
Chapter 376 Sending the God of Plague and the Mysterious Ancient Box

Three days.

It took only three days for Fang Yun and others to advance.Only Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue were still floating cross-legged in the void, and both of them emitted strong air currents from their bodies, stirring the air with crackling noises.

Among them, Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue had different promotion situations.

There are circles of gray ripples around Luo Tian's body, slowly turning around him like a starry sky, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, it looks extremely strange.Monk Mingyue was a sky-blue light curtain at the beginning, and was gradually intertwined in the center by seven-color silk-like light curtains, and finally gradually turned into a colorful giant cocoon, lying quietly in the air.

The aura in the entire Biquan Palace gathered towards the two of them like a long whale sucking water. This strange situation attracted everyone in Biquan Palace.

"Palace Master!"

"Palace Master, what, what is this?"

The master of Biquan Palace replied with a bit of bitterness on his face, "Mingyue and Luotian's promotion made such a commotion."

Among them, Fatty Wang, who has already advanced to the late stage of alchemy, turned his eyes around and immediately figured out some of the joints. It seems that Biquan Palace has been paying attention to Monk Mingyue's movements and whereabouts, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to know Luo Tian's name, since Luo Tian entered Biquan Palace, he hasn't given his name yet.

Seeing this, everyone in Biquan Palace didn't ask any more questions, and they all took their leave and flew away. Hundreds of figures disappeared into the sky in an extremely neat manner.

Another three days passed.

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue remained silent, but the gray vortex around Luo Tian's body became slower and slower. In the end, if he didn't use his spiritual sense to check, he couldn't feel the slightest breath of Luo Tian at all, just like Luo Tian completely Cut off the general vitality.As for the colorful giant cocoon that Monk Mingyue turned into, there were bursts of thunder from time to time, which was very dull.

Everyone was not in a hurry, especially Ding Ye, who had advanced to the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, devoted himself to the cultivation without any pause, and such a peerless figure as the Master of Biquan Palace couldn't help secretly praising him for his hard work.Cultivation of immortality, is it against the sky, without hard work and loneliness, there will never be great achievements.

Another five days later, the gray vortex around Luo Tian's body suddenly changed on this day, bursting out light green bands, and immediately these bands of light shot towards the sky like upside-down long swords.

In the end, the gray vortex completely turned into a huge light green flame barrier, almost covering half of Biquan Palace.

"The book is advanced!"

The Mistress of Biquan Palace stood at the high altitude of Biquan Palace, opened his hands and then pressed them down again. Countless ancient runes were shot out from the entire periphery of Biquan Palace. It fell straight down, pressing down towards the light green light band.

"This kid obviously came for the aura of Biquan Palace."

Indistinctly, the Mistress of Biquan Palace seemed to let out a helpless sigh.


With a soft sound, the light green light strips all over the sky disappeared immediately, and Luo Tian's long body rose up instead. Luo Tian's spirit seemed to reach its peak in the next moment, and immediately there was a layer of light green flames looming all over his body Soaring up.

Nine Flame Mysterious Art has finally advanced again!

The Nine Flames Mysterious Art, which has reached the fourth level of flame, is now in the hands of Luo Tian, ​​​​it is already a terrifying flame that can cause a devastating blow to immortal cultivators, plus Luo Tian Xuanyin Taishang Daojing's attack method that can harm souls, today's Luo Tian, ​​relying solely on martial arts and supernatural powers, can already easily defeat the monks at the beginning of the out-of-body stage, not to mention that he himself has reached the middle stage of the out-of-body stage. Now it can be said that under the monks in the distraction stage, Luo Tian is already No. .1!

With all kinds of magic weapons, Luo Tian is now capable of fighting against the monks of the distraction stage. Even when he meets a monk of the distraction stage whose magic weapon is not high, the opponent may not be Luo Tian's opponent.

The Nine Flames Mysterious Art is worthy of being an ancient treasure, but it has just made a breakthrough, and its cultivation has doubled.

"Thank you, Palace Master."

Luo Tianren bowed in the air, and immediately turned around and returned to the ground, crossing his knees to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth to consolidate his current state.

After another five days, Monk Mingyue finally left the customs!

Monk Mingyue's exit was different from Luo Tian's grand opening, it was very peaceful, but his cultivation had already reached the late stage of the Nascent Soul stage.

Luo Tian didn't look shocked at all, because when he met Monk Mingyue, he felt that his aura didn't match his cultivation base, but now it seems that his mana cultivation base was covered by the seal in his body. A monk with a low cultivation base can't see any clues at all.

On the second day after Monk Mingyue left the customs, everyone in Luotian bid farewell and left.This also made everyone in Biquan Palace, including the owner of Biquan Palace, heave a sigh of relief. These robbers stayed in Biquan Palace for less than a month, but they spent [-]% of Biquan Palace's hard-earned savings. The pure energy of heaven and earth has been completely absorbed. If they stay for a while longer, Biquan Palace may have to change their orthodoxy.

"Palace Master, come back again in the future after making a decision, no need to send it away!"

Before leaving, Luo Tian didn't forget to say something, which shocked the Mistress of Biquan Palace so much that he didn't fall from mid-air.

What?Again?The Mistress of Biquan Palace really wanted to cry, he decided to add dozens of powerful restraining formations to Biquan Palace after returning, so that Luo Tian would not let him in if he came back in the future even if he killed himself.



Not long after, Luo Tian's people had already flew thousands of miles away, but at this time, Luo Tian's spiritual eyes swept away and found that there was an escort agency passing by on the ground. Forward.

What attracted Luo Tian was that there was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man in the bodyguard team. The middle-aged man's aura was like a bright moon. He looked like a monk in the alchemy stage, but he was dressed as a coolie porter, honest and honest. There is a basket on the ground, and the basket is full of pots and pans.


Everyone followed Luo Tian's eyes, and couldn't help being startled, almost all of them saw that the man was unusual.

"Wait for me to make a divination."

Luo Tian took out a gossip disk very mysteriously, and immediately raised his hand to throw it out. The gossip disk spun in the air, and immediately countless runes appeared on it. Finally, the rune culture made silk threads, moving towards the lower part A monk in the alchemy stage who obviously concealed his identity was shot at without a sound.

The next moment, a flat mirror composed of light curtains suddenly appeared in front of everyone.The figure of the monk at the alchemy stage appeared in the mirror, and there was something in the Qiankun bag of the monk at the alchemy stage. It was a mysterious ancient box. The top of the ancient box was sealed with several complicated spells, emitting a faint of light.

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