
Chapter 380 Ancient Text Token

In fact, if it was against the enemy under normal circumstances, even if Luo Tian wanted to put the middle-aged man in colorful clothes into the ancient bronze lamp, it would be extremely difficult. , certainly not so easy to succeed.Luo Tian himself had to use cloud-turning supernatural powers or Zilian sword codes to contain and consume the opponent in advance, and he could even overwhelm the opponent with his advantage in mana cultivation, in order to defeat the possibility of the middle-aged man in Caiyi.But the middle-aged man in Caiyi was restrained by Mingyue Monk Jiuyuankui Shuibian earlier, and he was already shocked. Later, he was firmly suppressed by the extremely fast advantage of Bikong Ruyiblade, and Luo Tian was able to succeed in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the lamp body of the ancient bronze lamp seemed to become extremely transparent, emitting a faint emerald green brilliance. The middle-aged man in colorful clothes and the fake baby monk flashed in the flames, and were directly involved in the transparent lamp body, as if two A miniature villain is showing his teeth and claws.

"This fellow Taoist, you and I have no deep hatred, why do you need to attack me, I am from Luojia Mountain, I must have heard of it." The middle-aged man in Caiyi's complexion was cloudy and there was a wave of spiritual consciousness .

Luo Tian chuckled, and said with a sinister smile: "I've heard of it, of course I've heard of it. But I've always been at odds with Luojia Mountain, otherwise I wouldn't have made a lot of effort to capture you. Well, what should be said It's over, you can go on your way with peace of mind."


Luo Tian spat out a mouthful of blood, and the ancient bronze lamp suspended in front of him suddenly burst into flames, and then the flames rolled back and fell quickly towards the two people inside the lamp.


The middle-aged man in colorful clothes screamed, and immediately pulled the fake baby monk beside him, the flames were immediately stained on the fake baby monk, and the fake baby monk let out a very strange howl, and then his whole body was directly covered by the flames. Wrapped inside, the flame slid into his body, still burning unceasingly, that kind of pain was even more uncomfortable than the art of refining the soul, an absolute human torture.

"Fellow Daoist wait a minute, I have an important secret to tell you!"

The middle-aged man in Caiyi couldn't help being a little stunned when he saw that Luo Tian really did what he said he would do, he had experienced countless monks and mortals with weird personalities in his life, but he had never seen him do it without hesitation The one who just shot to kill, even went straight to the scene without saying a few words, as if the person in front of him never cared about his face and had no demeanor. No matter where such a person is, once he has enough power, he will become extremely terrifying.Therefore, he changed his address from me to an old man in a very bachelor way.


"..." The middle-aged man in Caiyi was shocked again. With his gloomy temperament, he couldn't help but yell at him. I'm going to tell you a big secret if you fucking understand the rules of the world of cultivating immortals. Do you think I told you for free?Conditional, conditional...

Before the middle-aged man in Caiyi could conceive a word, his pupils shrank, and he saw the handsome young man in Tsing Yi and the monk who was only in the late Nascent Soul stage step forward in one step, directly submerging into the clouds.After entering the clouds, the middle-aged man in Caiyi was really frightened.

"Waves... waves and blue clouds?!"

The middle-aged man in Caiyi exclaimed in astonishment, the rarity of the Blue Wave Cloud is comparable to that of a fairy artifact. Based on the knowledge of the middle-aged man in Caiyi, there are absolutely no more than three Blue Clouds in the Profound Sky Continent. .I didn't expect that I was so lucky. After decades of forbearance to make a single shot, I met a pervert with a wave of blue clouds.

"Wandering your sister!"

Monk Mingyue bared his teeth and shouted, "Boy Luo, why bother talking to him, just search for the soul directly, do you need him to say it out to show off? Back then when I was in Huoyan Kingdom, I was almost lost to soul refining by him, if not Your gorefiend escaping technique is really powerful, and our brothers will fall into the hands of this fellow!"

