Naturally, the high-level executives of Jubao Pavilion would like to see him, but Luo Tian was a little surprised. Yes, this time it turned out to be the deputy pavilion master himself.

Next, what was even more unexpected to Luo Tian was that the sub-master of the Jubao Pavilion, a high-ranking existence, turned out to be a woman, and she was also a charming and charming beauty, who was charming and dignified, and could be seen through a layer of veil. You can vaguely see the appearance of the fish falling into the wild.

"Because fellow daoist spends a lot in Baiyunju, my concubine, on behalf of Baiyunju, specially gave fellow daoist a topaz card." The deputy master of the Jubao Pavilion spoke, the voice was so sweet that one could imagine it just by hearing it. Out of that peerless appearance.

Luo Tian has heard of the topaz card, but it is the noble jade card in Jubao Pavilion next to the purple jade card. It is said that only a few people own the purple jade card, and the topaz card in the entire Tianxuan Continent may not exceed one hundred. number.However, the entire Profound Sky Continent is incomparably vast and has a large population, with a population of tens of billions. This topaz card is considered extremely noble.

"I don't know if you have other things?" The old god Luo Tian sat on the ground and asked casually, slightly startled in his heart. The beautiful deputy pavilion master bounced back, presumably the other party was carrying a magic weapon to isolate the consciousness.

"Jubao Pavilion has always made money with kindness, and what they seek is only profit." The beautiful woman smiled lightly, as if she didn't notice Luo Tian's investigation, and at this moment, a pair of peach blossom eyes were staring at Luo Tian, ​​presumably she had never seen Luo Tian before. Waiting for the handsome and handsome young man, especially the divine consciousness she had just revealed, was also bounced back by Luo Tian, ​​and there was already a secret confrontation between the two.

"Two days later, Jubao Pavilion will hold an auction. This auction is more grand, and I hope fellow daoists will take part in it."

"Let's talk about a representative magic weapon first, let me see if you are interested."

"Crash Cloud Spear."

ps: Another chapter is owed, and it will be repaid within this week, and it will explode if there is a chance.

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