
Chapter 353

Luo Tian stood in the void. Although he tried his best to restrain his aura, the little guy who was about to become his third disciple still couldn't bear it. At this moment, he was already kneeling on the ground, even raising his head, blinking his eyes, and breathing became impossible. A very difficult thing.

Even a trace of the aura of a monk in the late Yuanying period cannot be tolerated by a little guy like Ding Ye who has not even stepped into the innate realm.

At this moment, Luo Tian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then he turned his hands and took out something, which was a turtle shell, and three ancient copper coins were floating outside the shell. With a slight wave of Luo Tian's palm, the three copper coins turned into a The straight line flew straight into the turtle shell.

clap clap.

With a movement of Luo Tian's divine sense, the tortoise shell kept shaking, and then suddenly scattered a blurry picture. The picture was contained in Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness and appeared in his mind. It was a battle between himself and others. It's just that the other party is very difficult to deal with and can't see the specific appearance.

Slightly closing his eyes, Luo Tian opened them, and the tortoise shell floating around him suddenly disappeared.

Luo Tian was not interested in this deduction technique at all, but before leaving Sanyuan Island last time, he asked Master Qiankun for a few tricks, and used it to calculate his own fate when he had nothing to do.In fact, even Luo Tian himself didn't know that the deduction technique he was using at the moment was the strongest arithmetic that Master Qiankun had realized in his life.But Luo Tian's destiny is extremely complicated, even Master Qiankun can hardly deduce one or two.

"Return...report to senior." Ding Ye was finally able to speak, his body was covered in sweat, as if he had been fished out of the water, his body was trembling uncontrollably.

"If you have something to say, you don't need mother-in-law." With a flash of blue light, Luo Tian appeared in front of Ding Ye, and with a swipe of one hand, Ding Ye's kneeling body was lifted up.

Ding Ye finally tried his best to raise his head, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Senior, I am willing to worship you as a teacher, but I still have one thing to do, I am afraid that I will hurt the senior. After finishing this matter, I will definitely worship you personally Under the name of the senior."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said, "It's a trivial matter, it's okay."

In one sentence, Ding Ye's fate has been decided.

Ding Chunqiu was naturally very happy, he didn't expect the master to accept another disciple, and this junior brother is also surnamed Ding, although there is no blood relationship between them, but they were also a family 500 years ago.

On the other hand, Ding Ye has been silent for a long time. Ever since he formally became a teacher of Luo Tian, ​​after thinking about it, Luo Tian passed on the Purple Lotus Sword Code to this third disciple. All three of his disciples now have exercises suitable for their own cultivation. Luo Tian has never been stingy on this point, just like his first disciple Ouyang Yun received the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, and his second disciple Ding Chunqiu received the Mahathiri Sutra, both of which correspond to his own aptitude , and the qualifications of these three disciples are really mediocre, none of them are suitable for practicing Jiuyan Xuangong. Therefore, Luo Tian took the second place and passed the Zilian Sword Code to Ding Ye. Will consider passing the shocking seven styles to Ding Ye.

Just imagine, which one of these exercises is not the peerless collection of exercises that shock the past and the present. Even though the Purple Lotus Sword Manual is not as good as the previous few exercises, it is not far behind.Ding Ye is an ordinary person, suddenly the pie fell from the sky and worshiped a great monk as his teacher, not to mention, he was also taught a peerless kung fu. Of course, Luo Tian will not treat one more than another. He gave the kung fu, and also gave him the spirit stone and the magic weapon. .Especially Luo Tian's current level of cultivation, the spirit stones on his body, the worst is only more than a thousand middle-grade spirit stones, magic weapons, the cultivation of the Zilian Sword Code can be self-defense and attack, there is no need for any magic weapons, But Luo Tian also had a lot of useless magic weapons, so he gave them to Ding Ye all at once.

Ding Ye was stunned, feeling like he had a beautiful dream, holding the Qiankun bag in his hand foolishly, you must know that there are thousands of middle-grade spirit stones in it.His original sect had so many spirit stones after decades of accumulation, and that was the result of the unity of the whole sect, but now...

