
Chapter 370 Dividing the spoils, Wu is in sight!

Standing quietly in the void, Luo Tian's body is like an ancient stone statue. Suddenly, Luo Tian parted his hands, and an ancient leaf imprint appeared between his eyebrows. Immediately, the shape of a mountain range was faintly projected in the ancient leaf imprint between his eyebrows, vaguely with The somewhat familiar color is that Bodhi Mountain.

At the same time, the Divine Breath Leaf battle armor composed of leaves appeared on Luo Tian's body again. The mana in his body surged, and the ancient leaf imprint on the center of his brow suddenly shot out a blue-green brilliance that was completely emitted by the Divine Breath Leaf. is charming.

With a thought, the turquoise brilliance swept out, completely collapsing the space in front of it, as if the sky was falling apart, and the space in front of it suddenly shattered.

"Sure enough!"

Luo Tian secretly clicked his tongue, this inherited supernatural power seemed to be like an enlightenment, and it was completely mastered by Luo Tian in an instant.However, it is too exhausting to use this inheritance supernatural power. With Luo Tian's current cultivation base, he can only use it three times, and after three times he will definitely lose his strength.


Just as Luo Tian casually tested the inheritance supernatural power, he found a familiar curse coming from in front of him.

Immediately, a bright sky-blue sword light surged out of the collapsed space in front of him. This sword light became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into thousands of small sky-blue sword lights, which solidified the collapsed space. A embarrassed figure instantly shot in front of Luo Tian.

"Luo Tian, ​​are you sick?! What are you doing when you have nothing to do with inheriting supernatural powers? Almost killed me!"

Luo Tian was taken aback when he saw this, and then laughed dryly, "Hey, well, little sister Fang Yun, this is a miss, this is a misunderstanding!"

"..." Fang Yun rolled his eyes angrily, and then changed into a new shirt, then walked to the side and sat cross-legged.

"Let me say, little sister Fang Yun, how did you come out so fast? And, how do you know that I am using the inheritance supernatural power?"

"Because, on the Tongtian Bridge, I also accepted an inherited magical power, but it is a second-level magical power, and I am good at defense. But your inherited magical power should be a first-level magical power."

Luo Tian was slightly taken aback, as if he had figured out something, and then fell silent.

"I understand!"

A day later, Luo Tian suddenly realized that there must be several kinds of supernatural powers contained on the Tongtian Bridge, waiting for someone who is destined to accept it, but the reason why Luo Tian did not accept it was because the supernatural powers in his body happened to resist, thus resisting the supernatural powers. Inheritance of supernatural powers on the bridge.The first-order supernatural power must be the highest rank among the supernatural powers.

Don't look at the two of Luotian who stayed outside for a day and a night. Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue on the Tongtian Bridge have passed at least nearly 30 years. After these 30 years of cultivation, I don't know what state they have reached. , the cultivation base must rise to a higher level.

This day was already the third day, and perverts like Luo Tian and Fang Yun, who left the Tongtian Bridge within a day, can be regarded as rare perverted talents in a thousand years.

Especially after Fang Yun asked how many jade steps Luo Tian had climbed, he shook his head and sighed and went to the side to practice hard.

You know, with Fang Yun's talent, he can only step on the seventh jade stone steps of Tongtian Bridge, and Luo Tian has three floors more than him, and the latter three floors are completely higher than the previous seven floors combined. It's even more difficult, and I'm afraid you have to pay a hundred times the price for each level.Therefore, in front of Luo Tian who was like a monster, Fang Yun had no choice but to lose.

Anyway, it was only three days, and Luo Tian and Fang Yun crossed their legs to digest their own supernatural powers, trying to reach the point of proficiency.

The third day passed quickly.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the boundless clouds and mist suddenly stirred and rolled, and immediately a ray of light shot out directly from the cloud and mist, the speed was only a bit worse than Luo Tian's teleportation, and immediately rolled down in embarrassment, a dizzy bright moon The monk appeared unsteadily in front of the dumbfounded Luo Tian.

"Accident, accident."

Monk Mingyue laughed a few times, "I didn't expect that Lao Tzu's inherited supernatural powers would be used to hide and escape. This speed, tsk tsk, boy Luo, in the future, the two of us brothers will be able to grab the invincible hands in the entire Profound Sky Continent together, wow ha ha ha ha... ..."

"Laugh at your head, dead bald donkey!"

At this time, Fatty Wang also appeared from the clouds and mist, and a red knife glow imprinted on the center of his brow disappeared in a flash.

"Tell me, how many levels of supernatural powers do you all have?"

"Tier two."

"level one."

Sure enough, Monk Mingyue has first-order supernatural powers, while Fatty Wang has second-order supernatural powers.But talking is better than nothing, what is there to be dissatisfied with getting a supernatural power for nothing?

"Now let's divide the spoils."

Luo Tian chuckled and said treacherously.The three of Fang Yun couldn't help but feel the hairs on their bodies standing on end, and they always felt that Luo Tian's smile was a bit creepy.

Since the finger bones were absorbed by two clumps of black flame bamboo, and the black flame bamboo was collected by Luo Tian into the black lotus space, Luo Tian knew that he had taken advantage of too much, so after thinking about it, he took out hundreds of high-grade spirit stones and dozens of plates of concentration The fragrance comes out and goes in.

But how could Fang Yun and the others care so much, under Luo Tian's strong request, they had no choice but to accept the Lingshi and Ningshenxiang, but they also divided the Living Soul Wood into four parts, Luo Tian couldn't help but objected, and gave Luo Tian a part .

Luo Tian didn't evade too much, and directly accepted the living soul wood, even if he didn't need it, he could leave it for his two apprentices.Anyway, we are all old friends and old brothers, so there is no need to be too polite.

When Fang Yun and the others saw Luo Tian accepting the Living Soul Wood, they also breathed a sigh of relief.Any one of the three of them has benefited a lot from Luo Tian, ​​and they feel that they owe Luo Tian too much, and they can't find a chance to repay it, so they will give a small reply now, otherwise the three of them will really feel ashamed.

"By the way, you can use this to save your life!"

The four of Luo Tian flew out along the vortex in Chenzhou, Beihe Country, and Luo Tian took out nine top-grade spirit stones with his backhand, and gave the three of them three pieces each.

Top-grade spirit stones are also extremely rare in the entire world of cultivating immortals. Not to mention using them for cultivation, even for saving lives, few people can afford them.No way, there are too few top-grade spirit stones, and their preciousness in the world of cultivating immortals is second only to top-level spirit treasures.Even Luo Tian, ​​the land rich man who opened the second day domain, only bred more than a hundred top-quality spirit stones in the spirit liquid pool, and dared not use too much.

"Thank you."

"Boy Luo, thank you for your kindness!"

"Brother Luo, I have something to say in the future, just a word."

The three of them knew Luo Tian's temperament, and if he didn't accept this top-quality spirit stone, he would be very upset, so the three of them put it away without being too polite.

"The matter of Beihe Country is over. I will explore that mysterious vortex when my strength improves."

Thoughts were turning in Luo Tian's mind, and he sighed inwardly. He didn't have a trace of selfishness. When he returned to the Great Wu Kingdom this time, his cultivation base was very high, but with Fang Yun and the other three by his side, even the first-class forces in general were enough to deal with them. cause deterrence.

The small group headed by Luo Tian has gradually formed.With today's Luo Tian, ​​there is no need to worry too much. This time when he returns to the Great Wu Kingdom, he will definitely do his best to remove all obstacles for the Luo family.

Great Wu Kingdom, I'm back!

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