
Chapter 412 Chapter 3, 1 Palm Flying

After Dongfang Long's quick narration, Luo Tian finally knew the origin of the list.

It is rumored that the list of mountains and rivers originated in the ancient times. The ancient times connected the ancient times to the present day. It was an extremely glorious golden age. At that time, the world of cultivating immortals was also thriving. Whether it was the righteous way or the evil way, countless amazing geniuses were born. Under the auspices of several Mahayana period saint monks, the list of mountains and rivers was finally established on the Tianxuan plane, and the ranking was re-ranked every Jiazi. It was extremely fair and never favored. Lagerstroemia Palace.This Ziwei Palace has always remained neutral, and has never participated in any battles. Both righteous and evil are extremely admired. Counting now, there are more than 70 editions of this mountain and river list.

The Shanhe Ranking does not distinguish between male and female, good and evil, only the ranking. At the beginning, there were 50 people on the list, but as the talents in the world of cultivating immortals on the Tianxuan plane withered, now only 20 people can make the list every Jiazi. According to Dongfang Long , the last one with the lowest level of cultivation in the Shanhe list, that is, No. 20, at least has the cultivation level of the out-of-body period, which is very scary, but the monks on the Shanhe list are generally handsome young people. It is rarely seen here.

"Uncle Luo, why are you looking at me like that?"

After Dongfang Long finished speaking, he found that Luo Tian had been staring at him closely, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He admired the supernatural powers of Master Luo. A miserable scene that was devastated without any suspense.

"Hey." Luo Tian smiled, "With your cultivation, I'm afraid you can occupy a place on the list of mountains and rivers, right?"

"Master Uncle is really clever!" Dongfang Long flattered him directly, "I was ranked ninth in the last Shanhe Ranking, hehe."

"Actually, I, Luo, like to fight against you masters who are ranked in the mountains and rivers. You know this..."

"That's that, that..." A layer of sweat dripped down Dongfang Long's face, and he was pissed, this Uncle Luo is really perverted, and now he has fused the second clone with the green wood fairy vine, I am afraid he will win the world The top three on the list is a certainty. Although he has made great progress in strength, he secretly estimated that Dongfang Long thinks that he can only advance to about three or four places at most. That is to say, if he is lucky enough, Dongfang Long's best result may be To be able to enter the top five, of course, the fifth place in the mountain and river list is already the limit of his extraordinary performance, the possibility of No.6 is still relatively high, and the fifth place is difficult to guarantee.

"By the way, Uncle Luo, there was also a monk surnamed Luo on the last mountain and river list, and she was also a beautiful woman, wow haha..." Dongfang Long looked at Luo Tian's eagerness to fight, and seemed to be looking for an excuse to beat himself up again. Can't help but change the subject slightly.

"Oh, let's hear it." Luo Tian asked with a surprised expression. Luo's surname is very rare in the entire Tianxuan plane, unless...

"That person is the most beautiful monk in Daqi Kingdom, the Qinghe Fairy Luo Qinghe, who rose up in the last Shanhe Ranking and directly entered No.5 on the Shanhe Ranking. She is really stronger than the Luoyue Fairy we just met. It needs to be improved by three points, you must know that Fairy Luoyue only ranked eighth in the last mountain and river list."

Luo Tian was shocked in his heart, but there was also an unspeakable joy. Qing He, Qing He turned out to be the eighth in the list of mountains and rivers. I don't know if Qing He will come this year. After going out, I will definitely go to Daqi country for a trip.

"Great Qi Kingdom, hehe."

Dongfang Long's ears were sharp, and when he heard Luo Tian's extremely abnormal smirk, he couldn't help shivering, my God, isn't this master going to make a big mess in Daqi Kingdom?Ferocious!

At this time, Luo Tian frowned slightly.

After a few breaths, Dongfang Long finally said bitterly: "I'm really annoyed, why is the inner area of ​​Qingli Xiaoxianjie in front, and there are so many guys who are not afraid of death?"