After Luo Tian passed Ding Ye the Purple Lotus Sword Code, he was going to directly use the elixir mana to directly promote Ding Ye to the foundation-building stage, but Ding Ye politely declined. Rely on the master.

"That's right, if you have nothing to do these few days, hurry up and practice. If you don't understand something, you can ask yourself as a teacher." Luo Tian was quite satisfied with this new third disciple, and respected his opinion very lovingly. .

Then, Luo Tian took Ding Ye and his party to continue on the road. Seeing that they had reached the northern area of ​​Dali Kingdom, they left Dali Kingdom and passed through five or six small countries, and then passed through Lingwu Valley to reach Great Wu Kingdom. .

Of course, Luo Tian did not hesitate to kill those culprits who beat Ding Ye's parents to serious injuries and died. Otherwise, if Ding Ye had a fetter in his heart, his cultivation progress would naturally be greatly affected.

Of course, Ding Ye didn't know who was behind the scenes. His Ding family owed a lot of debts.At this moment, it was obvious that Luo Tian's work was impeccable. When Ding Ye used the magic needle to kill the man in black directly, the soul that had just formed would also be destroyed. Luo Tian forcibly used supernatural powers on At the last moment, he directly took the soul of the man into his hands, and only used some low-level small methods of torturing the soul, and the man said everything out of the bamboo tube, and then, the soul will not leave anything behind necessary.

"Little Sister Fang Yun, why are you looking at me like this?" Luo Tian's rascally tone made Ding Ye, who now had nothing but Master in his heart, almost fall off the sidelines.

"You can obviously use the soul searching technique directly, so why waste so much energy? Something's wrong!" Fang Yun rolled his eyes and cursed depressedly.

"Die!" Luo Tian looked at Fang Yun with contempt, and said shamelessly, "In my capacity, using the soul-searching technique is a low-level one. Look at me, it's just a moral lesson. Just recruit them all, this is the realm.”

"..." Except for Ding Ye, the rest of the people kept rolling their eyes. They really couldn't bear Luo Tian's shameless behavior, and even tortured him for moral instruction...

"Xu Daqin, get out quickly!"

In a small city in the northern region of the Dali Kingdom, a thunderous voice suddenly resounded through the entire city. Immediately afterwards, the city was directly covered by countless dark clouds that gathered, and the sky suddenly became dark.

"Here we come! Senior, you are finally here!"

A thin, yellow-faced monk at the early stage of the foundation-building period jumped out of the city, flew up into the sky with a flattering smile on his face, and made a bow, because with his cultivation base, he couldn't detect the location of everyone in Luotian.

"Senior, you are really a peerless cultivation base. You are like an island in the ocean of bright lights in the dark night. You are always guiding the direction of my cultivation. Look, I just listened to senior's shout, and my cultivation base has increased immediately. Quite a few, even the primordial spirit felt as refreshed as if he had eaten a quadrupole pill, senior..."

The Siji Pill is an excellent panacea used by monks to restore the primordial spirit before the alchemy period.

"To shut up!"

Fang Yun uttered this voice directly. The person in front of him is really shameless.On being shameless Fang Yun always thought that Luo Tian was an invincible fighter in the world, but after meeting this person, he realized that Luo Tian's shamelessness was really not enough...

"Don't hide it, throw out the magic weapon in your hand quickly." Luo Tian looked at Fang Yun with some amusement, and then looked at the top expert who flattered and boasted in front of him very amusingly.

"Ah! Senior, do you know all about it?" The monk's face changed slightly when he saw this, and immediately threw the things hidden behind him without hesitation.

"To the clock!"

When Luo Tian saw the magic weapon that flew up out of thin air, he couldn't help but grinned, and shouted in a low voice, you must know that this magic weapon is owned by an old devil in Tianxinghai, how could it appear here now?

ps: A few shameless wine stick brothers found my residence today, saying that if they don’t drink with them this time, they will rape my wife, there is no way, I’m dizzy after drinking, let’s add two more chapters today, Zhou If there is no trivia to break out for everyone every day.

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