
Chapter 390 Killing, 1 must kill!

Zhou Wenya and Xiao Qing were stunned for a moment.

Give something fun?Luo Tian is now an authentic out-of-body monk, not to mention in the Great Wu Kingdom, even in the entire Tianxuan Continent, he can be regarded as a figure who stomps his feet and shakes all directions. The monks who have been repaired for a long time and above are regarded as treasures.

The young boy Zhou Yue was still in a daze at the moment, so he felt his lips suddenly open automatically, and immediately a stench and a fragrance came to his face at the same time, shooting down at the end regardless of front and back, extremely soft.

Zhou Yue suddenly felt that his mouth was filled with an unpleasant stench and a strong fragrance, each occupying half of his mouth, making him almost faint.


At this time, Luo Tian waved his hand, and a very pure gray brilliance suddenly appeared from the sky above Zhou Yue's head. This gray brilliance disappeared into Zhou Yue's sky cap in a flash. His complexion finally eased.

Zhou Wenya and Xiao Qing were not too worried. They stood aside, watching Luo Tian casting spells with great peace of mind. They couldn't help secretly envious of this little guy Zhou Yue. Luo Tian's move was obviously to drain his body. At the cost of mana, if Zhou Yue is able to make it through the Enthusiasm Enlightenment Method, the road to cultivation will be smooth, and at least he will easily reach the alchemy stage. possible to achieve.Not to mention that in the entire history of the Zhou family, there have been no alchemy stage monks, how many have there been in the entire Great Wu Kingdom?

It took about half an hour for Luo Tian to withdraw his hands, while a layer of sticky black crystals appeared on Zhou Yue's body surface, emitting a foul smell.The little guy obviously couldn't hold on after taking a few breaths.

"Don't worry."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, flicked his fingers, and the clothes on Zhou Yue's body turned into flying ash, and then turned around and grabbed the lake water next to him, the lake water flowed violently, and finally condensed into a five-foot-square water mass.

With a light introduction, Luo Tian walked over to Zhou Wenya and the two of them with his hands behind his back, and dropped two small bottles.

Crash, clatter, Zhou Yue was wrapped in water balls, and the dirty things on the body surface were washed back and forth by countless water streams, and they were quickly cleaned, revealing Zhou Yue's body like a beautiful jade.

"Wow, my clothes..." Xiao Zhouyue felt that his body had unstoppable strength, and he jumped up to a height of more than three feet. Only after landing did he realize that he was naked, and he was dangling his penis in a hurry run away...

Zhou Wenya and Xiao Qing looked at Zhou Yue's small figure, their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

It's only been a while, and Zhou Yue has jumped from a seventh-rank warrior to the peak of the Qi refining stage, just short of being promoted to the foundation building stage. I have worked hard for more than a hundred years, and I am only at the peak of the Qi refining period, but it only took half an hour for others to surpass their hundred years of cultivation. This kind of gap is unacceptable to anyone.

"Second brother, what are you?" After a long time, Xiao Qing, who came to his senses first, pointed to the two small jade bottles in front of him in doubt.

"Boss and third, the two of you have mediocre aptitude, and the spiritual root of cultivating immortals on your body is just a fake spiritual root. Otherwise, the two of you would not be able to cultivate to the peak of the Qi refining period. Each of these two bottles contains thirty foundation-building Dan, after I lift the curse of the blood demon for the boss, the two of you will go all out for the foundation building period, don't worry, I will give you some elixir and spirit stones to ensure that the two of you will advance smoothly."

