
Chapter 401 Union and Entry

You can have a real second avatar, as long as you attach a trace of primordial spirit to the second avatar, you will be completely annihilated, and it will also give monks a high probability to re-cultivate the second avatar to your own realm. The reason why the distraction period is the most important watershed in the realm of the great monk.Just because you have a second clone, it is equivalent to an extra life, and you have a greater chance of winning in the world of cultivating immortals that is in crisis every step of the way.

Now, the two identical Luo Tians in front of Huang Hao just show that Luo Tian has successfully advanced to the stage of distraction, and the next stage of the stage of distraction is the point where he and his avatar can be fully integrated, so that he can The attack power and defense power of the body have been greatly improved, and the state of the integration stage after the transformation stage can fully exert the maximum power of the fusion of itself and the clone. That kind of existence can almost move mountains and fill seas

Luo Tian nodded lightly and did not speak.

"Brother, now the Qingli Token can be activated, and we can also enter the Qingli Little Immortal Realm." Huang Hao shouted happily.

"Let me tell you, Xiao Haohao, have you lived through Xiao Tiantian for four years recently and have hallucinations that Xiao Tiantian is still... ah!" At this time, a figure flashed in the courtyard, it was Monk Mingyue who was carrying a few bottles of wine, Now when he saw Luo Tian, ​​he couldn't help pointing at Luo Tian dumbfounded, speechless in a daze.

"Monk, what's your name! Don't think that you just stole a few bottles of wine from Boss Luo... ah!"

At this time, two characters who made Luo Tian a little depressed appeared.

A man and a woman, both are immortal, and they are peerless.They were Song Wuji and Chen Yu whom Luo Tian met after joining Xianxia Sect.

"Fatty, fatty, fatty, come on, come on!"

"Song Wuji, are you itchy again? How dare you disturb my cultivation! Ah!...It turns out that the wise and great Boss Luo is back, shit, Boss Luo, are you still a human? It's only been more than ten years of hard work, and you have made another breakthrough When it comes to the distraction period, can you let a genius like Lao Tzu survive?"

Fatty Wang let out a loud voice, like a wolf howling in the night moon, and soon attracted all the members of the Luo family.


"Oh shit!"

Fang Yun was the last one to arrive. When he saw Luo Tian for the first time, he couldn't help but cursed with a wry smile. He had retreated for more than ten years, but he had just broken through to the late Nascent Soul stage. Luo Tian gave him a lot of spiritual stones and incense. Who would have thought that Luo Tian had subdued the immortal treasure for more than ten years, but he had also broken through, and he broke through to the peak of the middle stage of distraction.

Luo Tian also shrugged his shoulders, and then laughed secretly in his heart, this time he really had a great piece of shit luck, he completely refined that innate sword energy, and even made a major breakthrough in the Purple Lotus Sword Code , and now has broken through to the seventh level of the Sword Code, plus eating spirit pills day and night to consume spirit stones and incense, finally broke through to the middle of the distraction period, and then can no longer break through before leaving the level.

"Little sister Fang Yun, don't be jealous of brother, wow ha ha ha..." Luo Tian had an extremely aggressive expression, and everyone who watched was annoyed and funny.

"Wa hahaha…"

In the end, before Luo Tian could continue speaking, Fatty Wang laughed more happily than anyone else, tears streaming down his face.

"Fatty, why are you so wild and unrestrained today?" Monk Mingyue couldn't help opening his mouth, looking at Wang Jinbao Wang Fatty like an idiot.

"Monk, think about it, now that Boss Luo is out of customs, we can go to Qingli Little Immortal Realm to rob again! Wahaha... It is said that there are quite a lot of rich monks who entered Qingli Little Immortal Realm this time!"

Everyone: "..."

Soon, after the return of the backbone Luo Tian, ​​everyone finally began to conspire to enter Qingli Xiaoxian Realm.

This time, not only Luo Tian wanted to bring some friends in, but also the four major sects of the Great Wu Kingdom's Immortal Realm also sent people here, and even giants like Biquan Palace had the cheek to send people here. The Immortal World is a fragment of the Immortal World in the ancient times. It is said that there are many magical medicines in it, which are the kind of heaven-defying magic medicine that only the Immortal World can have.

