
Chapter 374 Heavenly Alliance, Curse


With such a loud tone, I don't know where Monk Mingyue got the courage to forcibly break through the seal in his body.Perhaps it was because the exercises practiced by Monk Mingyue were extremely against the sky, which actually attracted a vision from the sky.

Luo Tian protected the others and was about to retreat. With his current cultivation, he saw Monk Mingyue as soon as he came back, and the doubts in his heart a hundred years ago were easily resolved. Monk Mingyue had several layers of extremely profound seals in his body, which he knew , but Luo Tian also knows how dangerous these seals are once they are opened.

But Monk Mingyue opened it without any scruples.

Suddenly, Monk Mingyue's head seemed to be approached by countless colored clouds and ravines, which gathered one after another, forming a huge colorful vortex.

"what is this?"

Fang Yun waved his sleeves and raised his hands, a sky-blue mask suddenly formed, covering the whole body, and then, an unbelievable scene appeared on Monk Mingyue.


Luo Tian focused his eyes, and immediately led the others to retreat violently.At this moment, Monk Mingyue no longer had any righteous aura on his body, but was instead occupied by a layer of demonic aura. His body was surrounded by a layer of red and blackened light, as if there were countless brilliance washed away, piercing the surrounding area. void.

Immediately afterwards, the imprint of the water drop appeared on the center of Monk Mingyue's eyebrows. The water drop imprinted uncontrollably, and finally changed from the initial water blue to red from the root, moving up bit by bit, and finally the imprint completely turned into a demon. The strange red color looks extremely ferocious and frightening.

As if there was another sigh in the dark, immediately, a blue ray of light spewed out from the top of the Biquan Palace, and it rolled up very quickly, finally completely covering the [-]-mile radius of the Biquan Palace.

"what happened?"

"What is Biquan Palace doing?"

All of a sudden, many old monsters and old devils with extremely high cultivation levels in the Great Wu Kingdom finished their work one after another, and came towards Biquan Palace with their spiritual consciousness, but their spiritual consciousness was just within [-] miles of Biquan Palace. It was stopped by an invisible force.

At this moment, on the north side of the Great Wu Kingdom, in a quiet valley with singing birds and fragrant flowers, outside the upper valley with gurgling brooks, there is a lush green grassland, on which a ten-year-old shepherd boy is sitting by himself. On the body of the old scalper, he was holding a flute in his hand and blew it fiercely. The flute carved from purple bamboo made a very unpleasant sound, but the shepherd boy not only didn't take it seriously, but played it with great interest, startling the surrounding birds and beasts. They fled one after another, as if they could no longer bear the devastation and torture of the ugly flute sound.

Suddenly, the shepherd boy stared at the southwest of the Great Wu Kingdom with a smile that was not a smile, his eyes were as crystal clear as jade and as warm as water, and after a long time, he sighed in a low voice: "The poor Biquan Palace has once again attracted the magic star. Help me, hum! Tiandaomeng, sooner or later I will destroy you!"

"Hmph! Tiandaomeng, I will destroy you sooner or later!"

At the same time, in Biquan Palace, an extremely old voice rang out, with a strong unwillingness and anger in his words.

In the empty hall, only the Mistress of Biquan Palace stood at the bottom of the hall with his head bowed respectfully, without saying a word.

"As for the matter of the Heavenly Dao League, you should clarify it with Gongyang Mingyue. After all, the Gongyang family was cursed for my Biquan Palace, so don't neglect him. The old man will go into seclusion recently. If there is a breakthrough this time, hum, Daomeng that day..."

Then, there was a low voice of reply from the master of Biquan Palace.

"Monk, don't you regret it?"

Luo Tian lay leisurely on a pine and bamboo chair, rocking back and forth, shaking a gold-painted folding fan in his hand, looking very comfortable.

"Regret?" Monk Mingyue sneered, "That day the Daoist League thought it was heaven, and when the world's creatures were pawns and livestock in captivity, I would not accept the curse honestly and become a tool for them to play with!"

"If it's not a last resort, with your current strength, it's better not to confront the Tiandao League." Suddenly, the void in front of the two of them twisted, and then the Mistress of Biquan Palace stepped out.

"Uncle, what is the origin of the Dao League that day? With the background of Biquan Palace, they dare not resist under its lustful power?!" Monk Mingyue was faintly angry. Back then, his father was under the influence of the Dao League He cursed, and then he didn't want to attack his relatives and friends, so he dissipated all his mysterious powers and turned into a stone statue in Biquan Palace.

The Mistress of Biquan Palace felt a little indebted to Monk Mingyue. Seeing a hint of sarcasm in his words at this moment, she couldn't help but look puzzled, "That Dao League existed a long time ago, and it may not be hundreds of thousands of years. Our God The Xuan Continent is a third-order plane, and there are second-order planes such as the Ancient Cultivation Realm and the Nine Heavens Realm on it. That day, the Dao League called itself the Dao of Heaven and could replace the reincarnation of the Dao of the Heaven. , a little dissatisfied with it, they tried to destroy that sect and re-cultivate obedient forces. But after careful calculation, so far, the Tiandao League has only taken action once thousands of years ago, but that time also destroyed Xuanyin religion and Buddhism."


Luo Tian couldn't help but startled. It turned out that the downfall of the Xuanyin Sect was due to offending the Heavenly Dao League. No wonder, no wonder the leader of the Xuanyin Sect, who had the supernatural powers of cultivation that surpassed the world, fell down with hatred.

The Mistress of Biquan Palace glanced at Luo Tian intentionally or unintentionally. He naturally saw that Luo Tian's aura contained the aura of Xuanyin Sect and Buddhist Sect, and there was also a trace of tyranny and domineering aura that he couldn't understand. These words may not have aroused Luo Tian's thoughts of fighting against the enemy.

"Wait." Luo Tian frowned abruptly, and then said in a deep voice, "I don't know if senior can say clearly that the unparalleled cultivation of the leader of the Xuanyin Sect fell in the Heavenly Dao League back then. Is it really possible to have a peerless master?"

The Mistress of Biquan Palace looked at Luo Tian in surprise, and said calmly, "That's not the case. Although the Dao League was strong that day, it may not be able to easily kill the leader of the Xuanyin Sect, who can shatter the void and ascend to immortality at any time. Characters, but do you know that the people who founded the Tiantian Dao League were not from the Tianxuan Continent, they may be from the ancient cultivation world, or from the fairy world... When the leader of the Xuanyin sect was killed, there were three extremely cultivated people. A high-ranking monk came to this plane, otherwise, it is hard to say whether the Xuanyin Sect will be wiped out in that battle!"


Luo Tian and the others were stunned.

"Master, could it be that someone can descend to this plane?" Monk Mingyue asked anxiously.

"Of course." The Mistress of Biquan Palace laughed, with a hint of helplessness in the laughter, "I don't know about the ancient cultivation world, but people in the fairy world can definitely come to this plane, but when they descend to this plane, they will not be able to repair it regardless of their cultivation. No matter how high it is, it will not exceed the Mahayana period of cultivation, and once it casts a magic power that exceeds the tolerance of this plane, it will be immediately obliterated by the law of the plane. Of course, descending also requires a huge price. If you casually It will come, our plane has already become a slaughterhouse for the fairy world."

A trace of sadness emerged in Luo Tian's heart. The current plane may not be much better than the slaughterhouse.

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