
Chapter 351 Ding Ye and Styx

"Go away, this sect is not something you can worship!"

A figure rolled out of the door like a gourd, covered in mud and ragged clothes, and a delicate and immature face could be vaguely seen in his brows, but seeing his calm face, there was no trace of resentment, on the contrary, he was very free and easy Get up and go, not looking like a 13-year-old at all.

His name is Ding Ye, and he was born in an ordinary family in the Dali Kingdom. His family background is fairly well-to-do.Ding Ye's parents naturally hoped that their children would be able to join the sect of cultivating immortals, so that Ding's family would produce a big man to shine in the family.But Ding Ye's aptitude is really mediocre. Although he can endure hardships, his cultivation speed is extremely slow. The Ding family sold most of their property and finally allowed him to join a small sect.This small sect also expects to recruit a few more qualified disciples to act as facades, but Ding Ye's qualifications are really speechless. He started at the age of six, and now six years have passed, and even the early stage of the refining period is nowhere in sight. That small sect I was too lazy to support such a free eater, so I finally found a random excuse to drive Ding Ye out.

Ding Ye is young, but his heart is extremely resolute, and he has been reluctant to leave.At first, some acquaintances in the door looked at Ding Ye with pity, but then they got really annoyed and forced him out.

So Ding Ye left silently and never looked back.He has stayed in the sect for the past few days, just to accumulate enough food so that he can reach the next sect he wants to join.He is not a fool, but very smart.

But being smart doesn't mean you're suitable for cultivating immortals.


At this time, several figures descended from the sky riding the light, and the leader was Luo Tian.It's funny to say that Luo Tian heard that the Deputy Pavilion Master of Jubao Pavilion said that there was a Bengyun Spear to be auctioned. He was a little moved, because the Bengyun Spear was a spiritual treasure. Although Luo Tian didn't particularly care about it, he could give it to the two Disciple Ding Chunqiu used it.However, it took Luo Tian a lot of effort to find out that this auction of the Bengyun Spear, nine out of ten of the first-class sects in the entire Dali Kingdom will come, and Luo Tian's battle with the three young masters a few days ago is already a famous big one. Li Guo, he doesn't want to be the target of public criticism on other people's territory.Therefore, although Luo Tian agreed verbally, he took Fang Yun and the others directly out of the capital of the Dali Kingdom early in the morning on the second day, and then he did not care about the little Taoist priest Lingyun asking about the whereabouts of the second volume of the Xuan Gong, and directly used it. A secret technique in Xuanyin Taishang Daojing has been attached to Ling Yun, and he will naturally come to find him again in the future. Anyway, the current self is only practicing Jiuyan Xuangong to the third level, so there is no need to rush .

"Master, this child's aptitude is extremely mediocre." Seeing Luo Tian's eyes beckoning him to speak, Ding Chunqiu hurried forward and said.

Luo Tian nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "The aptitude is average."

"Aptitude is generally not a decisive factor." Fang Yun has already fully recovered at this moment, and he can't see anything at first, but this guy Luo Tian will never trade at a loss, so he said so.

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up slightly, and he glanced at Fang Yun with a half-smile, thinking to himself that the world of cultivating immortals has few resources and many monks, and it is impossible to evenly cover the rain and dew. Monopoly, those monks at the bottom are simply living in an extremely miserable life. In the world of cultivating immortals, there are mostly ordinary aptitudes. There are so many geniuses, but the aptitudes generally don’t matter. As long as there are enough spiritual pills and stones, they can still be Road to achievement.The only premise is that you have a good baby and a good father.Just like this, a genius with average aptitude may only need ten spirit stones to cultivate from the early stage of the qi refining period to the middle of the qi refining period, while a monk with average aptitude needs hundreds or more. he.

"Follow up and have a look." Luo Tian waved his sleeves, jumped into the air, and followed from behind.

Na Dingye walked for more than a hundred miles without eating or drinking all the way, and then stopped to rest for a while. He sat cross-legged under a boulder to meditate and adjust his breath. Judging by his cultivation, it may be extremely difficult to break through to the Qi refining stage. But he did not give up cultivation.

"Tough heart." Luo Tian secretly added a comment.

Luo Tian didn't notice Ding Ye on a whim, but passed by here, and felt that Ding Ye was very similar to himself in his previous life.In the previous life, I was only mediocre in aptitude, and later I was able to worship under my master, and finally achieved immortality.

Ding Ye rested for half an hour and went on the road again. This time he ate some dry food indiscriminately, drank some water, and then used his body skills to fly in one direction without touching his feet.

Everyone in Luotian smiled faintly, there happened to be a small sect more than a hundred miles ahead.There is no need for divine sense to detect this anymore, it is not bad to be able to see the aura there just by using the qi-watching technique.

As Luo Tian expected, the Immortal Cultivation sect saw Ding Ye's aptitude and kicked him out without saying a word.And Ding Ye continued to head towards the next sect of cultivating immortals without sadness or anger. Seeing that he was familiar with the way, he probably had already memorized the route by heart.

The third cultivating sect, the fourth, the fifth...

Without exception, Ding Ye failed, especially when he was in the fifth sect, Ding Ye was almost beheaded directly by the disciple of that demon sect, but luckily Luo Tian saved him with a stealthy shot.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that after the demon disciple was secretly wounded by Luo Tian, ​​Ding Ye recklessly shot his carbine and beheaded the demon disciple.Although his method of driving Taoism is extremely unfamiliar, he actually killed that person.

He is resolute, ruthless, and knows how to endure.This kid is a character.

Next, under the watchful eyes of everyone in Luotian, Ding Ye showed his cunning and bold side.When he was about to join the Xiuxian sect for the sixth time, the member of the sect actually believed that he was a distant relative of a high-ranking person, so he took him to the guest room.When the person went to report, Ding Ye just observed the other person's expression and came to a conclusion. Then he took most of the valuable things in the guest room, and then walked out through the door calmly.

After leaving the gate, Ding Ye was naturally hunted down.But Ding Ye quickly took out a piece of something that looked like a painting but not a painting, directly covered his body, and then disappeared.

"Innate Spirit Treasure, Styx Map!"

Luo Tian was greatly shocked, the map of Styx was impressively listed on the book of rare treasures, and it was the most precious treasure of Patriarch Styx, a peerless figure who ruled the Profound Sky Continent more than [-] years ago.Although this treasure traps people and takes people seriously, it is a unique skill, no matter whether it is humans or animals, as long as they are involved in it, they will be incinerated into ashes by the Styx Heavenly Fire contained in it.Of course, it also depends on the cultivation of the owner, not to mention Ding Ye's current state of incompetence, even a Nascent Soul stage cultivation holding this treasure, I am afraid that it will not be able to involve such a powerful person as Luo Tian. No one would be stupid enough to stand still and wait for your treasure to be captured.

At this moment, Ding Ye can only use the map of Styx to escape.This magic weapon was passed down from the ancestors of the Ding family. Ding Ye has always been able to use this kind of magic weapon to no avail, but it can only be used to escape for his life.

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