
Chapter 359 Slaughter!

With Luo Tian's current cultivation base, he is not too afraid of some troubles, but if there are any troubles, he can solve them with his current ability, unless he encounters a strong enemy.The bloody young man made trouble for him twice and three times, and had already worn out Luo Tian's little patience, so after Luo Tian left the customs, he did not hesitate to use the bloody young man to attack him.

Gorefiend's lineage, after all, is it against me!

Luo Tian's eyes shot out two brilliance, one purple and one blue, and his spiritual eyes worked, and he instantly knew the trajectory of Mr. Xue's constantly changing directions, and immediately slapped it with a palm without hesitation.

Once the cloud-turning supernatural power was used, the clouds in the entire half of the sky seemed to tremble together, and the huge cloud-colored palm print became more and more powerful with the speed of the flying, until later that four weeks The void has all collapsed.

The wind whistled, the clouds rolled, and the aura was extremely astonishing.The three monks from Dali Kingdom originally wanted to bite the bullet and say a few words on the scene, but seeing Luo Tian's gestures were so majestic, they had no choice but to control the light and scurry away in embarrassment with their tails between their legs.

"Luo Tian, ​​don't force me to be cruel!"

That bloody young man was not Yi Yi's generation, even though he was suppressed and beaten by Luo Tian for the time being, he could still maintain a bit of dignity.As the second strongest expert in the younger generation of the blood demon lineage, how could he show weakness to Luo Tian, ​​not to mention that Luo Tian is still an outsider, and this is still on the territory of the Dali Kingdom, let Luo Tian's cultivation be astonishing The whole body is made of iron, how many nails can he twist?

Facts have proved that Mr. Xue's idea is completely wrong. Although everyone is a member of the Dali Kingdom, they should be consistent with the outside world.But the reputation of the blood demon lineage in the Dali Kingdom is extremely unbearable. It is like a street mouse. What's more, those monks in the Dali Kingdom are all dead spirits. Competitors, who is willing to give up their lives in order to protect the good name of the Dali Kingdom?As the saying goes, the higher the cultivation base, the more scruples, especially those old monsters who have reached the Nascent Soul stage, they cherish their lives even more. Even if they can't break through to the out-of-body stage, they still have hundreds of years to go live.

Of course, Luo Tian's current life span has reached about 300 years according to the stone tablet in the Black Lotus Space.There are some exceptions. No matter how high the cultivation level of the ordinary Nascent Soul stage is, even if it is only half a step away from entering the out-of-body stage, it will only have a lifespan of more than a thousand years. Of course, monsters and beasts are exceptions, such as Fang Yun, he just married Yuanying in 600 years, but he is half human and half demon, which is hard to say.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Luo Tian laughed wildly, but actually stood there without moving at all, with his hands behind his back, he slowly looked at Young Master Xue who was being hunted down by Fanyun's supernatural power.

"The sea of ​​blood is monstrous!"

Seeing that Mr. Xue was being chased by the huge cloud-colored palm, he was very embarrassed. In desperation, he gritted his teeth and pierced the center of his eyebrows with one hand, and a drop of extremely pure blood gushed out, and the blood immediately shot up into the sky. The young master opened his mouth to spray again, and a large blood-colored net radiating blood appeared out of thin air. The blood-colored net grew bigger and bigger, and spread across the entire void in an instant, directly colliding with the big cloud-colored hand.

Wow!Master Xue didn't expect that after a few days, Luo Tian not only made great progress in his supernatural powers, but also his cultivation base. He was directly shot hundreds of feet away by Fan Yun's supernatural powers, and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

In fact, Luo Tian is really a very special heresy in this world. He is now practicing several kinds of exercises. Only when the mana is multiplied, Luo Tian raises a small realm, and the mana in the body will double. Although it is not as exaggerated as the increase of the big realm, it is still extremely heaven-defying.

Previously, the blood son's cultivation was far inferior to Luo Tian's, but now Luo Tian's cultivation has broken through to the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, how can the blood son and Luo Tian fight recklessly to gain the upper hand!

"Luo Tian, ​​you have to pay for your ignorance!"

The bloody young man flitted back gloomyly, gave a strange smile, but smiled without anger, and immediately when Luo Tian and the people around him were frowning slightly, he stretched out his right arm, grabbed the shoulder of his left hand, and pulled directly , actually tore off the entire left arm, the strange thing is that the arm was torn off, but no blood flowed out from the cut.

"Summon with my pious and faithful heart, the blood sea world is possessed by the heavenly demon!"

A vortex appeared directly in front of the blood young man, and the vortex threw that arm directly into it.The vortex surged directly, gradually turning into blood red, and there was a faint glow of blood shooting out and breaking free, as if it was about to rush out of the vortex.

"Jie Jie, the taste is not bad, I will accept you as a favor."

Immediately afterwards, a strange fluctuation resounded in the hearts of everyone in Luotian, as if it was a magic sound devouring souls, and the ears were extremely uncomfortable.The vortex trembled again, and immediately a two-foot-long pitch-black claw protruded from the vortex. With just a slight shake, the surrounding space was directly shattered, and the space was almost difficult to heal, showing that the person who was about to come out was cultivating. For the terror.

"Master Tianmo, please kill these people!"

Young Master Xue was also ruthless, he stretched out his hand, not only included Luo Tian, ​​but also included several monks from the Dali Kingdom next to him.The expressions of those monks changed abruptly, and they kept cursing that Mr. Xue deserved to go to hell.

"Get back!"

Luo Tian finally moved, the seven-colored brilliance on his body just flickered, and immediately his whole body was enveloped by a faint layer of transparent flame, which was the Subduing Demon Ganghuo.

"Jie Jie, this human tastes even better."

The Heavenly Demon that had stretched out its two blood-red claws gave another strange cry, as if extremely excited, and then stretched out its hands and grabbed Luo Tian Lingkong.

Luo Tian only felt that the blood flow in the body slowed down immediately, and the movements of the whole body also slowed down for a while, and immediately the magic power in the body circulated rapidly, and the feeling of burning blood finally subsided a lot.

At this time, Luo Tian almost forgot to think that he was caught by the other party after using the teleportation supernatural power. At this moment, he was less than three feet away from the eerie demon claw, but the corner of Luo Tian's mouth was exposed. A smile.

"Subduing Demon Ganghuo!"

The demon suddenly screamed that day, if Luo Tian's primordial spirit hadn't been extremely cultivated, he might have become sluggish, if so, Luo Tian's primordial spirit was also numb for a while.

Fumoganghuo restrains all evil spirits in the world. Even if the demon's cultivation base is extremely high, and he came across the border, even if Fumoganghuo can't burn him to death, it can still seriously hurt his vitality.

"You bastard, you have attracted such a terrifying opponent! Capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be forgiven!"

That day the demon let out another low shout, and immediately pointed at Young Master Xue, who immediately poured out more than ten drops of blood essence into Young Master Xue's body, and then his whole body immediately became sluggish.

The gap in space quickly closed, with a trace of the scream of the demon in pain.

Luo Tian couldn't help but be a little stunned, this blood demon lineage is a guy that his six relatives don't recognize, and he doesn't even let his own people go. No wonder everyone dismisses the mention of the blood demon lineage.

"Young Master Blood, goodbye."

The next moment, under the horrified gaze of Mr. Xue, Luo Tian went directly in front of Mr. Xue. Countless sword auras shot out from his left hand, and he cast the cloud-turning supernatural power again with his right hand.

Now that such a great enmity has been forged, Luo Tian will not hesitate any more.


ps: Another chapter is owed, and it will be made up within May [-]st at the latest.

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