
Chapter 369 Inheritance of Bodhi Mountain, Enlightenment! , Wu Xuan'ao

Luo Tian's divine consciousness was attached to the ancient bronze lamp, and after realizing that there was nothing unusual about the treasure, he carefully released a drop of blood from his fingertips, and immediately there was an extra formula in his mind to control this treasure.After writing down the formula, Luo Tian turned his hands over, and the ancient bronze lamp directly entered the space of Heilian.

Speaking of which, it is understandable that Luo Tian acted so cautiously this time.The man suddenly gave such a powerful magic weapon that he couldn't see the grade at all. Luo Tian didn't dare to put it in the Naxu ring openly. Now he put it in the black lotus space that he can completely control. When the time comes, it will be the ancient bronze The lamp has undergone a change, and he has enough strength to deal with it, at least he won't end up dying of backlash.

After being in the world of cultivating immortals for a long time, people have to become extremely cautious, which is helpless.If you don't plan on others, others will plan on you, which is the best embodiment of the law of the jungle.

"Let's go."

Luo Tian sent a voice transmission to the other three people, and immediately stepped forward without looking back, and disappeared directly on the jade stone steps.

The three of Fang Yun also looked at each other, feeling a little helpless. At this point, they had no choice but to move forward.

However, Luo Tian stepped out one step at a time, and the whole person instantly reached the first stone steps above the jade stone steps. There are nineteen steps in total. Luo Tian's eyes shot out two brilliance, one purple and one green, but except for the first step The jade stone steps, the scene of any other stone steps cannot be seen, as if the world behind them is covered.Even the spiritual eyes can't see through reality.

"There's nothing special about the jade steps!"

Luo Tian frowned slightly. After thinking for a long time, he continued to take a step just now. With this step, he directly appeared on the second jade stone steps.Although Luo Tian stepped onto the second jade stone steps with ease, the shock in his heart is beyond words.

It turned out that Luo Tian didn't feel any discomfort when passing the first jade stone steps, but when he stepped on the second jade stone steps, Luo Tian suddenly realized that what he just thought was completely wrong and ridiculous. pole.Since this Tongtian bridge dares to be called Tongtian, it is naturally not so easy to pass.The resistance of the second jade stone steps is more than twice that of the first jade stone steps, not only the physical body is blocked, but also the soul is also subjected to several times of resistance.

Whoosh whoosh!

Next, Luo Tian exerted all his strength like a lion fighting a rabbit, and even climbed three jade stone steps one after another, and directly reached the fifth jade stone steps.

When Luo Tian stood on the fifth jade stone steps, half of his body was numb, and then one knee went limp, and he fell to his knees directly.

Just passing through three layers of jade stone steps in succession, the resistance suffered by each level is not as simple as the sum of one level plus three levels, but the power of the three levels of jade stone steps is greatly intensified, even if it is With Luo Tian's current cultivation base, it was too much to bear, and the eight extraordinary meridians in his body felt the pain of bursting.

Fortunately, the time flow here is only one ten-thousandth of that outside, and Luo Tian is not worried that it will take too long to heal his injuries.

After swallowing several small five-element pills, Luo Tian took out several high-grade spirit stones and a top-grade spirit stone and placed them around his body, putting all his attention into healing.

ten years.

After staying on the fifth jade stone steps for ten years, Luo Tian just recovered from his injuries.At the same time, Luo Tian was even more afraid of that peerless powerhouse hidden behind the scenes in the void. What is his background?It can actually make the flow of time in this place ten thousand times slower than that in the outside world. Such supernatural powers are really shocking to the world, making people feel like they are in a dream scene.

At this moment, Luo Tian no longer had that leisurely thought in his heart, but instead calmly faced everything in front of him.Whether someone arranges it secretly, or these insignificant chess pieces, no one can manipulate themselves arbitrarily, no one can!

"This is?!"

Just as Luo Tian was preparing to go out, and rushed up the sixth jade stone steps like a tiger, he suddenly found an inexplicable force in his body, this force was extremely ferocious, and it was hidden in the Luo Tian's primordial spirit has not been discovered for a long time, but once it appears at this moment, it is like a hundred rivers converging into the sea, and it cannot be stopped at all.

His body trembled, Luo Tian was about to use the secret method recorded in the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Jing at this moment to successfully force this force out of his body at the cost of spending most of his soul, but he found that the ferocious inexplicable force suddenly burst from a tiger It turned into a kitten, and immediately rushed straight to Luo Tianling's cap.

Luo Tian felt a burning pain in the center of his eyebrows, followed by a cool feeling. The original imprint of flames in the center of Luo Tian's eyebrows disappeared, replaced by a green brilliance the size of a grain of rice. This green brilliance gradually It expanded, and finally turned into an emerald green jade-like ancient leaf shape.

"Inheritance is completely illusory, old man, you should be able to smile at Jiuquan! Haha..."

The imprint of the ancient leaves trembled slightly, and immediately there was a gratified laugh from Luo Tian Yuanshen. The laughter became louder and louder, and finally there was no sound.

The Bodhi Mountain inheritance is finally completely inherited by Luo Tian at this moment!

In the ancient sea of ​​blood, Bodhi Mountain, which had been hidden in the void, roared loudly, and immediately shattered the void, making the sun and moon dim in the sky, and finally turned into a thin cyan thread that shot directly into the sky. deep in the sky.

At the same time, the Bodhi Mountain seemed to have disappeared out of thin air and completely disappeared.

Luo Tian felt that the imprint of the ancient leaf between the eyebrows was directly injected with a surge of power, and then the imprint of the ancient leaf became more and more green and vivid, as if it were a real green leaf, lifelike.

"With the power of inheritance, the heavenly power of the divine breath leaves, everything will be broken for me!"

The next moment, Luo Tian's body was suddenly covered by a layer of green armor, which was extremely delicate and exuded a majestic aura. The imprint of the ancient leaf in the middle of Luo Tian's eyebrows shot out a brilliance like a green leaf, and it swept out directly. It directly broke through the five jade stone steps, allowing Luo Tian to reach the tenth jade stone steps. In the end, when Luo Tian just stepped on the tenth jade stone steps, Luo Tian was directly crushed by a wave of Inexplicable suction rolled in.

call out!

Luo Tian's figure flashed, and he appeared directly outside the Chenzhou whirlpool, and the ancient leaf mark between his eyebrows quietly disappeared.

Not sad or happy on the face, Luo Tian sighed secretly in his heart, it was retaliation, he accidentally went to Bodhi Mountain, and originally he only accepted it passively, but who would have expected to fully accept the inheritance of Bodhi Mountain today.

Not to mention that the power of this divine breath leaf is not afraid of the Tongtian Bridge!

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