
Chapter 400 Distraction period, Qingli Xiaoxianjie

Hearing what Hai Lao said, Luo Tian immediately went for a compromise strategy, but a strong fighting spirit surged out. There is no way, if he can't refine that innate sword energy, I'm afraid that innate sword energy will control him in reverse. Physical and mental, by then it is bound to become a half-human, half-machine monster.


As soon as Luo Tian gritted his teeth, he directly drove out all his mana and primordial cultivation after his cultivation, and even quickly swallowed several high-level elixirs that he planned to break through to the distraction stage. The mana of the whole person exploded like a gunpowder keg, and immediately a faint green flame suddenly appeared, swimming continuously inside the body, or passing through the bones or blood vessels, and began to spread extremely quickly.


"Who is this person? He actually owns Qingyun!"

"Don't mess with it!"

Luo Tian dealt with the innate sword energy in the Great Desolation Immortal Sword with all his heart and soul, and the waves and blue clouds suddenly flew out of the empty space without anyone controlling them. As soon as they appeared, the monks who surrounded them were stunned.

There are quite a lot of blue clouds in Tian Xinghai, there are more than ten in total, but in Profound Sky Continent, there are definitely only a handful of people who own blue clouds.Moreover, each of them is a powerful monk with a very long history. Now that Qingyun appeared, these greedy monks immediately became wary. If they wanted to obtain the Great Desolation Immortal Sword, they had to break through Qingyun.But the big monks who have Qingyun are really not something they can provoke. If one is not good, the family will be exterminated.

In fact, these monks are quite justified in their scruples. Luo Tian can now be regarded as a member of Yuchi Island. This Yuchi Island can be ranked among the top few in the entire vast sea of ​​stars. All the master monks will definitely make a direct move.


The black-robed monk fled away with an ugly expression on his face, without even looking back.

"Let's go too, and let the goblins from the Xuanyu Sect grab the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword." The great monk from the Nanhai Yi family sent a voice transmission to another person, and immediately fled away.

"That's natural. In another ten years, that place will be opened, and the old man will go back and make preparations."

The woman in the pink dress also had a solemn expression. After a while, she sighed softly. The clouds in the sky moved slightly and flickered out. The power of Qingyun.

Soon, all the big monks above the Nascent Soul stage left together, and the rest were only some unwilling monks, but they didn't dare to get too close, except for the big monk with Qingyun who resisted. The Great Wilderness Immortal Sword, the others are not weak in cultivation, and there are also two Nascent Soul stage masters.

"Grandma, it's really depressing, I'm sorry!"

Monk Mingyue had just taken out the Blue Sky Ruyi Blade, and finally did his old job, but the monk on the other side ran away without saying a word.

"Boss should be all right?"

For a long time, Huang Hao couldn't help frowning as he watched the shocking aura tumbling continuously.

"It seems to be fine for the time being." The Blood Moon Wolf King under Huang Hao replied.

"who is it!"

After a while, Fang Yun's face turned cold, and he exhaled directly, and immediately looked at the distant sky. There was a flash of sky blue brilliance in his palm, and several sword shadows appeared.

"Huh? Huang Hao?"


A white sword light came quickly from afar, and when it reached the crowd, it subsided immediately, revealing the face of the visitor.

The person who came looked like a middle-aged scribe, with fluttering white clothes, long hair tied casually, and a sharp sword intent faintly flashed in his eyes.

"Hundred Flower Sword Master Fu Shaoyuan? Huh." Huang Hao recognized the person at a glance, "I didn't expect you to break through the foundation building stage and soar directly to the middle stage of the alchemy stage. You are really a genius!"

"Genius?" Fu Shaoyuan smiled wryly, "Compared with you, I'm at best a bit more talented. You kid is almost breaking through to Nascent Soul stage after only a hundred years. I really don't know how you did it? "

"What's this!" Huang Hao shook his head, "If Big Brother were by my side to guide me, I'm afraid I would have broken through to the Nascent Soul Stage by now."

"By the way, Luo Yunqi sent me a voice transmission thousands of miles away, saying that Luo Tian is back, what about the others?"

Fu Shaoyuan was stunned for a moment, then asked suddenly.

"Here." Huang Hao pointed helplessly at the depths of the Qingyun, where there were several colored brilliance tumbling, just as Fu Shaoyuan revealed a trace of consciousness, he was strangled by the raging and domineering energy within a hundred feet away .

"What kind of breath is this!"

Fu Shaoyuan then stepped on the seven-star step backwards, and did more than ten times of alley-oop unloading before he escaped a trace of counterattack from Cai Guanghua.

"This is the aura of big brother." Huang Hao spread his hands helplessly, "Of course, there is also a flying sword that is said to be a fairy treasure..."

"..." Fu Shaoyuan was shocked again, cursing inwardly, this Huang Hao is a pervert, and Luo Tian is even more a pervert. It has only been more than a hundred years since he last seen him, and he is so powerful.


Time passed quickly, and soon a year passed.At this moment, almost all the monks in the Great Wu Kingdom knew that there was always a mass of colorful cocoons floating in the air above the mass graves outside the imperial capital, with an extremely sharp and powerful aura.

Three years.

Five years.

ten years.

Finally, at the beginning of the tenth year, the Qingli Order finally became famous in the entire Profound Sky Continent. After discussions, all countries decided to use the Qingli Order in the year No. 13 to enter the rumored Qingli Xiaoxianjie.However, it is said that the Qingli Ling is only 49 yuan, and there are many sects in the Tianxuan Continent, and strange people are like crucian carp crossing the river. This Qingli Ling can only bring in ten people, even if the Qingli Ling is all After birth, a maximum of 490 people can enter the Qingli Little Immortal Realm.Therefore, at present, only less than 30 Yuan Qingli orders have appeared, and some master monks who have not entered have begun to offer extremely high rewards.

"Brother doesn't know when he will wake up!" Huang Hao looked up at the starry sky in the Luo family courtyard, his face full of worry. It has been No. 16 years.Some big sects have already entered the Qingli Small Immortal Realm, and Qingli Small Immortal Realm Founder has existed for ten years in total, and each Qingli Token can only last for five years. It's only been more than four years since I stayed in Little Immortal Realm.


At this time, the dark sky suddenly changed, and the light of the stars in the distant sky immediately dimmed, which was very strange.

"Xiaohao, why are the guards in the mansion so strict?"

"Big brother!"

Wow, two figures appeared directly in front of Huang Hao, they both had the same smiles, they looked like twins.

"Brother, have you broken through to the distraction stage?"

ps: The memorization collapsed, hurry up and code a chapter, I will continue to struggle, and hope to get a good grade in the exam tomorrow.

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