
Chapter 371 Giant Peak Overwhelms the Bone, Returning Strongly!


"evil creature!"

In the southwest of the Great Wu Kingdom, there are lush green trees, flowers and plants everywhere, and there are even gurgling streams.

But at this moment, in an inhabited area to the north of here, two screams of fright and anger came from high above the sky, a man and a woman, the sound was extremely loud, presumably the two who made the sound were extremely angry in their hearts.

"Junior sister, and old guy, what are you doing?"

High above the sky, a black cloud fell, and on it stood a smiling young man in black. This man had a straight face, and he felt honest and honest at a glance.But in fact, most of the monks who have dealt with this person, regardless of men, women, young or old, have lost their souls at this moment, and only a very small number of monks secretly cursed this man day and night, and was quickly taken away by God.

Wang Peng.

This person used to be the next Baihua Mountain Lord who was favored by the previous Baihua Sword Master and the ancestors of Baihua Mountain, but because of his great ambition and deep city, he even concealed it from everyone for a while. After Huangfuxiang successfully entered the Red Leaf Fort, one of the four great sects of cultivating immortals in the Great Wu Kingdom, this person has been pursuing Huangfuxiang hard, but unexpectedly encountered a soft nail.

When Huangfuxiang came here, she was arrogant and arrogant, and she already had someone she liked in her heart.Secondly, this Wang Peng actually behaved too honestly, Huangfuxiang naturally didn't feel about it.It's good for a man to be honest and honest, especially for those Xiaojiabiyu, but it's really not enough for a lady like Huangfuxiang.This Wang Peng is neither ugly nor handsome, and his appearance is not pleasing, and everyone knows a popular slang saying that men are not bad and women are not loved.

It's okay for a man to be a little bit worse.

This Wang Peng is quite tolerant, but Huangfu Xiang is not an easy person.This Wang Peng has pursued Huangfu Xiang hard for more than ten years, and finally he could no longer bear the anger in his heart. Once, when Huangfu Xiang returned to Baihua Mountain, he directly took a strong aphrodisiac. Unexpectedly, Huangfu Xiang was no longer the old Wu Xia Amon, who forcibly Suppressing the power of the aphrodisiac, he directly knocked Wang Peng off the cliff.But who knows that good people don't live long and cause harm to thousands of years, this Wang Peng was lucky, he didn't fall to his death, instead, he got a volume of cultivation skills in a hidden cave under the cliff, approaching this Wang Peng general After recovering from his injuries, he sneaked out of Baihua Mountain and the Great Wu Kingdom, and took refuge in his cousin of the Great Qi Kingdom. His cousin was the deputy director of the outer sect in a great sect of cultivating immortals in the Great Qi Kingdom. The good Wang Peng introduced the sect. The fact that Wang Peng was chosen as the master of Baihua Mountain by the Baihua Sword Master and the ancestors is naturally extraordinary. In addition, this person has a deep scheming. In just over a hundred years in the sect, he actually practiced At the peak cultivation level at the early stage of the alchemy period, this time he directly led his demon monks to Baihua Mountain to avenge his revenge.

At this time, Wang Peng's cultivation has reached the peak of the early stage of alchemy, and he is the person with the highest cultivation in the entire Baihua Mountain. Naturally, he is full of confidence and complacent. An extremely obscene scene even appeared in front of him. He couldn't help moaning softly.

Although Huangfuxiang is one of the elite disciples in Hongye Castle, her aptitude can only be regarded as upper-middle. Her cultivation over the past hundred years is only at the foundation-building stage of Dzogchen. If it wasn't for her recent adventures that made her cultivation directly break through to the alchemy stage, I'm afraid that this life will cause me to sit down.And although the ancestor of Baihua Mountain was a monk in the alchemy stage, he was only in the early stage of alchemy stage, and he was better than Huangfuxiang. The two of them joined forces, but they could barely resist Wang Peng's attack.


Countless petal-colored sword lights came whistling, and shot towards Wang Peng quickly and urgently.

