
Chapter 381

In the end, Luo Tian found more than ten kinds of ancient characters on the ancient jade token.With Luo Tian's current extensive knowledge, he can almost recognize some of the ancient characters, but on this ancient jade token, he can only recognize two kinds of ancient characters. Of course, one of them is the most widely spread. Qingliwen is also the most widely used.As we all know, Qingliwen was recognized as a common language in ancient times, but any sect with some background will have courses to learn Qingliwen.

After carefully observing the ancient jade token again, Luo Tian then arranged several restrictions, and then threw it for everyone to watch, to see if they could identify the origin of this thing.

As a result, the ancient jade tokens were circulated in everyone's hands, except for Fatty Wang who said in a profound manner that the jade used for this token was of the highest quality, everyone shook their heads.

"Fatty, just talk nonsense!"

Huangfuxiang and Fatty Wang also knew each other. After all, they were both well-known monks in the Great Wu Kingdom's Immortal Realm, and they had met each other a few times.Now it is through Luo Tian that the two have officially met.Fatty Wang sighed inwardly, I am obviously much more handsome than Boy Luo, why did Fairy Baihua fall in love with him but not me?

Thinking of this, Fatty Wang stroked his long hair relentlessly, looking at Huangfu Xiang and Yi Xiaoyue's beauty almost paled, and he almost vomited.

Speaking of which, Yi Xiaoyue is now a monk in the early stage of alchemy. Luo Tian didn't show any stinginess to her, and almost directly raised her cultivation base to the early stage of alchemy. However, Yi Xiaoyue's aptitude is too ordinary. She took some kind of elixir to maintain her appearance. I am afraid that at her current age, she looks like a middle-aged beautiful woman, and if there is no special fortune in this life, she will definitely not be able to break through to the alchemy stage, and can only reach the peak of the foundation stage. Sitting down.

"Since everyone doesn't know this thing, let's put it here first." Luo Tian was not polite, and directly put the ancient jade token into the black lotus space.Generally, Luo Tian would not put important things in the Naxu Ring, they would be placed directly in the safer Heilian space, and the top-quality Qiankun bag in his hand was directly given to Ding Ye Now, Ding Ye, the third disciple, has directly cultivated to the late stage of foundation building in just half a year. All of this is inseparable from Luo Tian's spirit stone and spirit pill. Even if a pig has been smashed by Luo Tian for hundreds of years, he It will also grow rapidly.

"Back to the capital!"

Then, with a wave of Luo Tian's big sleeves, the Qing Yun under him suddenly gave out a soft force to envelop everyone, and then shot towards the capital of the Great Wu Kingdom like lightning.


At this moment, hundreds of thousands of miles away, in the northern part of the Profound Sky Continent, here is an endless swamp. The swamp is so huge that you can see far away at a glance, but you can't see the edge, it's incomparably vast.The swamp is not a harsh environment, but patches of lush half-human tall grass and groups of low shrubs. There are countless clear water pools on the swamp, but under these pools, there are huge hidden dangers. crisis.

An extremely fast yellow-haired fox quickly exchanged its four broad feet on the swamp. It can go out two feet if the soles of the feet touch the water surface and wet mud slightly. The speed is as fast as lightning, so that it will not fall into the swamp. go.

The yellow-haired fox ran for more than a hundred miles in one breath, and then carefully turned its small head and curled up under a tree with a crooked neck. After waiting for half an hour, the yellow-haired fox came to a place very vigilantly. At the edge of the swamp, after searching for a long time, he stretched his little head towards the water surface with some confidence, and the appearance on its little neck stood upright in the next moment.


Only in the five or six feet wide swamp, a sudden change suddenly occurred, an extremely fast black shadow shot out from the swamp, and immediately the yellow-haired fox didn't even have time to react, and was bitten by the black shadow all at once. He grabbed his neck and dragged it down into the swamp.

Chi Chi!

At this time, a tall figure suddenly appeared under the crooked neck tree that was originally empty, but after seeing him appear, he raised his hand and threw out a magic talisman, which spontaneously ignited in midair without wind, and immediately turned into an electric light It fell on the black shadow, and under the light of the electric light, it showed that the black shadow was a huge crocodile with a small unicorn on its head.

Seeing this, the crocodile directly abandoned the yellow-haired fox corpse in its mouth, and quickly shrank back into the swamp.

"Want to run?"

The tall figure was dressed in a green robe, his face remained unchanged, and when he probed his hand, he conjured up a light and shadow like a hill, and then the light and shadow fell quickly, directly oppressing the water in the swamp and sinking it for more than half a foot. The crocodile monster was even more tragically swept by the light and shadow on the head, and suddenly became a little dizzy.

The tall figure brazenly grabbed it, and the light and shadow produced great power, and even crushed the half-exposed crocodile monster directly, and the swamp was directly dyed blood red.


The tall figure grabbed it with his hand, shot a bead the size of a pigeon egg into his hand, and immediately swallowed it without looking at it, and then slightly frowning, he took the yellow-haired fox's body in front of him, With a light swipe of the finger, a half-foot-long gash appeared on the body of the yellow-haired fox, which was already a fourth-level monster, and a bead the size of a soybean was sucked into the mouth immediately.

"Although it is only a fourth-order monster equivalent to a monk in the foundation building period, it is better than nothing."

The tall figure flickered immediately, and the whole person sank directly to the ground. With just one breath, the whole person landed on a boulder five feet below the ground.

"It's a good thing that the crocodile monster is a fifth-order monster, but it can restore some of my vitality. The Northern Territory Gan Shenzong, when I recover from my injuries, I will definitely play with you, hehe." The tall figure suddenly showed his appearance, But it was a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. The young man had a square face. He didn't look handsome. It looks extremely weird.

Judging by the young man's cultivation at the moment, it turned out to be the extremely terrifying late stage of the alchemy stage.

Exerted a strange hand formula, when the boy entered the breath adjustment state, a bright light flashed from three feet around him, and a lot of restraining formations were arranged around the boy.

In a flash, five days passed, and the boy still kept this posture motionless. A colorful light and shadow shot out from the seven orifices to protect his whole body, and it became more and more intense later.

Another ten days passed.

On this day, five figures flew fast from far away in the sky, and these five figures suddenly landed on top of the tree with crooked necks. One of the monks holding a pure white jade plate took a step, and immediately a cloud appeared on the jade plate. A layer of milky white brilliance came out, directly covering the area within ten feet around.

"The Great Luo Devil really appeared here!"

"not good!"

"Hurry up and notify Senior Liu!"

call out!

A sky-rising earth light shot out from the ground, soared straight into the sky, and flew towards the five figures.

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