
Chapter 363

Next, after everyone found a luxury box on the big ship to sit down, after Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue explained each other, Luo Tian finally understood the effect of the fire spar.

Fire spar is a special product of Beihe country.Spread in the upper waters of the Huangtian River, no one knows how it was formed.But it has a powerful effect on monks who practice fire attribute skills.However, there are very few monks who practice fire attribute exercises. Even in Huoyan Kingdom, where the most fire attribute exercises are practiced, there are only ten thousand monks who practice fire attribute exercises.

There is no other, because this fire-attribute skill requires a lot of spirit stones, and there are not many fire-attribute spirit stone veins, which has caused the current situation.

However, the fact that the waters of the Huangtian River in Beihe Kingdom are rich in pyrite was also met by the two of them by chance.Then the two of them have spent most of the past hundred years coming to Beihe Country to either threaten or extort a lot of fire spar.They have only one purpose in doing this, if one day Luo Tian comes back, they will give these flint stones to Luo Tian, ​​because they know that Luo Tian is practicing the fire attribute technique.

With Luo Tian's current cultivation base and supernatural powers, this flint stone is no longer of much use.However, Luo Tian also practiced several kinds of exercises, among which the Jiuyan Xuangong is the most difficult to cultivate, and for decades, the Jiuyan Xuangong has always stayed in the third-level realm, and has never been able to break through the fourth-level realm, and it is also the same as Luo Tian It has nothing to do with refining one kind of exercise.

Throughout the ages, except for Luo Tian, ​​no one has dared to practice several kinds of exercises concurrently.The consequences of such a shocking event are often unable to take care of it, resulting in the final inability to ascend, ranging from being reincarnated to re-cultivating the Sanxian, to the worst being the annihilation of both body and spirit.


Luo Tian was also polite, and with a wave of his sleeve, all the flint stones in front of him fell into the Naxu ring.Sometimes, there is no need to say anything about the friendship between men, and there is no need to explain too much and thank you too much. If you care about everything and be hypocritical, you will definitely not make friends who share life and death.

"Just come back."

Fatty Wang, who has always been a fool, suddenly said with a solemn expression, "I, Wang Jinbao, have made countless friends in my life, most of whom are dog meat friends and shit friends, but for you, Xiao Tiantian, I boast that I have never done anything to be sorry for you. , because you are my good brother, Fatty Wang, for life!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I haven't seen you for a long time, boy Luo, I must not get drunk today!" Monk Mingyue also echoed.

It was night, everyone in Luotian got drunk, it was the happiest and most relaxing day in Luotian's more than a hundred years.

"Master, this disciple will not embarrass you!"

The only one who did not attend the banquet was Luo Tian's third apprentice, Ding Ye, who had a strong sense of self-esteem. Not to mention the Nascent Soul stage monks beside his master, his second senior brother and other friends were all alchemy stage monks. In the past, it was unbearable to envy the boss for a long time even when he saw a monk in the foundation building period. Therefore, Ding Ye chose to make up for his weakness with hard work, practicing day and night, almost to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.


Ding Ye is struggling to support himself, he has not had water for two days, since he is growing his body now, how can he bear it?

A soft sigh came, and then Luo Tian flicked lightly, using the sleep technique in the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing to hypnotize him without a trace, and then raised his hand to take out the thousand-year-old stalactite and gave it to Ding Ye Dozens of drops were swallowed.The energy contained in these dozens of drops is enough to allow Ding Ye to practice non-stop for half a month without feeling tired at all.

The three apprentices really worked so hard.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian stepped on the deck, and the powerful mana in his body circulated by itself, completely forcing out the remaining alcohol in his body, and then quietly looked to the northeast under the starry sky.

Unexpectedly, Fatty Wang is also the head of the Xianxia sect, and Monk Mingyue is the elder Keqing of his peak.Back then, when Luo Tian first entered the world of cultivating immortals, he met Fatty Wang. Fatty Wang was so stingy that he dragged Luo Tian because he was reluctant to spend money on eating and drinking.Now more than a hundred years have passed quietly, Fatty Wang has become a powerful monk with a reputation in the Great Wu Kingdom's Immortal Realm, and the unpredictable changes in the world are nothing more than this.

As for Monk Mingyue, he met him when he was in Huoyan Kingdom. What Monk Mingyue did at that time was single-handedly looting houses. After the battle in Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, he also established a very good friendship with Luo Tian.

However, Luo Tian is a little worried now.According to what Fatty Wang said, although he has tried his best to express his support for the Great Wu Luo family, the two sects in the Great Wu country are still relentless towards the Luo family, and it seems that they insist on exterminating the Luo family.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Tian finally calmed down a lot.According to the ancestor who has already ascended, the Luo family has several natal sword energy left by him, let alone those monks from the Great Wu Kingdom.Even if I go there now, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to retreat without any precautions.You know, that is the sword energy refined by a Mahayana cultivator at his peak, how powerful is it?But that sword energy will not be summoned until it is extremely critical.

Since the Luo family will be fine for the time being, Luo Tian feels a little relieved.

However, Luo Tian quickly narrowed his eyes again. It seems that there are many monks from other countries in the Profound Sky Continent secretly walking around in this Great Wu Kingdom. I don't know what they are doing, but it must be possible to attract monks from other countries. It would be too easy.

Thinking of the Luo family, the gentle and graceful woman in Tsing Yi will come to mind in Luo Tian's heart, Qing He.Where are you now?How are you?Why haven't you heard from me all these years.

It is undeniable that Luo Qinghe's status in Luo Tian's heart is probably comparable to only Bai Yan'er now, and even Bai Yan'er is not as good as Luo Qinghe's status in Luo Tian's heart.After all, when Luo Tian was most lonely and helpless, only Qing He would never leave him. How could Luo Tian let go of this kind of feeling?Luo Tian had already secretly decided in his heart that if the affairs of the Great Wu Kingdom were settled, he would definitely go to find Qinghe.

After being away from home for more than a hundred years, Luo Tian's heart is filled with incomparable longing. Perhaps because of the timidity of being close to his hometown, Luo Tian has a faint concern in his heart, and he becomes worried like a child.

It's just that the matter of the Great Wu Kingdom this time, I don't know if it can be resolved smoothly.

Luo Tian's face turned cold, if anyone dared to say no to the Luo family this time, then he would inevitably turn into a madman again and slaughter all his opponents.To kill one person is also to kill, and to kill tens of thousands of people is also to kill, so let these piles of bones become my Luotian's fierce reputation!

"get out!"

Luo Tian suddenly let out a soft drink, and the water on the river jumped up, rolled up a wave of more than ten feet, and then slapped somewhere in the air.

Those who dared to attack Xuanyin Demon Monarch when he was in a bad mood would be pretty bad luck...

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