"Second brother..." Although Zhou Wenya is used to being careless, she couldn't help but gasp. The Foundation Establishment Pill may be a trivial matter to Luo Tian, ​​but to him and Xiao Qing, it is really a supreme treasure. The two of them He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and then he has worked hard for a hundred years relying on the two immortal cultivation techniques left by Luo Tian. He has just cultivated to this point. If there is no miracle, the two of them will be dead in five or six years at most.Now Luo Tian didn't directly give them hope as simple as that, but directly gave them a life span of more than a hundred years.Not to mention ordinary people, even those high-ranking immortal cultivators are also afraid of death. Unless you achieve the immortal way, no one can stand against the erosion of time. If you are astonishingly talented and cultivate to the world, you will eventually be annihilated in the long river of history.

Breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Stage, with the physiques of Zhou Wenya and Xiao Qing, at least eight or ninety years of lifespan would be added.No wonder the two were so excited, they kept staring at the jade vase that held Zhu Jidan and refused to leave.

"Boss and brother, put away the Jidan first, wait a moment."

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he disappeared out of thin air, but entered the space of Hei Lian.

"That's right, move the pile of high-grade spirit stones over there to this side, you silly wolf, of course it's near me!"

"Little black!"

Luo Tian couldn't help but frown as soon as he entered the Black Lotus Space. He clearly asked him to subdue the Blood Moon Wolf King, so why did this guy play on his own?


Xiao Hei flew over with a flattering smile, landed directly on Luo Tian's shoulder, and said with a chuckle, "This Blood Moon Wolf King has agreed to be your mount, so how about the boss? Is Xiao Hei good or mighty?"

"Worthy your sister!"

Luo Tian couldn't help laughing and cursing, "Who made it my mount? I already have a mount, why do I need a mount?!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hei was stunned, "Why didn't I know that the boss has a mount?"

"It's you!"

"Ah?..." Xiao Hei almost couldn't breathe. After a long time, he just accepted this cruel reality, and then said with great resentment, "Then why do you want me to subdue it?"

"Isn't Xiaohao still missing a mount?" Luo Tian winked and said with a sinister look on his face.

"Ah! I got it, I got it..." Xiao Hei suddenly realized, and shook his head vigorously, "Don't worry, Boss, this matter is on me!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hei flew out in a hurry, and landed on the top of the Blood Moon Wolf King again, his little mouth was trembling up and down.

The Blood Moon Wolf King looked miserable, shaking his head constantly, jumping up and down in anger, his mouth was wide open, and spit was flying all over the place.

After a long time, Xiao Hei triumphantly brought the Blood Moon Wolf King to Luo Tian, ​​"Boss, it has already agreed. But it has one condition..."

"What is the condition, just say it."

"Boss, before you ascend to the Immortal Tower, I hope to stay here..." The Blood Moon Wolf King carefully glanced at Luo Tian. There are plenty of spiritual energy and stones here, and there is also a spiritual liquid pool that can stabilize the primordial spirit and improve the cultivation of the primordial spirit. Because, fools are willing to go out.

"Oh, well, it's not impossible." Luo Tian said calmly, "But you have to sign a blood contract with Xiaohao first!"

"No problem!" The Blood Moon Wolf King is arrogant, but under the huge temptation in front of him, he can only lower his proud head. He is arrogant, but arrogance cannot be eaten, nor can it improve the cultivation level, right...

"There is one more thing." Luo Tian saw that he had subdued the Blood Moon Wolf King, and said with an ugly face, "My boss Zhou Wenya was cursed by the blood demon lineage. The curse is extremely complicated. I don't know if you can solve it. Policy?"

Luo Tian's words were naturally addressed to Xiao Hei, who specializes in devouring souls of the primordial spirit, and is good at breaking all kinds of prohibitions and curses of the primordial spirit.

"Even the boss thinks it's extremely complicated, but it's still a bit tricky, but as long as there's time, it's not impossible to crack." Xiao Hei smiled sinisterly, just like Luo Tian, ​​"It is said that the blood demon lineage has collected many powerful primordial souls. , if we have time, why don't we take a trip."

"Kill it, you must kill it!"

Before Luo Tian kicked Xiao Hei who was eager to try, the Blood Moon Wolf King shouted excitedly.

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