Luo Tian said flatly: "Man dies for money and birds die for food. Sometimes the benefits are right in front of us. Everyone has the idea of ​​fighting for it. It's very difficult to back down."

Dongfang Long saw that Luo Tian's words were so simple and plain, he couldn't help being a little awed. He just thought that Master Luo's cultivation base was amazing, but he didn't expect that his xinxing cultivation base was also extremely high. Without any hesitation, this is already an extremely high level.

"Huang Hao, go and have a look."

Luo Tian gave an order, and immediately asked Huang Hao to bring Ding Chunqiu and his wife out on the stage. Among the crowd, these three people have good cultivation, especially Ding Chunqiu and his wife are extremely lacking in actual combat experience and experience in fighting against enemies. Let Huang Hao take the two with him.From Luo Tian's point of view, even if you have a heaven-defying cultivation, even if you have no actual combat experience, you can only use [-]% of your supernatural powers at most. Only people like Luo Tian and Huang Hao can burst out all of them in an instant. With a cultivation base that will kill the opponent with one blow, it is even more likely to exert extraordinary strength.

After these days in Qingli Little Immortal Realm, Luo Tian wanted to make the Juehu team led by Luo Tian a perverted team with extremely rich combat experience, instead of letting them only know how to practice safely, that would be of little use.Fighting openly and secretly in the world of cultivating immortals is much more dangerous than in the secular world.

After the figures of Huang Hao and the three disappeared from the distance, Luo Tian also hurriedly drove the emerald dragon boat to follow them quickly. It is good to gain actual combat experience and combat sense, but if you encounter a monk with too strong a cultivation base, you will be sent to death. Luo Tian's original intention.

After a while, the emerald dragon boat finally turned into a green light and appeared half full in the clouds. Luo Tian and Dongfang Long looked around and felt that there seemed to be four or five teams fighting in the air in front of them. , Baoguang soared into the sky, and the rays of the sun were shining in succession, and the entire sky reflected changed colors from time to time.


Huang Hao brought Ding Chunqiu and his wife flying here from not far away. If you only look with naked eyes, you can't see the three of them at all. Quickly approach.This is the function of the middle-level concealment talisman that Luo Tian gave to the three of them.

In fact, everyone present also had high-level concealment talismans, but it was a bit reluctant to let them use them to explore the way, which made Luo Tian a little bit dumbfounded.

"Brother, look!"

After getting on the emerald dragon boat, Huang Hao directly gave Luo Tian a jade mirror image token. This jade mirror image token was exactly the image of some people who could record the opponent's fighting skills.

At this time, Luo Tian opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of blue flame, which directly hit a void in front of him, and there was a slight tremor in that void, and then disappeared.

"This person has a good cultivation base."

Luo Tian smiled faintly, and then played out a magic formula. A cloud mirror with a radius of one zhang appeared directly on the mirrored jade tablet. In the mirror were those monks who were fighting skills, but some monks had extremely vague appearances, and some were extremely blurry. Clearly, this is based on the level of cultivation of the opponent's monks. Even if the monks with high cultivation bases concentrate on fighting, some mirror image jade cards cannot record their appearance.

At this moment, in the mirror mirror jade tablet, there is such a monk with extremely powerful cultivation base, not to mention his appearance, he can't even see his figure clearly. He just slapped out several Nascent Soul stage monks in front of him. , as easily as swiping away a few flies.

"It turned out to be him, Yang Dong of Wuwang Jinshan, No. 13 in the last mountain and river list." Dongfang Long showed a trace of disdain, or contempt.

ps: I owe six chapters in the past few days, starting tomorrow, I plan to pay them back bit by bit, but I don’t guarantee that I will pay back the debt every day. Of course, after the debt is paid off, the update will be accelerated to the end. This book has also entered the late stage. After the update, you should take a good rest. The new articles will definitely not be so slow in the future. Of course, I don’t know when the new articles will start, and I may have to rest for a while, or I may not publish new articles for the time being.These words are for some friends who left me a message, explain to them...

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