A sneer twitched at the corner of Wang Peng's mouth, "I'm not dead, your time is coming, if you don't find a peaceful place to sit in peace, if you insist on wading in this muddy water, I will help you!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Peng raised his right hand, and a black hook hammer appeared in his hand. He swung the sword light in front of him violently, and layers of thick black fog suddenly rolled out, covering the sword light completely. Peng flicked his left hand again, and a streak of black magic fire shot out through his body, shooting straight into the black thick fog, only a crisp crackling sound was heard, and all the sword lights were smelted away.

With a bang, the black mist, after refining the sword light, continued to castrate, and fell directly to the ground quickly, making a loud noise that shook the sky.

The ground was in a mess immediately, flowers and plants were turned upside down with soil, and those thick trees were broken one after another, and people and animals within a radius of one hundred feet were killed directly under this distance.


The ancestors of Baihua Mountain looked at it with eyes wide open. Wang Peng's blow just now seemed to be done casually, but in fact his main target was some disciples of Baihua Mountain. His blow killed more than [-] disciples. A disciple of Baihua Mountain.

Below are some pale-faced Baihuashan disciples. They are used to being pampered. How have they ever seen such a terrifying situation? The ancestors of the protection gods who have always been invincible in their hearts do not seem to be rebellious opponents. They have already been defeated. The last line of defense in their hearts, the proud expressions they used to have in the Great Wu country have long since disappeared, and now they are crying and fleeing in embarrassment.

"Wang Peng, if you don't die today, your life will be taken tomorrow!"

Huangfuxiang wore a flowery dress, like a Lingbo fairy, her face was extremely ugly at this moment, her white jade-like palm circled in the air, a red brilliance flashed, and a huge red leaf light appeared in the air.There is no way, just now the ancestors have transmitted their spiritual consciousness to themselves, and today it seems that Baihua Mountain is completely finished, so it is better to save a little bit of strength, and seek revenge from Wang Peng in the future!

"The red leaf escape method?"

Wang Peng straightened his face, and immediately moved his body, grabbed directly at the void with one hand, and then slapped the Tianling Gai with his free palm, a dark cloud burst out of the Tianling Gai, and a strange-shaped dagger faintly flickered in it. It rotated slightly above Wang Peng's head, and then the speed increased sharply, turning into a black line and flying towards Huangfuxiang.Seeing Wang Peng's cruelty and ruthlessness, it must be because he has the idea of ​​not leaving anyone alive.

Although Wang Peng is cultivating in the Great Qi Kingdom, he has stayed in the Great Wu Kingdom for so many years and he also understands that once the Red Leaf Escape Technique of the Red Leaf Fort is used, it cannot be broken in a short period of time, unless the cultivation base is much higher than the opponent's. Much, therefore, he just went straight to the killer.

"Ants dare!"

At this time, there was a light shout from the sky, and a purple sword light swept down immediately. The primordial magic weapon that Wang Peng painstakingly refined was directly swept by the sword light, and it broke into two pieces immediately, and then fell from the sky dimly .


Just as Wang Peng spat out a mouthful of blood, he was trapped by an inexplicable force before he could be terrified in his heart. Immediately, his vision blurred, and he lost consciousness.

That’s not to mention, the next moment, dozens of monks with good cultivation bases brought by Wang Peng were trapped by an invisible strange force, and immediately burned up one after another, covered by a layer of flames, and finally the flames After self-extinguishing, only dozens of white bones remained.

It was not enough to be burned to death by the flames, but the bones of those monks were still white, and they looked extremely permeable.Huangfuxiang and Baihuashan's ancestors changed their complexions drastically. The cultivation of the person who shot in the dark was really too high. A monk at the alchemy stage was wiped out with a snap of his fingers. What kind of cultivation is this?

"I don't know which senior made the move, the little girl replaced Baihuashan and thanked again!" Huangfuxiang was shocked to find that her red leaf escape method was abruptly stopped by someone, so she had to bite the bullet and go forward to salute.

"Hehe, Xiao Xiang'er, I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years, and she looks much prettier again."

A light laugh came from the clouds, Huangfu Xiang's delicate body shook, and immediately looked at the sky in a daze, with two lines of tears already streaming down her face unconsciously.

He is back!

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