
Chapter 403 The Black Demon Relic

The black figure in front of him was covered by a layer of black mist that half of his body was looming, only to see the occasional shiny black sharp bone spurs flashing in the black mist, the black oil reflected a trace of hard-to-detect colored light.Moreover, the black smoke surrounding this black figure seems to be similar to a natural body protection restriction, making it difficult for everyone to see through the black smoke.

"It's poisonous, everyone be careful." Luo Tian quickly sent a voice transmission to everyone, because of his current physique that is invulnerable to all poisons, he also secretly contained a detoxification panacea in his mouth. There are more than thousands of poisons in this world. He didn't dare to conclude that he could resist all poisons.

At this time, the power of the meridian flame light formation gradually decreased, and the heaven and earth energy in the formation also became stronger and stronger.

Luo Tian looked up at the sky, suddenly realized in his heart, it turned out that it was just after noon, no wonder the power of the formation had weakened a bit.One must know that when Luo Tian and the others came in, it was just past noon. If it was still within noon, Luo Tian would have to spend a lot of effort even if he wanted to temporarily break through a gap.

"It's just a fourth-order monster. It's really scary!" Monk Mingyue took out the moon-covering shovel, and directly shot horizontally at a black shadow in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the black shadow seemed to be extremely flexible, and the moment Monk Mingyue's shovel was about to fall on the black shadow, the black shadow suddenly disappeared.

"Monk be careful behind you!"

Standing next to Monk Mingyue was Fatty Wang. He let out a low cry, and immediately threw out a magic talisman. The magic talisman was activated instantly, and the snow-white lightning grid immediately covered an area with a radius of half a foot.


The middle-level high-grade spirit talisman Thunder Light Talisman exploded directly, and before the lightning grid had dispersed, a black shadow jumped up from the lightning, and rushed towards Ding Chunqiu.

"This monster is weird!" Fatty Wang yelled anxiously. The thunder light talisman just now, not to mention dealing with fourth-level monsters, even fifth-level monsters can be injured, but the strange thing is that the black shadow seems to be Under the bombardment of the Lightning Talisman, he was completely unscathed.

If it is Ding Chunqiu, even though he is only at the peak of the late stage of alchemy, he will soon enter the state of great consummation in the alchemy stage of a fake baby, and he still has countless magic treasures and spirit stones bestowed by Luo Tian, ​​let alone a mere fourth-order monster , Even if the sixth-order monsters come, they can retreat completely, and even the seventh-order monsters can resist for a while.

A strange scene happened!

The golden light of the Indestructible Vajra Talisman outside Ding Chunqiu's body was almost dimmed by this black shadow, and Ding Chunqiu also felt a huge force coming, knocking him back four or five steps one after another.

At this time, a big green hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed the black shadow directly, and immediately the big hand turned into a dark green flame, wrapped the black shadow in it and began to refine it.

After refining a cup of tea, the black smoke outside the shadow's body was completely refined, revealing its true body.

I saw that the black shadow turned out to be a monster in the shape of a wild cat the size of a calf, with only one mouth and one upside-down blood-red eye on its face, and dozens of sharp black bone spurs growing on its back. It looks horrible.

Squeaks and screams came out from the beast's mouth, and the sound waves spread around incessantly, but Luo Tian's power was directly weakened by the dark green flames that had almost entered the fifth floor of the Nine Flames Mysterious Art. Many, if so, it was a bit uncomfortable when the sound waves passed into everyone's ears. Fortunately, Huangfu Xiang, Song Wuji and Chen Yu, who had the lowest cultivation level among the people present, had almost entered the late stage of the alchemy stage, and the sound waves could not hurt them.

"Evil beast, you still dare to be rampant, practice it for me!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, the dark green flame shrunk directly, began to close together, and soon invaded the monster's body surface, and immediately there was a strange crackling sound from the monster's body, but it was the jet-black bone spurs that shot out. , almost smashing Luo Tian's dark green flame.


Luo Tian shook his big hand, and the monster trapped inside turned into fly ash.But seeing what Luo Tian could see, he couldn't help but let out a small gasp, and immediately reached out to grab it. When he opened his palm to look, he found a very thin black silk thread wriggling incessantly, as if possessing spirituality.

"This is?"

Everyone rushed forward one after another. Although there were still many black shadows staring at them all around, Luo Tian's beheading just now like a god really gave this group of monsters who already possessed spiritual intelligence a great shock. For the time being, they dare not act rashly.

"It seems to be something from the blood sea world, let me think about it." Dongfang Long said thoughtfully, the white chess next to him did not hit him this time, because Dongfang Long is not only the No. 1, and the knowledge is also extremely wide.

This time, out of the ten quotas in Luo Tian's hands, Dongfanglong and Baiqi also occupied two. Counting the other two, Biquan Palace and Xianxiamen occupied four quotas each, and five. No one said anything, after all, Luo Tian also worshiped Xianxiamen.And Biquan Palace and other super powerful forces have to be given a little bit of light.

"If you can't think of it, hehe." Monk Mingyue held the Bikong Ruyi Blade, "I will make you feel refreshed..."

Dongfang Long shuddered and sweated profusely, "Reporting to my junior uncle, Luo Shishu, I just remembered, this is the black demon relic of the blood sea world. It is said that even in the blood sea world, it is an extremely precious thing. It can improve cultivation without going crazy.

The crowd was shocked.

Items that increase one's cultivation level without any worries have always been sought-after items of the major forces. As we all know, if there is no special opportunity, such as Luo Tian, ​​who possesses Shenshen incense and living soul wood and also practices several top skills, Ordinary monks will have more or less inner demons, and they are prone to become obsessed when practicing kung fu.Going into a madness can cause a sharp drop in cultivation, and in severe cases, the soul will be dissipated.

"The blood sea world seems to be only a third-order plane." Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, then said calmly.

"Uncle Luo is really well-informed." Dongfang Long flattered him without any trace, "The blood sea world is also called the blood sea plane. in the top ten."

"Oh, what's the ranking in Xuantian Plane?" Monk Mingyue was obviously interested.

"I don't know the exact ranking, but it should be among the top three." Dongfang Long stared straight at the strand of black silk thread in Luo Tian's hand, and said with a dry throat, "Uncle Luo , the kid’s cultivation base is low and weak, I don’t know if I can give this little bit of the spirit of the black demon relic to the kid..."

Bai Qi rolled his eyes when he heard the words, thinking that this is shameless.

Everyone was a little broken, and Monk Mingyue yelled loudly: "Dongfang Long, do you still have to be naughty? You are the only one with the highest cultivation besides Xiao Tiantian here. If you want to give this black demon relic, you will also give it to me, old man..."

Everyone almost fainted.

ps: Start repaying debts, and there are updates.This article is first published, I hope all heroes can register an account and vote for recommendation, thank you.

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