
Chapter 362

On the wide river, there are countless cargo ships passing by at this moment. Among them, there is a three-story ship tens of meters away from the river. The big ship hangs countless arm-thin iron chains in all directions, presumably to stabilize the ship.And on the big ship, a small tricolor flag fluttered high. The small flag was actually embroidered with gold and silver threads. It looked majestic and rustled in the wind.

At this moment, on the deck of the first floor of the big ship, two tall and thick men were drinking face to face, and from time to time they let out a horrible laugh.

"Two High Immortals, how did you do it just now?"

With a splash, a young man with a pale complexion emerged from the water, grabbed the iron chain with great agility and climbed onto the big boat, panting from exhaustion.

"This is the unique skill of the two of us. I will show you one more time. Remember, this is the last time!"

As he said that, one of the men who looked like a mountain of meat stood up straight away, and after taking two steps, the young man trembled slightly. It seemed that his weight had reached an extremely high level.Immediately afterwards, the extremely obese man took a few steps, then leaped nimbly, and landed lightly three feet away from the big ship, and then made another extremely chic jump, forming an arc, and lightly stepped on a Zhang away, at the end, he actually walked away from the water step by step, each step has a distance of about three feet, which is not much difference.

When the fat and frightening man was getting closer and closer to the shore, Luo Tian suddenly waved his sleeves and directly volleyed out a jet of water from the Huangtian River, turning into a misty white water mist to cover everyone in it.

Naturally, everyone was a little surprised. Judging from the aura of the fat man in front of him, it was the early stage of alchemy. In terms of cultivation, he was not as good as Ding Chunqiu and his wife, but Luo Tian mysteriously showed such a trick.

When the fat man was seven or eight feet away from the shore, he suddenly stopped standing still, turned around easily, laughed lowly for a while, and then flew over extremely fast, and returned to the big boat again in the blink of an eye. , then sat down again, picked eyes with the bald monk opposite, and immediately started drinking in silence.

"The two celestial beings are really powerful!"

The young man's cultivation base is not high, but he is still a long way from the innate realm. Seeing the fat monk perform such a unique skill, he repeatedly praised, and immediately took out something from his body, and carefully placed it on the two of them. On the table, he turned his head and jumped out again.

Undoubtedly, this time, the young man fell into the river again. Simply because the young man had a high level of cultivation and was young and strong, he would not have drowned in the turbulent river.

Looking around, Luo Tian could clearly see the thing that the young man took out. The whole thing was yellowed. Luo Tian only needed to sweep his eyes, and he felt that there was an astonishing fire in the yellowed stone. attribute energy.

"These two guys are really unchanging."

Luo Tian laughed and cursed in his heart, but his heart was filled with warmth.I haven't seen each other for more than a hundred years, and the cultivation of these two guys has not been put down, but the temperament of these two people has not changed in any way.

The young man in the water struggled for half an hour before leaving helplessly.

"This kid's bones are not bad, why don't you accept him as an apprentice." Opposite the fat monk was a smiling bald monk, who couldn't help but sighed.

"You are a rogue monk with a full stomach, that guy has a deep spiritual root at best, but he doesn't have much future, why don't you take him in as an apprentice?" the fat monk shouted dissatisfied.

"What are you afraid of? You have so many disciples and grandchildren, but I am used to it alone. Except for that boy Luo back then, there is no one else who can fall into the eyes of the poor monk."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, should we tell that kid that there are stones at the bottom of the water?"

"You two, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, but are you okay?"

Just as the two of them were chattering and bickering happily, a clear voice reverberated in the minds of the two of them like thunder. Looking towards the river.

There was a flash of white water mist on the river at this moment, and then several figures appeared in the white water mist. The young man in Tsing Yi, who was leading the smile, had the same appearance, as if he hadn't changed in any way after more than a hundred years.

"Boy Luo!"

"Little Tiantian! I want to be my brother!"

Next, two monks who had reached the alchemy stage rushed out at the fastest speed in their lives.

"Hey, what do you two mean?"

Luo Tian frantically dodged the stinky hands of the two and groped, "Could it be that you have a habit of breaking sleeves after not seeing each other for more than a hundred years?"

"Bah bah bah!"

Hearing what Luo Tian said, the two hurriedly took a step back, and looked at Luo Tian meaningfully, "Tsk tsk, not bad, you really deserve to dare to fight hard with the alchemy monks at the foundation establishment stage Crazy Luo, I can't even see your cultivation now, could it be that you have entered the late stage of alchemy?"

Luo Tian shook his head lightly, then shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Fatty Wang, Monk Mingyue, how did the two of you hook up?"

Wang Jinbao!

Monk Mingyue!

"Fart!" Monk Mingyue quickly cursed, "The poor monk only likes women."

With a change in tone, Monk Mingyue said sadly, "In order to save Lao Tzu, you let the poor monk run away alone. Naturally, the poor monk is not an unyielding bastard. When I heard the news that someone was looking for you in Huoyan Kingdom, I took the initiative to join in. In the past, here, it is this fat man!"

"Hey." Fatty Wang Jinbao looked at Luo Tian blankly, and sighed after a long time, "Little Tiantian, I didn't expect you to come back after a hundred years. Look, look, I've been here for more than a hundred years." Because of missing you too much, I lost several laps of weight! Moreover, I was pulled out by Mingyue Bald Donkey to find your whereabouts..."

Luo Tian: "..."

Not to mention that Luo Tian was speechless, even Fang Yun and the others behind Luo Tian almost didn't pass out. Judging by the body shape of this master, he doesn't look like he has lost weight, he must have been fat for several laps.

"Hehe, let's talk on the boat." Luo Tian smiled lightly.

"Don't be afraid!" Fatty Wang waved his big palm, then looked coldly at the highest floor of the ship, and snorted, "I want to see, who dares to trouble me?!"

When Fatty Wang said this, Luo Tian felt the faint auras around him retreat directly.In fact, let alone Fatty Wang and his current cultivation level, Luo Tian might be able to take the other's life with just a loud shout. They are just a few foundation-building monks.

"Boy Luo, hehe, let's see what good things the two of us have prepared for you?" Monk Mingyue smiled darkly, and immediately took out the previous yellow stone.

"This is?"

"This is fire spar. It is suitable for your practice. You have this thing, and you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Uh, I want to ask, is this something you cheated? Or did you snatch it?"

"You can't cheat and steal!"


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