
Chapter 395 Mysterious Ebi

After Master Abbot's explanation, Luo Tian and Huang Hao finally understood a little bit, but the rest were still like clouds and mist, and Master Abbot's body obviously couldn't bear it after talking for half a day. Therefore, The two brothers found a wing room in Moyun Temple and lived there.

In the quiet room of the wing, Luo Tian and Huang Hao sat on the futons.

With a light ding ding, Luo Tian pondered for a moment, then threw out something in his pocket, it was the fortune-telling black tortoise shell bestowed by the Master Qiankun, three ancient coins in it collided inside the tortoise shell, and immediately the tortoise The shell trembled by itself. After a long time, Luo Tian stretched out his hand to recall the shell, and with a light touch, the three ancient coins inside the shell appeared in front of his eyes.

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

"Brother, how are you?" Huang Hao stretched his neck and looked at it for a while, then asked involuntarily.

Luo Tian shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "According to the hexagram, the master's deadline is coming, and I'm afraid it will only take a year or two."

"Since the master has made a conclusion, let's let this matter take its course." Huang Hao also felt nervous. The abbot master is not only profound in Buddhism, but he is also a very good person. He donated these people to Moyun Temple under the order of Luo Tian There may be more than 100 taels of gold, but the master didn't keep a single penny, and donated it all to the poor. Now it seems that the master is more than [-] years old this year, which can definitely be regarded as the end of his life.

On the second day, the master abbot euphemistically sent the little novice to the temple, presuming that he was inconvenient, and called the little novice to take Luo Tian and the two of them to a secret room.

As soon as Luo Tian and the two entered the secret room, they couldn't help being dumbfounded. The secret room was not big, with a radius of only five feet, but there were no books in the secret room, and there were a variety of jade slips densely placed.

At this point, Luo Tian and Huang Hao glanced at each other and were finally relieved. No wonder they always had a sense of inability to see through Master Abbot. Seeing the room full of jade slips, the two of them finally came to their senses. Is Master Abbot right? Any cultivation level, but his mind-cultivation ability has reached its peak. Buddhist mind-cultivation is also a branch of cultivating the primordial spirit as monks call it. When it reaches a very high level, it is the cultivation base of a saint who can do whatever he wants without transgressing the rules. .

In the secret room, a large Zen character suddenly appeared on the wall facing the door. The writing is not powerful, but it has an indescribable meaning, as if there is no smoke and fire, which makes people calm down at a glance.

"Could it be that the master is a member of the Buddhist Zen sect?" Luo Tian secretly speculated calmly. The Buddhist sect is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Among them, there are two schools. One school advocates cultivating the mind, which is the Zen school. .The other faction advocates the Buddhist vajra force, known as the warrior monk.The two cannot be talked about in a day.

Immediately, the two of Luo Tian couldn't help but smiled wryly, how long would it take to finish reading this room full of jade slips?


In the blink of an eye, a month passed, Luo Tian and Huang Hao finally returned from Moyun Temple, and later they stayed in the other courtyard to practice independently.

According to reports from the servants of the Luo family, these days, Yi Xiaoyue and Huangfuxiang came to look for Luo Tian respectively, but Luo Tian was not at home, so the two went back.Especially Huangfuxiang, who almost broke the gate of the Luo family this month. She is now a figure like Yi Jiazu's grandma. No one in the Yi family dares to ask about her whereabouts.

"Brother God!"

As soon as Luo Tian heard about Huangfuxiang, he heard a very resentful shout from outside the courtyard, it was undoubtedly Huangfuxiang.

Not to mention that the whole Luo family is working hard to cultivate at this moment, and no one has come forward to stop it.Even if the Luo family is present, they are also happy to see Huangfu Xiang and Luo Tian achieve good things. Not to mention that Huangfu Xiang is extremely beautiful and intelligent, even if he is currently at the alchemy stage, he is worthy of those bad old men who are going to die Push Luo Tian into the fire pit.

"Xiao Xiangxiang, hehe, um, you haven't returned to Hongye Castle yet?" Seeing that he couldn't escape, Luo Tian could only laugh a few times.

"You really want me to go back to Hongye Castle as soon as possible?" Huangfu Xiang couldn't help but turn pale when she heard this, and stared at Luo Tian blankly, "I've been waiting for more than a hundred years, just waiting for your words Cruel words?"

Fatty Wang Mingyue monk in the other courtyard, even Fang Yun and Huang Hao secretly pricked up their ears. They couldn't help but be very happy to see Luo Tian deflated.

"Sit down and talk, sit down and talk, Lu Rui, hurry up and serve tea!" Luo Tian's scalp was numb, originally he thought it was enough to just pretend to be cool and fool this matter, but who would have thought that the little girl would directly reveal the relationship, how embarrassing is this?

Qinghe, Yan'er, and Su Muqing are already enough to make Luo Tian's head ache, and now there is another Huangfuxiang, these four women don't have a fuel-efficient lamp, if they get together, they won't eat themselves up?

Lu Rui served the tea quickly, and then disappeared in a flash.

Luo Tian and Huangfu Xiang sat opposite each other, and when he looked up, he saw her affectionate eyes, and couldn't help avoiding them.

Huangfu Xiang chuckled, and said angrily: "Look at how you have a heart but no guts, don't worry, I won't compete with Luo Qinghe for the seat of the royal family, as long as, as long as you have me in your heart."

After speaking, the voice became lower and lower.

"Go up, go up, go up..." Those guys who secretly eavesdropped couldn't stop cheering for Luo Tian secretly, lest the world would not be chaotic.

Later, Luo Tian didn't know how to deal with Huangfuxiang, only to see Xiao Nizi walking away with a happy face...

"All you eavesdroppers, get out!"

In the other courtyard, Luo Tian growled angrily.

Outside the imperial capital, at the Mass Burial Mound, Luo Tian and Hai Lao sat facing each other, drinking happily. After more than a hundred years, the old man became more and more energetic. Luo Tian smiled lightly. With his current cultivation, it is still impossible to see through the old man's true cultivation.

"Elder Hai, with your cultivation, why do you stay here alone?"

This time, Luo Tian decided to get straight to the point.

"Tread on the people of the world."

Hai Lao's face remained unchanged, he directly drank half of the jug of fine wine, and gave a shocking answer.

"I wonder if Elder Hai can step on it?"

"It's coming soon."

The two of them spoke one sentence after another as if they were fighting a game, and the atmosphere was very friendly.

"Old Hai, you old man, don't play tricks on me, just tell me directly, what is your background, so that the boy can be mentally prepared, right?"

"I really want to know?" Hai Lao smiled slightly.

"Yeah." Luo Tian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"You will know in half a month at the latest." Hai Lao blinked, pretending to be mysterious.

"That kid will never give you wine again..."

"Bastard boy!"

"The boy will also tell other people not to give you gifts, and not to let them sell you alcohol, for the sake of your health..."

"Find a fight!"

Elder Hai finally couldn't bear it any longer, he opened his mouth and spewed out a cloud of air, directly enveloping Luo Tian, ​​and Luo Tian was sent hundreds of feet away without any resistance.

"After half a month, you will know, don't worry about it now."

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