Speaking of which, Luo Tian only had two Qingli Tokens in his hand, and including himself, he could only enter twenty people.Undoubtedly, with Luo Tian's current cultivation base and strong attitude, he naturally wants to occupy a piece of Qingliling. There were more than ten people. In this respect, Luo Tian did not make any concessions.The four major sects and the super ancient sect Biquan Palace finally compromised. They decided to send two people from each family. In this way, they finally got ten people.

"Baiqi, come here!"

Monk Mingyue shouted at a young monk with a bitter face, with a lewd smile on his face.

"Little Master..."

Baiqi is really about to cry. In the past few years, after he and another senior brother, Dongfang Long, were sent to stay at the Luo family, his ordeal began. Other than the suzerain, he is a cruel bastard that no one dares to offend. I didn't expect this guy to come to Luo's house and hang out with the legendary junior uncle of Biquan Palace. , this little uncle and senior brother are traveling together in the Profound Sky Continent, probably not many people would dare to provoke these two sinister, shameless, cunning and shameless bastards.

"It's his grandma's. Uncle Shi is Uncle Shi. If you add a small word, be careful, I'm going to get mad!" Monk Mingyue raised his eyebrows, looking flirtatious.

"Yes, yes, nephew is wrong!" Bai Qi was about to cry.

"You think it's over if you admit your mistake, I think it should be..." At this time, a young monk in black appeared in front of the two with a smile.

Bai Qi immediately rolled his eyes, he knew that it must be no good for the little martial uncle to call him over.

"Hehe, you two are really bad. How can you treat fellow Daoist Baiqi like this?" At this time, a cyan light flashed out, revealing an extremely handsome young man.

"Brother Luo!"

Baiqi immediately saluted respectfully, not to mention that the lord of Biquan Palace and all the elders highly respect Luo Tian, ​​even though Luo Tian had just broken through, Dongfang Long, who was already at the early stage of distraction, almost didn't even have Luo Tian's three moves Judging from how far he has survived, this person's cultivation base is simply extremely terrifying.

"His grandma's, Bai Qi, are you trying to take advantage of me? Xiao Tiantian and I are good brothers. If you call him Brother Luo, don't you mean you want to call your father Big Brother too? Hmm?"

"Uncle, nephew doesn't mean that..."

Baiqi is really going to cry, there is no way to pass this day, I think he is also a young genius in Biquan Palace, and now he is also at the Nascent Soul stage of Dzogchen cultivation, but since he came to this Luo family, almost every day being bullied.There is no way, Dongfang Long's abnormality is definitely invincible, the little uncle has the blue sky wishful blade, not to mention himself, even Dongfang Long is no match, let alone the Mingyue monk who is currently in the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen practice is Biquan Palace's taboo technique is extremely powerful, even without the Bikong Ruyi Blade, you can easily ravage yourself.

"Monk, don't scare the children." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and Bai Qi rolled his eyes again.

"Baiqi, be polite in front of Master Luo!" Dongfang Long hastily scolded, and after speaking, he smiled flatteringly at Luo Tian, ​​that was disgusting.

"Master Luo has any problems, but it's okay to hear, and you will know everything when you make up your mind!" Baiqi was finally defeated by these three guys who were clearly outnumbered.

"Actually, it's not a big problem, it's just..." Luo Tian's voice gradually became softer.


Three days later, two huge pillars of light filled with Qingliwen rose directly from the sky above Luojia, the capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, and it was the pillars of light that inspired Qingliling that went straight up to the nine heavens.

"Let's go." Luo Tian looked at the people behind him who had entered the Qingli Small Immortal Realm this time, and shouted solemnly, "This time you all have life-saving talismans and elixir, if you fall into a weak position, don't force yourself , Draw it slowly!"

"it is good!"

Everyone took a bunch of benefits from Luo Tian, ​​there is no reason to be disobedient at this moment, they all responded immediately.

Soon, everyone filed into the two beams of light and disappeared directly.

ps: I owe four chapters, I'll fuck it up and try to pay it off next week.

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