
Chapter 413 Slap

Wuwang Jinshan is the top sect in the northwestern part of the Profound Sky Continent, and it belongs to a relatively mysterious sect. It is said that the monks in this sect all practice metal-based exercises and are extremely tyrannical.Moreover, all the monks who come out of Wuwang Jinshan are extremely perverted. It is said that they can form a Wuwang golden body when they are functioning to the extreme. , while the latter is the causal fire breath.It's completely different in nature.

Luo Tian didn't look at it, but he saw that he was sitting cross-legged in the air, and immediately hit the palms repeatedly, and finally pushed towards the void, a ball of white light suddenly emerged from the air, after tumbling and flowing, the ball of white light turned into He opened a mirror, and when viewed from the mirror, it is like looking down from a high altitude, but there are still a few people whose faces are a bit blurred. Even if he is as strong as Luo Tian, ​​he can't guarantee that he can get away with just such a mirror light technique. To spy on the other party clearly, such a height, at least only a monk in the Mahayana period can do it.

"Huh? There is also my team from the Great Wu Kingdom." Fatty Wang came over and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Luo Tian's complexion remained unchanged, and as soon as the magic formula was introduced, the ten-member team of the Great Wu Kingdom clearly appeared in front of everyone. Unexpectedly, one of the ten monks also had a blurred face.But looking at his clothing, it turned out to be from Xianxiamen.

"That's right." Luo Tian smiled lightly. Anyway, he is still a member of the Xianxia Sect now, but the Xianxia Sect can't tolerate him as a big Bodhisattva, and can't do anything to him.

"No. 15 in the Mountain and River Ranking, Xianxiamen's Burning Sword Yilin!" Dongfang Long and Baiqi looked at each other and couldn't help laughing in unison.

"Yo ho, Xiao Baiqi seems to know the Shanhe list very well." Monk Mingyue gave a strange laugh.

Dongfang shook his head and smiled, "Originally, Xiaoqi had hope to enter No. 20 in the Mountain and River Ranking, but in the qualifiers, Xiaoqi met Yi Lin ahead of time and was defeated by Yi Lin, thus losing the chance to advance. Naturally, there is some origin."

Luo Tian's eyes suddenly shot out two brilliance, one purple and one blue, as if he could see through the void, he looked away for a long time, and then smiled lightly: "Xianxiamen is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, this Yi Lin may have reached the middle of the out-of-body stage cultivation base .”

After returning to the Profound Sky Continent, Luo Tian finally realized that there are quite a lot of masters hidden on the Profound Sky Plane, but he was not qualified to contact them before.

"It's normal." Dongfang Long said, "Those who can enter the 120 invited in the Mountain and River Ranking have some background. Especially the top [-], the minimum cultivation base is the out-of-body cultivation base, and the top [-] The difference is not too big. At such a level, it is difficult to distinguish between high and low cultivation levels, and the magical powers of magic weapons also have great constraints. This Yi Lin's cultivation base is average, at most third-level magical powers, but he has a sword in his hand. The Fentian Knife is a top-grade spiritual treasure, really powerful!"

"Damn, I'm itching to talk about it. I said Xiaolonglong, how many years are there until the next ranking of the mountain and river list, and the monk also wants to join in the fun." Monk Mingyue licked his lips, looking happy to see the hunter appearance.

Only Luo Tian and Fatty Wang, who are most familiar with Monk Mingyue, rolled their eyes. This guy didn't want to compete, he obviously wanted to rob...

"The Shanhe Ranking is ranked every Jiazi. Except for the last five, the rankings generally do not change much. Counting the time of the next Shanhe Ranking, the big competition will start in 15 years." Dongfang Long looked calm and breezy, With his current second avatar being so successful, those old opponents will definitely be surprised by then.

"Boy Luo, why don't we brothers join in the fun too." Monk Mingyue looked at Luo Tian expectantly.

"Well, I'm going to take a look." Luo Qinghe is also on the list of mountains and rivers, how could Luo Tian not go?

Dongfang Long and Baiqi couldn't help but feel bitter in their hearts when they heard the words, my God, these two perverts are going to the Shanhe Ranking, isn't it true that everyone can't get along?But the two of them thought about it, there were still so many people who were going to be unlucky, and the two of them felt much better again.The white chess is fine, Dongfang Long knows a little about Luo Tian's strength, based on Luo Tian's occasional moves on weekdays, he can conclude that during the period of distraction, Luo Tian belongs to that kind of invincible existence.And the number one on the Shanhe list is only in the late stage of distraction...

The large-scale melee appears chaotic under such circumstances, and nearly [-]% of the cultivators have already fallen, and the rest are those with higher cultivation bases. However, seeing the situation is gradually heating up, it is only a matter of time before the higher cultivation bases fall. question.

"I don't know how many fellow daoists have watched it for so long, have they seen it enough?"

At this time, a crisp sound spread across the entire sky, and immediately the eyes of Yang Dong, who was Wuwangjinshan, flashed a golden light, and immediately countless huge golden lights and shadows fell from the sky, falling towards the emerald dragon boat where Luo Tian and the others were.

"Hahaha, we will leave that day, is the old friend safe?" With a burst of long laughter, Dongfang Long stood up and flew out very quickly. His big hand shot several times at the golden light above his head, and the golden light couldn't help it. Disappears slowly like a bubble.

"Dragon Elephant Ring Dongfang Dragon!"

Once Dongfang Long appeared, everyone in the scuffle separated very unanimously. Yang Dong, Yi Lin and others had recognized Dongfang Long at a glance.

"I haven't seen you for decades, everyone has improved a lot." Dongfang Long chuckled.

"Brother Dongfang seems to have improved his cultivation, and it seems that the ranking on the Shanhe Ranking should be greatly improved." Yi Lin from Xianxiamen has a bold personality, and he knew Dongfang Long before, so he couldn't help but laughed heartily.

Yang Dong snorted coldly and didn't speak.

"Hey, Young Master Yang Dongyang is still so arrogant. Could it be that he was defeated by Fairy Qinghe last time and made a comeback this time?" Dongfang Long was not a good guy either, he couldn't help sneering and mocking.

"Luo Qinghe, hmph, last time I just relied on supernatural powers and magic weapons, this time I must humiliate that little bitch!"

"What did you say?"

On the emerald dragon boat, Luo Tian had already disappeared at this moment, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Among the crowd, only Huang Hao vaguely knew that the elder sister Luo Qinghe who had gone far away from Daqi Kingdom had a very good relationship with her elder brother, but Huang Hao, who was familiar with Luo Tian's temperament at the moment, couldn't help but secretly prayed for him, hoping Brother, don't kill everyone here in a fit of anger.

"Uncle Luo." Seeing Luo Tian appearing indifferently out of thin air, Dongfang Long couldn't help bowing quickly.This move shocked everyone, especially Yi Lin, Yang Dong and others. Others didn't know, but they knew that Dongfang Long had never been a talkative person, especially when he was the ninth in the last mountain and river list. .

"Leave one arm and spare your life."

Luo Tian glanced at Yang Dong, still standing with his hands behind his back.

"What are you?!"

Yang Dong sneered again and again.


An extremely crisp sound came to everyone's ears, and Yang Dong's body flew upside down seven or eighty feet. When he got up, everyone found five clear red marks on his left face, and Yang Dong's complexion was extremely ugly, with hatred in his eyes. of light.

Everyone was stunned.

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