"What?" The middle-aged man in Caiyi could naturally hear Monk Mingyue's speech. His expression froze, and he seemed to think of something immediately, "You are Han Yi! No wonder the old man couldn't find you after you were in Huoyan Kingdom. Later, it was said that you once Appeared in the Star Sea..."

"The information on Mount Luojia is quite well-informed." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "Tell me, if the secret is worth letting me let you go, I will also admit it."

"Then...then you have to swear the heart demon blood oath first. Otherwise, I would rather lock the primordial spirit forever, even if you perform the soul search technique, you will not get any news." The middle-aged man in Caiyi hesitated, and then said , the heart demon blood oath is extremely common in the world of cultivating immortals. Once the blood demon blood oath is issued, the other party violates the oath, and the spiritual consciousness will be greatly damaged, and it will be difficult to make progress in cultivation.

"no problem."

To the surprise of the middle-aged man in Caiyi, Luo Tian happily complied. Immediately, a light green light and a milky white light flickered strangely on Luo Tian's body, and Luo Tian popped out a drop of blood with his fingers, and then formed After making a complex imprint, the imprint formed by the blood essence soared into the sky.

The middle-aged man in Caiyi was inside the ancient lamp, so it was naturally difficult to see all the changes in Luo Tian's body, but after confirming that there was nothing wrong with his spiritual sense, he finally felt relieved, quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt that there was nothing wrong with Luo Tian. I thought to myself, when I escape from here, I will definitely crush you and turn you into ashes.

"What are you doing in a daze, tell me!" Monk Mingyue yelled annoyedly, the Blood Demon Blood Oath is generally proficient in people who are a little bit advanced, and once he swears the oath, he is also clear about the consequences.

The middle-aged man in Caiyi quickly released a trace of spiritual consciousness and passed it on to Luo Tian.

However, Luo Tian's face was slightly startled, and then it became complicated. In the end, Luo Tian breathed out without hesitation, and directly manipulated the flame of the ancient bronze lamp to beat him to death.

"You have violated the blood oath of the heart demon, and you will die in this life!..." The middle-aged man in the colorful clothes smiled sharply, extremely tragic.

"Who said that I swore a heart demon blood oath?"

Luo Tian smiled strangely, and immediately stretched out his hand to move towards the sky, a light green flame and a pale white brilliance directly wrapped in a bloody mark descended from the sky.

"You...you are proficient in spatial supernatural powers...I hate it..." The middle-aged man in Caiyi's body burst into flames, and his voice stopped abruptly.


As soon as Luo Tian put away the ancient bronze lamp, the space around him trembled, and a lot of things fell out.And the mysterious ancient box seen earlier is also impressively listed.

"Hey, it's yours." Monk Mingyue saw that Luo Tian was fine except for his pale complexion, so he couldn't help but feel relieved, "I didn't expect this guy to be rich, tsk tsk."

"It was agreed in advance that my two apprentices just lacked a magic weapon..." Luo Tian smiled wryly, and immediately reached out to grab the mysterious ancient box, and took the lead in grabbing the mysterious ancient box. With a sweep of consciousness, it landed directly on the talisman on the outer surface of the ancient box, However, he saw that the talisman seemed to be able to isolate the divine consciousness, and directly bounced the divine consciousness back.

Luo Tian rubbed his hands, and several purple lotus flowers shot out from his fingertips, and immediately landed lightly on the talisman.

About half an hour later, Luo Tian finally carefully broke all the talismans on the surface of the mysterious ancient box, and immediately slapped the ancient box with his big hand, and the lid of the ancient box opened directly.


A beam of colorful light rushed out of the ancient box, but since Luo Tian dared to open the ancient box, how could he be unprepared.Seeing this, he flicked towards the void in a calm manner, and several strands of gray air flow quickly condensed out, forming a large net in an instant to cover the colorful light, and then fell into the palm of his hand.

That thing is an ancient token about one foot long, neither gold nor bamboo nor stone, with several strange ancient characters engraved on it, with Luo Tian's extensive knowledge, he can only recognize some of them Just two.

ps: I still owe a chapter.

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