
Chapter 352 The second disciple

Although the Styx map is an innate spiritual treasure, Luo Tian does not have any coveting thoughts in his heart. He has many spiritual treasures, not to mention that when facing an enemy, if Luo Tian does not encounter a strong enemy, he can defeat the opponent with only magical powers, and usually uses spiritual treasures The opportunities are really few and far between.Moreover, at this moment, Luo Tian already had the idea of ​​accepting disciples in his heart.

Styx map, Styx flower, are these two things related?

Luo Tian suddenly became silent. If so, then the mysterious Luojia Mountain who had already become enemies with him would definitely not let it go.After a while, Luo Tian suddenly shot two bright lights in his eyes, and a hint of sarcasm appeared on his expression, when did the young master have less enemies?As the saying goes, one is also chased away, and a group is also chased away. If there are too many lice, they will not bite!

At this time, Na Ding Ye was already cautiously flying towards the distance. Judging from the direction he was walking, it was not any sect of cultivating immortals, but it seemed to be the secular world.

With a wave of Luo Tian's big sleeve, a burst of cloud and mist emerged directly from his feet, and he dragged the crowd to follow.There was one last thing he wanted to investigate, and he would not jump to conclusions so hastily.

In that small sect, after a while, several flashes of light rushed out.


"Father, mother, the child is back!"

Sure enough, Ding Ye escaped the pursuit of that sect monk while sleeping in the open air. After ten days of hard walking, he finally came to a small mountain village with singing birds and fragrant flowers.The small mountain village is not big, with only twenty or thirty families. Ding Ye's home is in a thatched hut on the edge of the mountain village.Originally, his family was well-off, but his parents managed to get Ding Ye to join the sect of cultivating immortals. At this moment, his family is in decline, and he has become no different from ordinary mountain people.

High in the sky, Luo Tian sighed and shook his head lightly.With his supernatural powers, he naturally sensed that there were two auras in the thatched hut that were like gossips. At this moment, all vitality has been cut off.

"Master..." Ding Chunqiu followed all the way, also extremely sympathetic to this poor child, he couldn't help but speak out.

"Let me do it." Fang Yun's face was calm, "Even if Luo Tian made a move, he could only prolong the life of his parents for half an hour. There is no room for change."

After speaking, Fang Yun stretched out his hands, and directly typed out several magic formulas in the void, and then an extremely subtle force of heaven and earth in the air was born out of thin air, and flew directly towards the thatched cottage.

In the thatched cottage.

Ding Ye knelt down on the ground with red eyes, looking at his parents who were breathing but not breathing, two strings of teardrops slid down his cheeks, choking silently.

"Ye... Ye'er, our creditors heard that you were expelled from the Immortal Sect and sent evil slaves to collect the debt. Hey, it is only natural to pay back the debt. You, don't be too guilty, and don't take revenge. You, aren't you Their opponents, listen to father's words and live well, only alive can there be hope."

"No!" Ding Ye finally roared out, "I want to settle accounts with those beasts, I have brought back enough money, just wait for me one day, one day, as long as God gives me one more day, you will not change It's like this, I hate it!"

Ding Ye let out a mournful cry, and then grabbed his parents' hands tightly.

"Ye'er, mother...I made sweet-scented osmanthus cake for you. After your parents are gone, you must take good care of yourself. Don't be cold or hungry. Even if your parents die, they won't be able to close their eyes." Ding Ye's mother said After that, his complexion suddenly turned red like a flash of light, he stretched out his hand to touch Ding Ye's cheek, and then his arm dropped directly.

"Ye'er, come here." Ding Ye's father sat up slowly from the bed with almost all his strength. He was so numb from crying that he quickly poked his head out and passed his ear over. This is the only controllable thing in his mind right now. realized.

"Under the bed...under the third blue brick under the bed and counting to the south...under the fifth blue brick, you dig...dig three feet down, there is our family's last 200 taels of gold hidden there, take it and leave...leave here. "

After finishing speaking, Ding Ye's father also closed his eyes and passed away suddenly.

"Father! Mother! Don't leave the baby alone!" Ding Ye was like a crazy beast that had been injured and had nowhere to go, crying so hard that he almost collapsed and fainted.

above the sky.

Fang Yun looked at Luo Tian meaningfully, "I find that I can't see you clearly anymore, could it be that you can even figure out this situation?"

"It's just fur."

Luo Tian sighed, and turned his eyes to the distance, "It is best for ordinary people to have three meals a day without worrying about food and clothing. After a hundred years, it will return to the loess. But what about you and me? It may be hundreds or thousands of years later. , still trying to stumble on the road to the aspirations. How are you and I better than them?"


At this time, outside the hut that had been looted and smashed, suddenly a figure crashed into it with a piercing wind.The person who came here seemed to have entered the innate realm, and the wooden wall of the thatched hut was knocked across at once. Immediately afterwards, a gloomy middle-aged man in black looked at Ding Ye with a sneer, "I Just to put it bluntly, the Ding family has a big business, and their ancestors were a prosperous Xiuxian family. How could they be so poor that they only have a few calligraphy and paintings and hundreds of taels of silver? If you are sensible, quickly hand over all the good things of the Ding family, otherwise, you will die without a whole body today."

"No problem, no problem." Ding Ye hurriedly smiled respectfully, but his arm trembled imperceptibly, and immediately three silver needles glowing with a blue cold light gently leaned on two inches above his wrist. It is the magic-killing needle, once it is used, it will explode, and the green smoke from the explosion is extremely poisonous, and it will seal the throat with blood.

"What! You actually have an intermediate talisman!"

The middle-aged man in black stared straight at a clever talisman that Ding Ye took out, his whole body and mind were attracted to it, and then his figure flashed directly in front of Ding Ye. Grab it, and grab the middle-level talisman in Ding Ye's hand with one hand.Ding Ye himself is not in the innate realm, and the middle-aged man in black who has reached the innate realm is naturally much more cautious in his actions.

But unexpectedly, Ding Ye bit the tip of his tongue, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then used all his strength to shoot out the three magic-killing needles in his right hand.Then the figure used the iron bridge to sweep backwards at high speed.

At such a close distance, no matter how high the cultivation level of the middle-aged man in black is, he never expected that this little thing that he could kill with just one finger on the opposite side could still survive the pain of losing his parents. Such a sharp blow broke out.


Just as Ding Ye went out, there was a loud noise in the thatched cottage, and immediately a puff of green smoke rose directly into the sky.Immediately, Ding Ye's face darkened, he took out the Styx map and covered his body without hesitation, and rushed into the thatched cottage again.


A strange force of heaven and earth suddenly appeared, and the roof of the thatched hut flew up into the sky as if being controlled by someone. Immediately, the blue poisonous smoke in the hut was directly caught by a big purple hand, and then shot high into the sky of Nine Heavens. superior.

"Ding Ye, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

Luo Tian was dressed in Tsing Yi, with his hands behind his back, and appeared out of thin air with clouds and mist under his feet.

The third disciple, Ding Ye?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but none of them spoke, just looked at Ding Ye who seemed to be in a daze below with a smile on his face.

ps: try to make up three shifts today, and will make up what is owed this week. It feels very uncomfortable to be in debt.There are fewer things around me than before, and from now on, they will explode from time to time.

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