
Chapter 354 Entering the Sword Formation and Fighting the 3 Ultimate Demons!


The next moment Luo Tian jumped out, with a flick of his sleeve, thunder erupted on the ground, and the entire void distorted and shook immediately, and the extremely tough space seemed to be bombarded instantly by a huge boulder of hundreds of thousands of catties.

Click click!

At the next moment, the Chudi clock that was flying fast was broken by the vibration of the space element force borrowed by Luo Tian. Immediately, it was densely covered with cracks, and finally scattered into countless fragments with a bang.

"It really is an imitation." Luo Tian said to himself.

Ding Chunqiu, Yi Xiaoyue and the others had already seen Luo Tian's divine power, so their expressions were naturally calm at the moment.And Ding Ye, who saw Luo Tian's power for the first time, opened his mouth wide, as if a goose egg had been stuffed into his mouth, and he could no longer close it.Previously, he only knew that his master was a monk with a very high cultivation level, but he didn't know how terrifying Luo Tian's cultivation base was. Seeing that Luo Tian almost tore open the void just now with a wave of his hand, he was extremely shocked.After the shock, Ding Ye felt boundless joy and excitement.


Then, Luo Tian opened his hand, creating a huge suction out of thin air, and directly took that Xu Daqin in front of him.

Xu Daqin was a pitiful person who was exploited by others. Seeing that the super magic weapon, which was tried and tested, couldn't even resist the opponent's random blow, he was already in a cold sweat, crying in his heart. When he raised his head, it happened to be right Shang Luotian's deep and cold eyes.

"Say, where is the person who gave you this treasure?" While Luo Tian was speaking, he saw Xu Daqin's body suddenly tremble, and immediately Xu Daqin's aura also changed, and then, a black glow flashed on the changed Xu Daqin's body. Wrapped in it, a wisp of black smoke suddenly appeared on the top of the sky spirit cover. After the black smoke kept puffing and puffing, it turned into a phantom of a huge python with a length of one hundred feet.

"Luo Tian, ​​don't meddle in other people's business, be careful putting yourself in!"

The huge boa constrictor opened its mouth and let out bursts of thunderous sounds, resounding through the void.

"Sanjue old devil, it really is you!"

Luo Tian's tone suddenly became cold, "Today, I'm trying to get justice for the young disciple. It's better for the old guy not to get involved!"

Needle to Maimang!

At this moment, Luo Tian seemed to be confronting the Sanjue old devil, and scolded without losing face.

"Juniors dare to be rampant, don't think that this old man won't dare to touch you because Yuchi Island supports you!"


Luo Tian exhaled and made a sound, the whole person disappeared in place out of thin air, and the next moment he was directly above the sky, punching out, the whole sky was immediately filled with Luo Tian's punch, and fell directly towards the phantom of the boa constrictor.

Sanjue old devil, Luo Tian didn't know this person at first, but only met him once when he was in Sanyuan Island, and felt that this person had a gloomy aura.Later, before Luo Tian retreated in Yuchi Island, Daqian Daqian told the origin of these three old demons.These three old devils are not completely human monks, but half-human and half-demon body, just like Fang Yun.The mother of the three old devils is a good python spirit, who finally survived the small catastrophe and evolved into a flood dragon, and now has reached the peak cultivation level of a ninth-order monster, and is already a powerful existence that can completely transform into a human form .However, just like human monks, the ninth-level monsters originally wanted to ascend to the spirit world, but the mother of the Sanjue Laomo forcibly suppressed her own cultivation in order to protect her only son, and did not ascend for more than a thousand years.With such a strong backing, the Sanjue old devil can run amok in the Star Sea and no one dares to provoke him.

A ninth-level monster is equivalent to the cultivation level of a human monk at the stage of transforming into a god.Especially the Sanjue old devil and his mother practiced like this more than a thousand years ago. After 1000 years, who knows what kind of state that terrifying old goblin has reached.

At this moment, Luo Tian directly confronted the phantom of the Sanjue old devil's clone with his physical cultivation.The reason why this Sanjue old devil is known as the Sanjue is that there are two types of exercises he practiced, one is the powerful method of the human cultivator, the Heisha Tiangang Sutra, and the other is the monster clan's cultivation method that he inherited from his mother. , due to the special constitution, the two kinds of exercises can be perfectly combined, which is a unique skill.The second trick is that this old devil is lustful by nature, and he likes to grab female monks who have not lost their vital yin, so as to absorb the purest trace of yin and evil energy in the other party's vital yin.The third trick is that although this old devil is angry and resentful, he has great luck. With good luck, he has many magic weapons, and all the magic weapons are top-notch, which is really enviable.

In normal times, Luo Tian would not provoke this old devil for no reason just because the old devil possessed dozens of top-notch magic weapons.But this old devil actually set his mind on his own apprentice, Luo Tian naturally wouldn't back down.

Facing the boa constrictor phantom hundreds of meters away with his body, the entire sky seemed to be shattered, and the huge impact spread directly. If the city below did not have a restraining formation, and the distance is so far away, I am afraid that a face-to-face meeting would be enough. To be shocked by the aftermath of the battle between the two of Luo Tian.

Ding Chunqiu and the others were protected by Fang Yun, so they were naturally unharmed.

But as the shadow of the hundred-foot-long boa constrictor dissipated in the air, the short and slender Xu Daqin suddenly regained his senses. It was obvious that it was difficult for the Sanjue old demon to use his body to exert his strength, so he directly gave up this trash body.


As soon as Xu Daqin opened his eyes, he fell from the clouds, and the magic power in his body seemed to be emptied out of a battle, and he fell unsteadily from the air...


At this moment, Luo Tian let out a cold snort, and with a flash of his figure, he went straight out of Baizhang, galloping towards a certain direction.

"Luo Tian, ​​don't deceive others too much!"

There was a terrified roar, and immediately a red light burst out from the distant sky. The red light looked very soft at first, but it turned out to be quite breathtaking afterward.There was a lot of roaring in the red cloud, and 36 blood-red upside-down sharp knives appeared out of thin air. There was a bloody aura surrounding the sharp knives. It seemed that many people lost their lives.

"Use blood to melt mist! Hmph!"

Luo Tian froze his figure after just one glance, and couldn't help but pay more attention to the three old devils. This old devil is indeed a famous old evil star in Tianxinghai. Just look at the 36 blood knives, all of which are attached The primordial spirit of a monk in the alchemy stage, and the red cloud is even made of the blood essence of a monk in the alchemy stage, it is really a big deal.

"Sanjue old devil, you are promising. Don't think that killing dozens of alchemy stage monks will show off your power. I advise you to use other magic weapons to fight."

"Luo Tian, ​​just let the horse come in, the old man will wait for you, don't use your tongue!" Old Demon Sanjue sneered a few times, and then stopped talking.

"Fight, fight, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Luo Tian laughed loudly, took a step forward, and walked directly into the large formation composed of 36 blood knives. Above his head, a purple lotus flower slowly took shape, crystal clear, and seemed to contain unparalleled power.

The well-known Old Fiend and Little Fiend in Tian Xing Hai finally began to fight formally.

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