
Chapter 360 Killing, Northern River Kingdom

There was a loud explosion in the sky high above, and immediately a series of purple ripples surged out. Inside the purple ripples, a blood-red figure who was obviously extremely embarrassed rushed out backwards. After coming out, the blood-red figure shot a venomous look in the eyes, and then, With a sound of wow, a blood arrow spewed out from his mouth, and the blood arrow quickly turned into a hideous giant sword tens of feet long in the air, and shot towards Luo Tian.

"Qian ass is poor!"

Luo Tian snorted coldly, and immediately shouted in a low voice. At this moment, the cloud-turning supernatural power has already accumulated enough heaven and earth energy. You must know that any earth-shattering supernatural power requires a very long time to prepare. Fortunately, Luo Tian With a special physique, the mana in his body is several times higher than that of monks of the same level, and his physical body is strong, so that he can prepare the cloud-turning supernatural power in a few breaths.

This time, Luotian used [-]% of his magic power, and the cloud-turning supernatural power was really realized through several kinds of exercises, and it was extremely powerful.This time, not only the clouds in the sky rolled up one after another, but even the space seemed to collapse faintly.

And Luo Tian flew with his hands behind his back, as if he was the emperor who ruled the world in the space, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, extremely chic.

This scene, in the eyes of the three Nascent Soul cultivators of Dali Kingdom, was naturally another shock.Even the helpers they invited hesitated for a moment, and then faded away after sending voice transmissions to the three of them.

"This person, don't mess with him!"

The three Nascent Soul cultivators returned to their sects with wry smiles on their faces, and there was nothing they could do about it until there was a lot of thunder and rain.And this Luo Tian is really a daring lunatic, he will kill anyone who provokes him, and he doesn't care about human kindness at all.Moreover, Luo Tian's cultivation base and supernatural powers have extremely high attainments, even if a monk in the out-of-body period comes here, it may be difficult to keep him completely.If Luo Tian was not left behind by the out-of-body monks, it would be a catastrophe. Seeing how ruthless this guy is, if he recovers from his injuries and makes a comeback in the future, it will be a great blow to the sect.The revenge of a Nascent Soul Dzogchen cultivator is something that the first-class sects of the Dali Kingdom have to carefully consider. If one fails, the sect will fall into a great crisis.

Bang bang bang!

With fists in his hands, Luo Tian mercilessly beat the bloody young master who was trapped in the cloud-turning supernatural power, half of the bloody young master's body was directly shattered.Luo Tian's physical body is comparable to a monster, and has already reached the strength of a mid-level spirit treasure. No matter how ruthless Master Xue's skills are, he is still a mortal with a mortal body. How can he bear it?

"Boy Luotian!"

Young Master Xue was startled and angry at the moment, he didn't expect the opponent's supernatural powers to be so terrifying, he could already form a separate absolute space.

"Sleep me!"

Luo Tian flexed his fingers a little, and the blood boy's body that was about to turn into a blood shadow was immediately pulled out of the void, and then the blood boy returned to his original shape, looking at Luo Tian with horror on his face. And the unfavorable Blood Transformation Dafa couldn't escape.

"Luo Tian, ​​I am the descendant of the blood demon lineage, you'd better not go too far, otherwise you will suffer endless pain when the masters of my sect come!"

Under Luo Tian's absolute strength, Young Master Xue finally lowered his haughty head and begged for mercy.

"It hurts your mother!"

Luo Tian cursed, "As long as I kill you bitch, I won't be afraid of your blood demon lineage. You have a fucking backstage, doesn't it mean that I don't have it? Your grandfather, when the hunk from my master's school comes, your blood The demon lineage will be immediately removed!"


Luo Tian slapped the back of the head, and a phantom of the Nascent Soul emerged directly from the Tianling Gai. The phantom of the Nascent Soul was surrounded by gray threads that were hard to distinguish with the naked eye, which looked extremely strange.Immediately, the miniature Nascent Soul, which was about the same size as Luo Tian, ​​opened his eyes suddenly, and directly waved his small hands to pinch a spell.

"you will regret……"

Before Young Master Xue could utter the words behind, Yuanshen was directly suppressed by an inexplicable force, and then was directly sucked up by the countless gray silk threads, without leaving a single trace.

Devour the primordial spirit!

This is an extremely overbearing method in the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, which can devour the opponent's primordial spirit to increase one's own primordial spirit.

With every gesture of his hand, the famous bloody son of Dali Kingdom will be removed from his name from now on!Completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

"This son is really powerful. Could it be that he is the descendant of a powerful sect in ancient times or in ancient times?"

Luo Tian made such a commotion in the Dali Kingdom, the great cultivators of the Dali Kingdom really watched this shocking battle with their spiritual consciousness. After the battle was over, everyone fell into silence. With their eyesight, He didn't even see clearly how the bloody young master was killed, and if what Luo Tian said was true, whoever dared to touch a single hair of his hair might bring disaster to the sect.

Luo Tian slaughtered all directions in the Dali Kingdom, and the entire Dali Kingdom remained silent, and no one came to provoke Luo Tian.Some monks detoured when they saw Luo Tian from a distance, as if Luo Tian and his party were poisonous insects and beasts.

"You're really good, you're really good." Fang Yun kept looking at Luo Tian, ​​with a complicated light in his eyes, "On the border of the Dali Kingdom, you are really domineering. And it makes me even more surprised What's more, there really is no one in the Dali Kingdom who dares to come to you?"

"You're welcome!" Luo Tian waved the gold-painted folding fan in his hand like a dude, and said casually, "I'm very angry at the backstage. Those old guys are not easy to use. If you don't want to be wiped out, you have to pay attention to me." Weigh it."

Ding Chunqiu and his wife had long worshiped Luo Tian to the bone, now when they heard this, they immediately nodded like chickens pecking at rice.And Yi Xiaoyue also had a wry smile on her face. It's only been a few years, about 120 years ago. The waste of the Luo family in the Great Wu Kingdom has achieved the Dao of Immortal Soul. If this person is a waste, then the entire Profound Sky Continent is not a waste. But three people.

On the other hand, Ding Ye was the most calm, probably because he was shocked and numb by Luo Tian's attack in recent days.Along the way, he practiced desperately and hard, seeing that this guy will enter the foundation building stage soon.

In fact, Ding Ye is considered extremely lucky, but with average aptitude, he has found a master with high cultivation and wealth to be his master.These days, Luotian spirit stones and spirit pills are given to Ding Ye wholeheartedly, just like eating. Such a large amount of spirit stones is extremely expensive. I am afraid that a pig can be used for 200 years to pile up pills forcibly Expect.

"Beihe Kingdom is ahead. It's not bad. It's rumored that Beihe Kingdom's cooking fish is the best in the entire Tianxuan Continent. I don't know if it's true or not?" Luo Tian glanced at the land of Dali Kingdom that was about to leave with nostalgia. The meaning is still unfinished.

Fang Yun rolled his eyes straight away and stopped talking. To be honest, he was extremely envious of Luo Tian's talent. He hadn't seen how Luo Tian cultivated along the way. His cultivation base seemed to grow so fast that it was outrageous. .

"Everything is subject to Master's arrangement, and Master will rule the world forever!"

When Yi Xiaoyue on the side heard these words, she almost fell from the clouds like Luo Tian.

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