
Chapter 389 Brothers Meet

Seeing the dramatic ups and downs of the Blood Moon Wolf King, Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned.It seems that when this guy was thrown into the second domain of Wuxuantian in the Black Lotus Space a few days ago, he was a righteous man who would rather die than surrender. He was struck by the yellow sky thunder in the sky, screaming like ghosts and howling, but he was unwilling to surrender. It's only been three or five days, why did this guy's temperament change so much, he turned into a master sycophant?

Luo Tian Yuanshen shot countless dense gray silk threads, covering the body of the Blood Moon Wolf King at once. At the same time, Luo Tian waved his sleeves and threw the Blood Moon Wolf King directly into the extremely dangerous place in the second day domain. In the area outside the island, for a moment, countless bucket-like thunderbolts fell from the sky, and the momentum was extremely terrifying, almost like the end of the world.

"Wow!" The Blood Moon Wolf King howled ghostly again, but no matter how you listen, this guy is full of infinite joy in pain. In the end, this guy finally yelled loudly, "His grandma, cool!" Ah, it's so cool, it's so cool..."

Luo Tian and Xiao Hei looked at each other, dumbfounded, could this guy be a masochist?After being struck by countless thunderbolts one after another, even an iron man would be wiped out, but this guy is still shouting, his forehead was pinched by the door?

"Go and have a look." Even Luo Tian couldn't hold back his curiosity, he directly reached out and grabbed a piece of yellow cloud to wrap Xiao Hei, and immediately sent it quietly to the area outside the island of the Second Day Domain.

About the time after the meal, Xiao Hei came back with his head drooping, and said weakly, "Boss, this guy is indeed a bit perverted. He can absorb part of the energy from the sky thunder in the area outside the island. I don't think this guy is authentic. Blood Moon Wolf King of blood, it is likely to belong to a mutant monster!"

Mutated monster?

Luo Tian frowned. Mutated monsters are extremely rare, because the survival rate is too low, and the middle class of monsters is strict, and each has its own arrogance. If you let a lion and a tiger combine, although there is a certain possibility, but It is extremely difficult.The Blood Moon Wolf King in front of him probably has the blood of the thunder attribute in his body, otherwise he would never be able to absorb the energy of the sky thunder.

"I'll leave it to you, it's best to tidy up and be obedient." Luo Tian paused, then continued, "If it pretends to surrender, it will be destroyed directly."

In the black lotus space, apart from monsters, plants and Luo Tian himself, only the primordial spirit can enter, and in the black lotus space, Luo Tian is the king, entering it, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is useless, Luo Tian can definitely Take control of his life and death.The Blood Moon Wolf King is so cool, that's because Luo Tian didn't really kill him.

After dealing with these matters, Luo Tian stayed alone above Moyun Temple for a while, and then disappeared suddenly.


"Great-grandfather, great-grandfather!"

In a luxurious courtyard in the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, a seven or eight-year-old boy with braids and a pair of small broken legs ran fast. Judging from his elegant and agile figure, he was already possessed of martial arts.

Seventh rank warrior!

This seven or eight-year-old child turned out to be a seventh-rank martial artist!It's incredible!

The direction in which the child ran was an artificial lake. At this moment, in a quaint gazebo on the artificial lake, two white-haired old men were sitting facing each other. There was a chessboard between them, which was black and white.

At this moment, the two old men looked at the toddler running over with wry smiles on their faces, with complicated eyes.

"Poor Yue'er, to have caused such a disaster."

"Brother, I don't think it's an option to delay this matter. Why don't you go to Luo's house." The slightly thin old man hesitated and said softly.

"Although there was quite a commotion in the Luo family a few days ago, after all, the strong man is not a member of the Luo family. We don't have such a big face to invite him suddenly." Coughing violently, he took out a white handkerchief to cover his mouth. After coughing, there was a pool of bright blood on the white handkerchief.

"Don't worry about it!" The thin old man stood up suddenly, "I can't just watch big brother go on like this, and Yue'er is so young, this time I will go to Luo's house even if I have to save my face Please come to that strong man to help!"

"Third brother! Come back! Xiao Qing! If you still want to treat me like a big brother, come back to me! Otherwise, you and my brother will never be friends!" The tall old man said angrily with a flushed face, his body trembling one after another.

The tall old man was none other than Zhou Wenya.

"Brother, why are you bothering!" Xiao Qing's face was full of bitterness, "Second brother hasn't returned for a hundred years, and it's not like you don't know about our relationship with the Luo family. They will definitely not stand by and watch."

"The Luo family is the Luo family, and the second child is the second child. If the second child is here, I will never be polite to him, but the Luo family, forget it, you and I have owed the Luo family a lot of favors over the years. " Zhou Wenya's face straightened, "I, Zhou Wenya, are most pleased with you two brothers in my life. Now that my Zhou family has declined, although I, Zhou Wenya, have no arrogance, I still have a few roots of arrogance. There is no need to worry about this again..."

The next moment, the expressions of the two couldn't help but looked out of the gazebo.

But seeing a sudden wind blowing above the lake outside the gazebo, after the strong wind passed, the space was distorted a few times in an extremely irregular manner, and then, a handsome young man in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared in the air, with long black hair without wind Wu Wu, but the aura from him made Zhou Wenya and Xiao Qing fall to their knees and couldn't get up.

"You...you are...the second child!"

"Boss, third child, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, are you alright?" The handsome young man is naturally Luo Tian, ​​and I saw him stepping out of the void, directly in front of the two of them, and with a lift of his hands, two streams of pure mana were injected into their bodies within.

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he said: "Boss, there is a blood mark on your body, could it be that someone from the blood demon lineage came to you?"


"Second brother!"

The seven or eight-year-old child looked at the grandfather and the third grandfather hugging a big brother in Tsing Yi with tears streaming down his face, his small eyes remained motionless.

"Okay, Boss and Brother, let's sit down and talk about something." Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness spread, directly covering the entire imperial capital, "With me here, no one can touch you!"

"Second brother, you...what is your cultivation level now?" Speaking of which, Zhou Wenya and Xiao Qing are now at the peak of the Qi refining period, especially Xiao Qing, who was originally as wise as a demon, and this immediately reflected that Looking back, Luo Tian's appearance has not changed from what it was more than a hundred years ago.

"Hehe." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and immediately transmitted the voice to the two of them.


The two immediately jumped up in shock, out of body period!

After a long time, Zhou Wenya and Xiao Qing finally looked at Luo Tian with wry smiles on their faces, with a trace of warmth in their eyes. After a hundred years, Luo Tian has cultivated to the out-of-body stage, not to mention the out-of-body stage, it is now The last alchemy cultivator, both of them looked up to him from afar.

"Hey, who is this kid?"

Finally, Luo Tian found a seven or eight-year-old boy not far away, with a gentle smile on his face.

"My great-grandson, Zhou Yue." Zhou Wenya smiled consolingly, then waved her hand and said, "Yue'er, don't you always clamor to see the second grandpa? This is your second wife." Grandpa, come and call someone."

"Second...Second Grandpa!"

The little guy groaned for a long time before he yelled. How could he, who was only seven or eight years old, understand that this young man in Tsing Yi, who was at most 20 years old, was actually his second great-grandfather. Could it be that his great-grandfather made a mistake?

"Okay, good qualifications!" Luo Tian clapped his hands and laughed, "Come over here, the second grandpa will give you some fun things."

ps: Two more chapters are owed, I will remember and will make up.There are a total of three papers to be written in the past few days, and I am really too busy to have time.

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