
Chapter 394 Qing Li Order

"You will regret what you did today!"

Soon, an extremely angry roar came from the light green flames dancing in the sky, and the voice contained the sadness and desolation of the infinite hero's loneliness.

Luo Tian's expression flickered, and immediately the spells were fired one after another. The light green cover in the air that was a thousand feet long shrank continuously, and soon shrunk to a range of a hundred feet. In the end, there was nothing to hide in that hundred-foot range, even if it was to escape into the void. , because Luo Tian had already completely sealed off the surrounding space with Splash Blue Clouds.

Soon, even Huang Hao felt that the blood-colored small banners within a hundred feet were shattered one by one, and finally a rich blood-red beam of light was forced to appear, struggling in the void in embarrassment.

Before Luo Tian continued to make a move, he felt a light and shadow flickering out from his cheek. The next moment, Xiao Hei fell directly outside the light green flame cover, and said hesitantly: "Boss, please open a gap and protect me by the way. Such a delicacy cannot be wasted..."

"It's easy." Luo Tian smiled, and immediately pinched the magic formula, a small gap was directly exposed in the light green flame cover, and Xiao Hei flashed into it immediately. It entered the light green flame cover, and his body automatically A limp cyan cloud-like armor was born, protecting it from the flames.

"Quack, let's see where you are going to hide this time!" Xiao Hei grinned, and shot towards the blood-red beam of light like lightning. The blood-red beam of light vaguely sensed the power of this ruffian-filled little white snake, and immediately wanted to dodge .But moving within this hundred zhang range, there really wasn't much place to hide, and after only a few breaths of effort, the blood-red beam of light was swallowed by Xiao Hei in one gulp.

Most of the blood glow in the entire space immediately dissipated, leaving only a few crumbling blood-colored small banners. Luo Tian directly absorbed the green profound fire in his body, and with a wave of his sleeve, those few blood-colored small banners directly turned into Pieces fell from the sky.

"Let's go."

Luo Tian said indifferently, and immediately recalled Xiao Hei. After he flew three hundred feet away, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he turned around quickly and ejected a shocking purple sword energy. It landed on the little bird that was fluttering its wings on the ground, smashing it into powder. Among them, a looming blood-colored smoke slowly dissipated, and finally it could no longer be seen.


Apart from wanting to visit the Luo family, Luo Tian's return home this time was mainly to resolve Zhou Wenya's disaster.At this moment, Zhou Wenya survived the catastrophe without any danger, so he was relieved, but this time when he returned to the Profound Sky Continent, he found that the entire continent seemed to be undercurrents even more violently, and it seemed that those sects of cultivating immortals were all in unison. Waiting for something big to happen.

"elder brother."

As soon as Huang Hao stepped into Luo Tian's other courtyard, he saw Luo Tian lying on a bamboo and rattan chair, drinking tea leisurely in the shade of a tree. A simple and simple token obtained from the Jiashan fake baby monk.

With eyes tightly shrunk, Huang Hao looked at Luo Tian with a wry smile, "Brother, why do you have a Qingli Ling?"

"Oh, you know this thing?" Luo Tian raised his head in surprise, "Tell me, what is the effect of this Qingli Ling?"

"I don't really know exactly how, but according to the abbot of Moyun Temple, this Qingli order is inherited from the ancient times." Huang Hao smiled wryly, as if he didn't help Luo Tian, ​​he was very disturbed, " Moreover, my younger brother also has a piece in his hand, which was obtained by chance when he was wandering around the Northern Territory."

After finishing speaking, Huang Hao turned his palm over, and a quaint token exactly the same as Luo Tian's appeared in his palm.

"Prime Ancient!"

A ray of light flashed deep in Luo Tian's pupils. As far as he knew, what is above today is ancient times, and above ancient times is ancient times. For the formation of the plane structure, one must know that the plane where today's Xuan Continent is located is only a third-order plane.

"Come with me."

Luo Tian stood up and grabbed Huang Hao. Immediately, the two of them disappeared in place with a flash of blue light.

The next moment, in front of the gate of Moyun Temple, two figures suddenly appeared out of nowhere, they were Luo Tian and Huang Hao.

"May I ask the benefactor to offer incense or pray to Buddha?" A young novice walked over quickly and said with palms together.

"I'm in Luotian, I don't know if Master Abbot is here?" Luo Tian has always had a good impression of Master Abbot of Moyun Temple, and now he is asking for more. Luo Tian doesn't mind lowering his posture a little.

When the little monk heard that he was a member of the Luo family, he couldn't help being more respectful. What kind of power the Luo family is, it can be said that it is the first family in the Great Wu Kingdom. Moyun Temple is now within the scope of the imperial capital, so it is very clear to the Luo family.

"Please benefactor, wait a moment."

After a while, the little novice trotted out from the temple and said respectfully, "The abbot invites you two."

Revisiting the old place, Luo Tian took it lightly, and finally saw Master Abbot, Luo Tian bowed and bowed after more than ten steps, "The boy has seen the master."

"The benefactor is not polite." The abbot of Moyun Temple kept his eyes closed all the time, and finally opened it at this moment, with a wry smile on his face, "The benefactor is indeed worthy of a tyrannical fate that takes people's blessings. kill."

"It's natural."

After a hundred years, Master Abbot seemed to be getting older, his old face was full of wrinkles, just as Luo Tian was about to renew his life for a few more years, Master Abbot shook his head and said, "No need, at my age, I can Enough is enough. Birth, old age, sickness and death are destiny."

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment and didn't speak.

"Two benefactors, please sit down."

After Luo Tian and the others sat down, the master abbot pondered quietly for a moment before he said, "I already know your purpose this time. If the Taikoo Qingliling doesn't have enough strength, I suggest you give up."

"Master, can you tell me about the origin of the Qingli Order?"

"The poor monk has lived for more than a hundred years. For more than a hundred years, he did not practice immortality or martial arts. He just concentrated on cultivating the future of the Buddhist sect and anecdotes in ancient texts. This Qingli order is also considered extremely important in the ancient times. An entry key to a divine garden."

"Shen Yuan?" Huang Hao's expression finally changed drastically.

"That's right." Master Abbot lowered his brows, "There are treasures of magical medicines everywhere in the divine garden, not to mention life and death human flesh and bones, even if your soul is scattered, if the high-level magical medicine in the divine garden protects the body, it can also protect your body." The re-condensation of the physical body is the supreme treasure. However, since the split of the ancient times, the divine garden suddenly disappeared, and the monks of the descendants searched hard but could not get it. Finally, in ancient times, several great supernatural powers With the joint efforts of the cultivators, they found a faint trace of the Divine Garden, and then the Qingli Ling directly flowed out from the Immortal Realm and landed on the Profound Sky Continent."

"Why did you land on the Profound Sky Continent?" Luo Tian couldn't help but frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something.

"The Profound Sky Continent was originally a small microcosm of the ancient times. Therefore, the Profound Sky Continent is also called the Profound Sky Plane. Although it is a third-order plane, its status is much higher than that of the second-order plane. And that The location of the Divine Garden is also one of the only first-order planes in the Immortal World and the Tianxuan plane."

Luo Tian and Huang Hao couldn't help their hearts shaking when they heard such a secret.

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