
Chapter 402


The clouds surged, and suddenly there was a flash of light in the midair, and a crack more than twenty feet long burst out in the void, rushing, rushing, like beans falling from a bamboo tube, ten figures fell directly from the midair, all of them were Some embarrassment.

This ten-person team is exactly the Qingliling passage that Luotian people entered.No one had ever entered this Qingliling before, but only heard about it from Monk Mingyue, but any sect would treasure such important information.Although this kind of information is not useful for every monk, it will not be known to outsiders. Some of the situation in Qingli Xiaoxianjie has been known to outsiders. Next time you enter, your sect will inevitably compete with more opponents, which is dangerous. The coefficient will also increase dramatically.

Speaking of which, there are no secrets in this world. Only when you hold it firmly in your own hands and never share it with outsiders can you count it as a secret.Otherwise, not to mention that there are countless people with great supernatural powers in the world of cultivating immortals, even if the walls have ears, it is hard to defend against them.

As soon as Luo Tian stabilized his figure, his spiritual consciousness spread out like a wave, and any disturbance within a radius of a thousand feet fell into his grasp.

"Put all the Immortal Vajra Talismans on your body, ready to release them at any time!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian shouted in a low voice with a slightly changed expression, then waved his sleeves, and a cyan light curtain rolled out, directly protecting everyone in it.

Among the blue clouds, everyone was looking at each other in blank dismay. I don't know what happened, but it made their backbone, Luo Tian, ​​a little nervous. It seemed that he had discovered the unusualness of this place.

The Immortal King Kong Talisman is the strongest defensive talisman that Luo Tian can refine from comprehending the fragments of the volume. It is a low-grade talisman among high-level ones, but in the world of cultivating immortals, it is worth at least hundreds of high-grade spirit stones good stuff.This time, Luo Tian brought all his own people, so he sent [-] tickets to each person at once, which can be described as a generous gift.

"what happened?"

Fang Yun believed in Luo Tian very much. He felt that although Luo Tian was sometimes extremely obscene and shameless, at this time he would definitely not make fun of the life of a big guy, so he could only ask doubtfully.

"You'll find out soon."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian drove Qingyun, and found that the magic power consumed to drive Qingyun at this moment was five times that of the outside world. This Qingli Xiaoxianjie is really too weird.

Qingyun flew forward for about ten miles, and everyone began to see the endless mountains and forests in front of them, and they could clearly see those monsters running non-stop in the forest. It looks like the fourth step.

At this time, Luo Tian's face was even more ugly, and he lowered Qingyun a lot. Finally, when everyone encountered layers of flames and golden light, Luo Tian's Qingyun could hardly break through the void, so he had to accept Qingyun, and everyone descended. on the ground.


At this time, there was a roar, and immediately a strange leopard with two horns rushed out of the forest, and fell directly towards the crowd, as fast as lightning.


A khaki-yellow smoke billowed, but it was Huang Hao and the strange leopard who fought hard, directly shaking the third-order peak monster into a pile of meat, but Huang Hao also felt a little numbness in his arms.His current physical strength is really the strongest among all the people except Luo Tian. The Great Luo Zhenjing is an extraordinary skill for body training, not to mention that Huang Hao has also practiced the five elements transfer technique, and his physical body is strong enough to compare with the sixth level. monster.

"Did you notice anything?"

Luo Tian asked with a faint smile.

Huang Hao nodded, then frowned, and said after a while, "Brother, the monsters here are indeed a bit strange, they are obviously only the third-level monsters, but the strength they erupt is enough to compare with the fourth-level monsters. "

"What!" As soon as Huang Hao finished speaking, everyone except Luo Tian turned pale with fright. It is possible to breed such a terrifying monster.

Luo Tian looked around for a while, then stretched out his hand, and directly took a green fruit the size of a chicken egg from the air, put it in the palm of his hand and inspected it carefully for a moment, and then said, "The aura contained in the fruit here is extremely abundant, which is a bit too much. .”

"Everyone, be careful." Fatty Wang said seriously, "If that kind of monster just now is one, we can still deal with it easily, but if there are hundreds or thousands of them, Boss Luo won't be able to hold on..."


Fatty Wang hadn't finished speaking when there were roars of terrifying beasts in the distance, and the ground seemed to be shaking. All the people present were monks with unique skills, and they immediately felt that the group of monsters were coming towards them.

"Fatty man, you are a fucking crow's mouth!" Monk Mingyue cursed angrily.

"It's okay, the group of monsters will not arrive here for at least a quarter of an hour, why don't we continue to move forward." After speaking, Luo Tian took the lead in releasing an Indestructible Diamond Talisman, and immediately the circles of golden light circled from The top of the head directly fell down, directly covering Luo Tian's whole body.

Seeing this, everyone released the Indestructible Vajra Talisman one after another, and followed Luo Tian forward.

After walking forward for about five or six miles, everyone in Luotian could see that there seemed to be a barrier of flame and golden light blocking their way, and the golden light of the fire eyes almost blocked all the places in front of them as far as they could see.

chi chi-

Luo Tian ejected two bursts of purple sword energy, which directly hit the barrier of flame and golden light, but it only made the barrier ripple a few times.

"Meridian flame array!"

Luo Tian exclaimed in a low voice, "Moreover, it's a perfect meridian flame formation, not an incomplete formation. Now we're in trouble."

"Are you going in, or are you going to fight the monsters outside?" Luo Tian turned around and asked calmly.

"Nonsense, of course I want to go in, go in..." Fatty Wang shouted first.

Everyone also nodded. At least, at present, although there are unknown dangers after entering, there is definitely danger outside.

Luo Tian didn't say much, he took out the gossip plate out of thin air with his backhand, and after directly playing a few spells, the gossip plate turned in the air, and immediately shot out countless brilliance covering the meridian flame light array, and finally condensed into a beam of light, falling directly on the Beside an inconspicuous boulder outside the meridian flame array.


Luo Tian greeted, reached out and grabbed a purple lotus flower, and bombarded it on the barrier without hesitation. The barrier suddenly surged violently, rolling and stirring like boiling water, and finally there was a place where only one person could enter and exit. portal.

Luo Tian was the first to lean in, and just as he entered, he found a black shadow falling on his head, extremely fast.


The black shadow directly threw itself on Luo Tian, ​​but it was bounced back by the huge force directly generated by the golden light of the Immortal King Talisman on Luo Tian's body. The power of the high-level talisman is naturally extraordinary.

With a soft sound, after everyone entered, the portal dissipated automatically, but a lot of black shadows appeared from all directions, and directly rushed towards everyone.

Luo Tian's face was solemn, and he looked at the black figure in front of him in shock.

ps: Exciting time, come to the bird, and start paying off debts this week.

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