
Chapter 372 Biquan Palace

Huangfuxiang opened her mouth, but before she recovered from the shock, her pupils shrank.

"It's enough to watch the show, so let's stay."

The cyan figure that fell from the clouds was Luo Tian. At this moment, his face turned cold, and he stretched out his hand towards a void beside Huangfuxiang's side, and the void was slightly sunken in immediately, and immediately there was a figure in embarrassment. Being sucked out from the void, it fell towards Luo Tian's palm without any resistance.


Luo Tian let out a snort, and flung it casually, that embarrassed figure directly fell on a hill next to Baihua Mountain, smashing the hill right away.

That's not to mention, next, Luo Tian made a formula with both hands and used the Five Elements Shifting Technique to gather all the remains of the Daqi Kingdom monks who attacked Baihua Mountain, and then threw them to that hill.

"Get up!"

The next scene lingered in the minds of everyone present for a hundred years.

I saw that the hill that was pierced by the bombardment rose directly from the ground, and there were loud noises of landslides and ground cracks. Immediately, countless flowers, trees, and gravel rolled down from the hill, and it was still a foot above the ground, still rising, and finally It didn't stop until it rose to a height of three feet.

Such supernatural powers have long been beyond the scope of the strength of Nascent Soul stage monks, but Luo Tian, ​​who also practiced several kinds of exercises, finally managed to do it, and gently pressed down with his big hand, and the hill directly crushed the man who also had the alchemy. The monks of the Great Qi Kingdom who had cultivated in the middle period were suppressed below together with dozens of skeletons, and their bodies were completely destroyed, even if they were reincarnated, they would not be able to enter.


The hill fell again, and the ground sank more than three feet, and a ring-shaped deep pit was formed within five feet around.

"How are you?"

Huangfuxiang felt sore in her heart. She had been living with someone deep in her heart for a hundred years. Originally, she had made a great breakthrough in her cultivation and thought she had the qualifications to find him and help him. Now it seems that , all of this is just nothing.

Luo Tian couldn't bear Huangfu Xiang's affectionate eyes, so he looked up to the sky and laughed dryly, "It's alright, alright, how about you?"

"I'm not good!"

To everyone's surprise, Huangfuxiang made an extremely bold move, flew out directly, landed in front of Luo Tian, ​​and hugged him fiercely.

"Uh, it's not suitable for children..." Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue had the most lively eyes, and they ran to Ding Ye's side together, covered Ding Ye from left to right, and dragged him behind.

Fang Yun and Ding Chunqiu's couple stared blankly, dumbfounded.

Yi Xiaoyue was full of sourness.

"It's still so fragrant." Luo Tian's face was slightly hot. Huangfu Xiang had expressed his intentions a hundred years ago, but at that time he fooled it by pretending to be drunk. Now a hundred years later, even if he wanted to hide, he might not be able to hide.Now I feel a little overwhelmed, too many women are troublesome, but have I passed the level before me?

Just when Luo Mojun was going to get away with it as a joke, he found that the warm jade and warm fragrance in his arms tightened again, and kept arching towards his arms, wisps of pleasant fragrance kept coming to his nostrils.


There are hundreds of men, women and children from Baihua Mountain below, all of them staring at the passionate couple in the sky with their mouths wide open.Of course, those male disciples who had already regarded Huangfuxiang as a goddess and fairy in their hearts were all in a state of collapse. No wonder Huangfuxiang would not lie to any man on weekdays. Yi big monk.

"Cough cough, girl, I'm about to be hugged to death by you." Luo Tian coughed dryly, and with his cultivation, he naturally felt the hundreds of eyes around him converging on him.

"I want to hug you for a while longer." Huangfuxiang, who was always majestic and aloof in front of people, seems to be a completely different person now. She no longer has that frosty appearance, but is more like a little girl who is dependent on others. .

"The boss deserves to be the boss, he is powerful!" Fatty Wang secretly swallowed his saliva, and looked at Luo Tian with great admiration. He was more pissed off than anyone else. He is now a monk in the alchemy stage, and there are countless women. He voluntarily throws himself into his arms, but in terms of quality, it is simply not the same as Boss Luo.They are all monks in the alchemy stage throwing themselves into their arms, there is no comparison.

Suddenly, Fatty Wang's mind flashed, as if he remembered something, the admiration on his face turned into gloating.


Luo Tian and the others didn't stay in Baihua Mountain too long, but Luo Tian arranged several restraining formations for Huangfu Xiang's sake, and then dared to go towards the capital of the Great Wu Kingdom.Huangfuxiang was naturally also in the team, so she euphemistically called it home to visit her relatives.Luo Tian had no reason to refuse, it was really helpless.

During the march, Luo Tian always took the lead in charging forward, euphemistically claiming that there is a mysterious sect ahead.Huangfuxiang was very annoyed, but luckily Yi Xiaoyue was able to talk to her, otherwise with Huangfuxiang's temperament, she might have jumped on her.She had already made up her mind, she must not let Luo Tian go this time, she couldn't wait another hundred years.


In Luo Tian's eyes, two brilliance, one purple and one green, shot straight out. Back then, he and Baihua Sword Master Fu Shaoyuan talked about the major sects of Great Wu. At that time, Fu Shaoyuan said that there are not only four superficial sects in the Great Wu Kingdom. Otherwise, it would have been wiped out by the surrounding countries.

Fu Shaoyuan.Luo Tian chuckled. In Tian Xinghai, there was also someone with the same name and surname as him, but this was really normal.There are countless people with the same name and surname in the world, and Fu Shaoyuan is another good name.

Thousands of miles away from Baihua Mountain, there are countless green hills, but no one knows that there is also an ancient sect deep in the green hills.

Biquan Palace.

Speaking of it, this Biquan Palace was inherited in ancient times, and it is afraid that there may not be tens of thousands of years of accumulation and precipitation.It is impossible for the Great Wu Kingdom to be among the three most powerful nations in the Profound Sky Continent without the power to deter other nations.Biquan Palace is exactly the kind that looks at the entire Profound Sky Continent and is also a first-class force.

At this moment, Biquan Palace is peaceful up and down, with water mist curling up everywhere, looking like a fairyland.

"It doesn't seem like much here."

Luo Tian led the crowd to a group of green hills. Except for Fang Yun, everyone else was puzzled.

"If you hadn't led the way, I'm afraid I wouldn't have discovered that there is still a sect here." Fang Yun sighed, "You are better than me."


The faces of the rest of the people couldn't help but change slightly. There is actually a sect here, but no matter how hard they try, they still haven't found any clues.

"If I didn't have spiritual eyes, it wouldn't be easy to detect." Luo Tian said very calmly. In fact, only he himself knew that Fu Shaoyuan seemed to vaguely mentioned to him that there was a peerless sect thousands of miles away in Baihua Mountain.

"Such a brilliant phantom array!"

Fang Yun looked forward, but felt a sting in his pupils, and a trance in his consciousness. If he hadn't had amazing concentration and advanced cultivation, any other alchemy stage monk who came here would probably be caught in it and couldn't extricate himself.

"Dear fellows, come here, what advice do you have?"

Suddenly, a clear voice resounded through the void.

ps: Three more chapters are owed.These days are really busy, but the debt still has to be repaid!If you are free tonight, there will be an update, the time is uncertain.

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