
Chapter 375 Blue Sky Ruyi Blade, Myriad Transformation Magic, Collective Breakthrough

Just when Luo Tian was feeling sad, the Mistress of Biquan Palace waved his sleeves, and a cloud of crystal-clear light like water mist swept out, directly flying obliquely into the sky, and then refracted from the sky A streak of glazed brilliance shot out and fell directly on the countless towering peaks above the valley of Biquan Palace.


Among the densely packed peaks, a moderately high peak suddenly trembled, shaking unceasingly, the whole peak shook from side to side, the stones and soil on the surface of the peak cracked, and then slid down like flowing water.Finally, after the mountain peak fell off like weathering for a quarter of an hour, a blue brilliance exploded and immediately floated in the air. After a slight circle, it was about to escape into the distance.

"This evil obstacle can be regarded as an outlier among psychic treasures."

Even the Mistress of Biquan Palace, who was as tough as his heart, couldn't help but burst out laughing. Then, he gently moved his palm towards the distant sky.


The emerald green brilliance was photographed back at an extremely fast speed, floating in front of the Mistress of Biquan Palace, flickering in all directions, as if struggling and fighting unwillingly.

The Mistress of Biquan Palace didn't say much, he just opened his mouth and spewed out a cloud of mist, which tightly wrapped the emerald green brilliance in front of him. Getting thinner and thinner, the light is getting dimmer.After about a cup of tea, the Mistress of Biquan Palace grasped it with a big hand, and even grabbed the green brilliance of the real body completely, without any spirit treasure breath.

"Bi...Blue Sky Ruyi Blade!"

Naturally, Luo Tian and the others couldn't recognize this treasure. Although Luo Tian was familiar with the book of rare treasures, the records in the book of rare treasures were still not complete. There are more than tens of millions of treasures in this world. Well documented?

But Monk Mingyue is not the case. He has been kicked out of Biquan Palace since he was 15 years old. In the previous 15 years, he was very familiar with every plant and tree in Biquan Palace, especially the blue sky wishful blade in front of him, which is even more beautiful. One of the five town palace spirit treasures of Spring Palace.

"Biquan Palace has five veins, and each vein is in charge of a kind of spiritual treasure. Your vein is cursed, but now you are the only one left, Mingyue, take good care of it, and don't let it suffer humiliation." Biquan The palace master resolutely shouted softly, and with a flick of his hand, the blue sky wishful blade fell directly towards Monk Mingyue.

Monk Mingyue caught the treasure almost in a daze, and then a drop of primordial spirit blood quickly floated out from between his brows, and merged into the blue sky wishful blade. The foot-long Blue Sky Ruyi Blade suddenly opened like a peacock spreading its tail, flashing a layer of dazzling fan-shaped light and shadow, where the light and shadow swayed, the void twisted and fluctuated, and the speed increased one after another.

Time accelerates!

All of a sudden, Luo Tian's heart beat violently, and he was unbearably excited.This Bikong Wishful Blade is indeed a top spiritual treasure. The moment Monk Mingyue waved it just now, his consciousness had already noticed the time near the Bikong Wishful Blade, and the flow of time was obviously accelerated by [-]%.

If this is used against the enemy, it is simply a peerless treasure.Just imagine, under the increase of the Bikong Ruyi Blade, the attack speed and rhythm have been accelerated by at least [-]%. If this extra attack range is used on an evenly matched opponent, it may be enough to influence the battle situation.Even if he encounters an enemy whose cultivation base is far superior to his own, he may be able to retreat and escape smoothly.Possessing the top spiritual treasure of the blue sky wishful blade, Monk Mingyue is already in an invincible position.

Monk Mingyue caressed the Bikong Ruyi Blade, which was in his own blood, and couldn't put it down.

At this moment, Luo Tian also had a special thought in his mind. With his lips moving slightly, it was sound transmission to the Mistress of Biquan Palace.

Unexpectedly, after looking at Luo Tian meaningfully, the Mistress of Biquan Palace said with a smile: "There were many people in the Dao League that day, and many sects in this plane joined it, so it's not difficult to find them. But that day The old man who is the real Lao Chao of the Dao League doesn't know, that is, the few high-ranking members of the Dao League that day came out to hypocritically represent the sky to patrol hunting, and they all performed thousands of magical arts. For extremely high monks, I am afraid that they will not be able to identify their true identities."

"Thousands of magical arts?!" Luo Tian was shocked again, and lost his voice, "Could it be the legendary semi-immortal art that only master monks in the tribulation stage can practice?"

"That's right, this supernatural power can only be used by cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Stage, but it has its limitations. It can be said to be a semi-immortal technique." The Mistress of Biquan Palace nodded in response, as if thinking of something again He said, "However, the land of the immortals may be about to appear recently. Since the Daoist League's leisure time was extremely boring that day, they must secretly send people to disrupt the situation."

"Hmph! Don't they boast of the way of heaven? Do they still care about these junk things from the third-order plane?" Luo Tian snorted coldly, quite disapprovingly.

"It's hard to say whether they care about things, but they will definitely come to disturb the water. It seems that the more chaotic our plane is, the happier they are."

"A bunch of perverts."

Luo Tian scolded disdainfully, but soon there was a wry smile on his face, "Palace Master, it seems that the inferior people came at a very bad time, I didn't expect to break through at such a moment..."

The Mistress of Biquan Palace was good-natured and honest, it doesn't matter, but in fact she rolled her eyes very depressed in her heart.It would be a coincidence if you were the only one who made a breakthrough in cultivation, but what are you? Almost everyone here has made a breakthrough. Usually, one person can break through. This is obviously the evil idea of ​​this beautiful and treacherous young man in front of him...

In fact, the Mistress of Biquan Palace's guess is very close to ten.Luo Tian has recently refined a batch of Five Elements Pill with excellent character. This is a genuine sixth-grade elixir. It is extremely precious for lower monks to directly advance to the next level after taking it.Of course, with this batch of more than a dozen Five Elements Pills, Luo Tian generously sent one to each of them, especially a moment ago, Luo Tian gave an order, and everyone, including Monk Mingyue, swallowed the Five Elements Pill go down...

Looking at the dense dark clouds in the sky, the owner of Biquan Palace wanted to cry, but this guy really knew how to take advantage of it. He even attracted Sijiu Xiaotianjie, who had advanced to the alchemy stage, and brought Biquan Palace Where is he now?Why is this unreasonable!

Depressed and depressed, the Mistress of Biquan Palace also arranged a few restraining formations with a little helplessness. Although the power of Heavenly Tribulation will not be too great, who knows how far Luo Tian and Mingyue, who broke the seal in her body, will grow , in case when they break through, the Biquan Palace will be riddled with holes, and I will directly blew myself up in front of the patriarch tablets to apologize...

ps: There are too many people who got married recently, giving money is soft, and the liver is trembling. I drank a day of wedding wine today, and when I came back, I sat in front of the computer to update, just two chapters, I still owe two chapters, and I will pay it next week.Next, a hunk from the Luo family made an appearance, Quack.

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