
Chapter 399 Innate Sword Qi

In fact, the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword is just a low-level item among fairy treasures, just like a high-level spiritual treasure will derive its own spiritual consciousness. Although the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword itself is a fairy treasure, it does not have its own spiritual consciousness.The spiritual consciousness of this magic weapon is also high and low. The spiritual consciousness of a high-level spiritual treasure is not very powerful. The spiritual consciousness of a real high-level fairy treasure is quite terrifying.

At present, even though the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword does not have its own spiritual consciousness, it is still a genuine immortal sword. Just because it is in the third-order plane of Tianxuan Plane, it has enough qualifications to run rampant, and it is in Luo Huachen. I don't know how many years have passed in my hands, even if I don't have spiritual consciousness, I still have some instincts.

At this moment, what makes Luo Tian so depressed is that the Great Desolation Immortal Sword really has infinite power. He has already escaped into the void, and the Great Desolation Immortal Sword can still lock his position. It is simply incredible. .

"Isn't it? Are you still here?"

With a sweep of Luo Tian's consciousness, he knew that the Great Desolation Immortal Sword seemed to be attached to his party, followed by the four spirit treasures behind the Great Desolation Immortal Sword, and those four spirit treasures were also quite powerful, directly smashing the void into space. It was so shaken that it collapsed piece by piece.

"What a joke!"

Monk Mingyue's eyes straightened, "Xiao Tiantian quickly let Monk me out, I don't want this fairy treasure, I just want my life now!"

"Me too." Unexpectedly, Fang Yun also had a wry smile on his face, "This fairy treasure is too tyrannical. Even if you get it, you may face backlash. You should digest it slowly."

"You guys..." Luo Tian was very speechless, a bit rascally, "Even if I let you out now, you can't bear the power of the space collapse, so, don't leave, we'll talk about it when we're completely safe."

"Then quickly show your might and take it away!" Fatty Wang glanced at it, and knew that it was extremely dangerous outside. I'm afraid it would be good to escape from the Yuanshen if you go out now.

"Yes, take it! Take it!"

The eyes of everyone on Qing Yun except Luo Tian lit up, and they roared loudly in unison.

"act recklessly!"

The four highest cultivators outside are the great monks of the distraction stage, and at this moment they sneered secretly in their hearts, thinking, what about the members of the Luo family, this Great Wilderness Immortal Sword is unmatched in power, but it is just an early out-of-body stage cultivator. Cultivator, how could it be possible to subdue such an immortal treasure?

Of course, if they knew what Luo Tian was thinking at the moment, they might really vomit blood on the spot.Luo Tianxin said that he has seen this experience before, so why not just discard this fairy treasure, anyway, I heard from the great elder that the treasures of the Luo family can only be stimulated by the essence and blood of the direct descendants of the Luo family, and it is useless for outsiders to get it, the big deal It's time to let those old guys in Jianzhong take it back. Anyway, they are going crazy staying idle in Jianzhong, so it's good to have some fun for them.

"not good!"

At this moment, the purple glow on the surface of the Great Wilderness Sword suddenly changed, becoming extremely dazzling, exuding a light like the sun. With a sweep, they couldn't help but become precarious, and the light on it kept flickering. It seemed that they couldn't bear the oppression of the Great Desolation Immortal Sword's aura. After all, there was a difference of a level like a natural moat between them.

In the history of cultivating immortals, it is not uncommon for Lingbao to evolve into a fairy weapon, but this situation is rare in thousands of years.

The situation in front of him is already very clear. It is obvious that everyone present cannot suppress the Great Desolation Immortal Sword. Next, everyone must show their magical powers.

Boom boom boom!

Several astonishing mountain ranges descended from the sky, pressing down on the Great Desolation Immortal Sword. At the same time, a pitch-black water glow also appeared directly from the void, shooting towards the Great Desolation Immortal Sword quickly and urgently.

"Get out of the way!"

Luo Tian roared angrily, and these great cultivators in front of him cast their supernatural powers and directly covered dozens of miles around. It seemed that they didn't intend to pay attention to the common people within the range of dozens of miles.At the moment, regardless of the boundless ravages of the Great Desolation Immortal Sword, he directly cast the cloud-turning supernatural power.

An ancient leaf between Luo Tian's eyebrows is the magical power inherited from Mount Puti, the magical power of the breath leaf!

With the supernatural power of turning the clouds, the void stirred like muddy water, engulfing the mountain peak and the water glow, and then Luo Tian shot out a green brilliance straight from the center of Luo Tian's eyebrows, hitting the ground that was only tens of feet away from him. On the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword.


As if feeling the threat, the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword broke through the void with a bang, and landed directly in front of Luo Tian, ​​only three feet away, piercing Luo Tian's eyebrows.

Being pierced into the body by the extremely terrifying Dahuang Immortal Sword, even if Luo Tian's physical body is now as compact as a spiritual treasure, it may be destroyed directly.How could Luo Tian dare to let the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword really penetrate into his body, and immediately he waved his hands, and countless purple lotuses appeared in front of him, densely covering the sky and covering the sun.

At the really critical moment, Luo Tian has already played all his cards. He has already secretly allocated a trace of divine sense, ready to use the teleportation supernatural power. Can't care about it now.


A surprising scene appeared.

For some reason, the Dahuang Immortal Sword in front of Luo Tian turned into a purple sword light and plunged into the center of Luo Tian's eyebrows, changing Luo Tian's horrified expression.

The next moment, countless purple sword lights appeared in Luo Tian's primordial spirit. These sword lights formed purple lotus flowers, and there seemed to be many Qingliwen swimming on the lotus flowers.

"Sword Code method!"

With a sweep of Luo Tian's consciousness, his sorrow and joy were mixed together.The happy thing is that the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword doesn't seem to have the intention of harming him, but the sad thing is that this space of spiritual consciousness seems to be constantly directing itself, and it is boundless, and he doesn't know how to get out.

At this time, countless purple lotus flowers separated towards the two sides, and an illusory sword light flew directly from the depths of the space, and then directly merged with Luo Tian Yuanshen.

There was even a huge change outside. Countless astonishing dragon auras suddenly emerged from Luo Tian's body, and then the dragon aura condensed into a substance, turning into a big silkworm cocoon and wrapping Luo Tian in it.

"Hehe, not bad, it turned out that the innate sword energy left by Luo Huachen chose to fuse with you."

"Hai Lao, help!" When he was at a loss, Luo Tian heard the sound of nature, and hurriedly sent out the sound transmission, hoping that Hai Lao, a heartless person, would help.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you. The innate sword qi was refined by Luo Huachen when he refined several dragon veins back then. It is the sacrificial method of the Great Desolation Immortal Sword. That is to say, you must have refined the innate sword qi. to get out of here."

"Refining innate sword energy?" Luo Tian was stunned, "Is there any benefit?"

"The skyrocketing cultivation base is guaranteed to be a great opportunity. But..."

"But what?"

"This innate sword energy is extremely difficult to refine, if you can't refine it, it is likely to control you instead..."

"Damn it!"

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