
Chapter 377 Robbery, Token

Luo Tian and the others couldn't help shrinking their pupils together, and immediately frowned fiercely. Looking at the appearance of everyone, I am afraid that none of the people present recognized the aura emanating from that mysterious ancient box.

When Luo Tian mobilized the mana in his body, and was about to carefully carefully wrap the mysterious ancient box wrapped in a powerful spell, there was a bright light in front of him, and immediately a ball of green light burst out from the mysterious ancient box, bright and majestic. People can't see things, even Luo Tian who has spiritual eyes can't open his eyes smoothly, he just saw a fuzzy cloud of purple air hovering for a while, and then the ancient mirror transformed in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Luo Tian took a step back with a gloomy expression, and immediately made a talisman with both hands, and even played the gossip plate again, intending to re-condense the spiritual mirror, but no matter how much he stimulated the mana, he could no longer transform the ancient mirror, so he had to take it back angrily. The gossip disk, his complexion became cloudy and uncertain.

"Fang Yun, what do you think?"

After a long time, Luo Tian let out a long breath and said calmly.

Fang Yun shook his head, and said: "The mysterious ancient box must be sealed with extremely strange things. If you hadn't used the secret method to reflect its appearance before, and just scanned that person with my divine sense, apart from being able to find that he is Except for a monk in the alchemy stage, nothing else can be detected, as if the scene just now was just an extremely realistic illusion."

"Illusion is absolutely impossible!" Luo Tian waved his sleeves to directly deny this idea. One must know that the gossip plate was refined by Master Qiankun himself, so how could mere illusion be able to hide it?

"Then there is only one reason. The thing on this person is at least a half-immortal treasure." Monk Mingyue has now fully recovered. Lingbao Bikong Ruyi Blade, besides increasing the amplitude of time, this Bikong Ruyi Blade has another function, that is, it can sense the existence of some Lingbao.

Luo Tian neither agreed nor opposed, but just looked at the ground silently, two brilliance in his eyes, one purple and one green, directly penetrated the clouds.

"Follow and see first." Luo Tian rolled his big hand, and the waves and blue clouds directly turned into a blue cloud and wrapped everyone in it, and then the color of the blue cloud changed into an ordinary white cloud, quietly followed Floating forward with the breeze, looking up from the ground, it is just an ordinary cloud, there is nothing special about it.

Then, Luo Tian began to distribute some living soul wood and Ningshen incense to Ding Chunqiu, Huangfu Xiang and Yi Xiaoyue.That little fellow Ding Ye was still in seclusion, Luo Tian just lit a plate of meditation incense for him to help him practice, and did not wake him up.

After a few days, the escort team finally passed through a city without any danger, and then continued on the road.

However, Luo Tian's spiritual sense was monitoring the situation of the entire Escort almost all the time. When they walked out of the city, supplemented with water and food and continued on the road, several figures seemed to float out of the city.

"It's a monk from Beihe Country."

Monk Mingyue and Fatty Wang could see through each other's background almost at a glance. Although the other party had a relatively high level of cultivation and was a few alchemy monks, the strong water attribute aura on the other party's body was still difficult to conceal.However, there are very few water-based monks in Dawu, and very few have reached the alchemy stage. If there are, Monk Mingyue and Fatty Wang also know each other.

Luo Tian didn't say anything, and thought carefully in his heart. Could it be that the cultivator who retreated and erased some memories with his own roar that night was related to the robbery and killing in Beihe Kingdom?

Then, the bodyguard team had already traveled tens of miles, far away from the city, but suddenly stopped.

The people in Luo Tian looked at the few alchemy cultivators who followed closely behind the escort team with some amusement. They seemed to be communicating with each other, and Luo Tian didn't bother to spend his consciousness to eavesdrop on their conversation.I saw that after a cup of tea, those monks at the alchemy stage changed into some black robes at the same time, solemnly took out a black gauze scarf, and then flicked it on their faces without hesitation, their faces immediately changed. Shrouded in a layer of black smoke, it is difficult to distinguish the appearance.

"The middle-level disguise magic weapon is not bad." Fatty Wang chuckled, "But compared to the disguise magic weapon passed down by my Wang family ancestors, it is far different."

Luo Tian smiled suddenly, and finally remembered the heaven-defying magic weapon of disguise that Fatty Wang gave him. At the beginning, neither Su Butian nor Hai Lao saw the slightest clue, so it can be seen how much the magic weapon is cherished. When the three kung fu merged, he destroyed the magic weapon by mistake, and had to see people with their true colors, which really made him depressed for a while.

"Brother Wang, I wonder if you still have the magic weapon of disguise?" Luo Tian asked with a hot face.

"There's only one more thing, Brother Luo, I didn't give it to you back then..."

"It was destroyed by mistake." Luo Tian said embarrassingly.

"What!" Fatty Wang's eyes were wide open, the eyeballs barely popped out, his mouth was opened wide open, and an extremely distressed expression flashed on his face, "Brother Luo, that is Wang's ancestral treasure, There are only three pieces, and there is only one piece on Wang's body for self-defense..."

Next to him, Monk Mingyue rolled his eyes in depression, his face twitching, self-defense?To prevent you, uncle, I think it is used to rob houses and do that shady business. How can you pretend to be noble and righteous when you can get along with Boy Luo and Lao Tzu?

Luo Tian smiled helplessly, but he didn't expose Fatty Wang's righteous and awe-inspiring face.

Not long after, night fell, and in the dark night, several clouds suddenly floated in the sky, blocking the moonlight, and the earth became black and oppressive, almost invisible.

Whoosh whoosh!

A few strange flying birds rose directly through the air and landed steadily towards the dart team.

"Could it be that there is an expert helping secretly?"

Five or six miles away, several monks from Beihe Kingdom couldn't help but frowned slightly. The pathfinder bird was transformed from them, but after going out for a quarter of an hour, it seemed like nothing had disappeared. If it wasn't for that trace of spiritual connection, they would have thought The other party almost discovered their whereabouts.

"Impossible!" One of the young women in black shook her head and denied, "To be able to cover up the detection of the pathfinder bird silently, at least the cultivation base of the out-of-body period is required. If the other party has such a big monk guarding it, then it can be used There is no need to use the hand of the Escort to escort the token."

In fact, at this moment, in the high-altitude clouds, there is a great monk in the out-of-body stage watching coldly, it is Luo Tian and his party.Moreover, Luo Tian used his supernatural power a little bit, directly covering up the detection of the pathfinder bird.


Luo Tian said something thoughtlessly, and immediately those monks in the alchemy stage of Beihe Kingdom rushed towards the bodyguard team as if they drank chicken blood...

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