
Chapter 415 The strongest team, the big man in gold

Qingli Xiaoxianjie said whether it is big or not, but this heavy news spread all at once, and many monks who made a fuss all of a sudden became suspicious, but fortunately, it is known now that this A mysterious and powerful black-robed monk only attacked the monks of the Daqi Kingdom, but not the monks of other countries. This made the monks of other countries secretly heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time gloated a little. The Daqi Kingdom has always been the most arrogant of the three empires Overbearing, looking at them, if it weren't for the great distance between the Great Wu Kingdom and the Great Li Kingdom, they would probably have sent troops to a showdown long ago.

After the black-robed monk wiped out the entire four squads of the Great Qi Kingdom, he disappeared all of a sudden, which made many monks suspect that the black-robed monk would not be so tough that he would rush directly into the inner area of ​​Qingli Xiaoxianjie to find the so-called The troubles of the strongest team in the Great Qi Kingdom are gone.

On the emerald dragon boat.

Luo Tian sat cross-legged in Tsing Yi, and the internal exercises were running. This time, the main operation was the Mahadura Sutra. Such Buddhist scriptures can not only strengthen the body, but also wash away the sins of killing. Of course, with Luo Tian's current Sha Nie, I'm afraid it will take a long, long time to completely eliminate it.After all, when it comes to murder alone, Luo Tian is too heavy. From his debut to the present, he has stepped on countless bones to get to where he is today, and the murderous intent on his body has almost condensed into substance.

Everyone on the emerald dragon boat knew that Luo Tian had almost slaughtered the monks of Da Qi Kingdom in a fit of rage, and they couldn't help being secretly shocked, what a magnanimity this was.At this time, everyone was practicing honestly, and no one bothered Luo Tian.

Dongfang Long was a little puzzled. Looking at Luo Tian's attacks these few times, they were all extremely ruthless, extremely fast, and even used secret techniques to cover up the fluctuations in his breath. How to kill all the opponents in such a short period of time, anyway, he can't do it so cleanly.

In the depths southwest of Qingli Small Immortal Realm, a group of cultivators flew past with the Escaping Light. The aura of these cultivators was not exposed, and it seemed that they were at least above the Nascent Soul stage, and they were extremely powerful.

"Brother Zhao, that mysterious cultivator is really powerful this time!" A white-clothed cultivator laughed, "The group of bastards from the Great Qi Kingdom who don't know the heights of heaven and earth are about to cry, what a joy!"

"Happy!" A burly man in black clothes sitting behind the two of them in the sky, with a terrifying scar in the middle of his forehead, said lightly.

As for the young man in sackcloth standing at the front, his expression didn't change at all, he just looked at the sea of ​​clouds and mist all around him in a daze, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, "I can't live with my own sins, and the group of people in Daqi Kingdom are usually too arrogant I don't know who I offended. But with the strength of that black-robed monk, I'm afraid he is not a human monk who has entered Qingli Xiaoxian Realm."

"Ah! Brother Zhao, are you talking about a local cultivator from Qingli Xiaoxian Realm?" The white-clothed cultivator couldn't help being surprised by his fair face.

"Not necessarily." The young man in sackcloth shook his head lightly, "Don't forget, there are ninth-level or even tenth-level monsters in this Qingli small fairy world. Judging from the fact that our reincarnation palace has entered this place the most times, Compared with the number of human monks we have entered Qingli Xiaoxianjie this time, the possibility of high-level monsters making a move is quite high."

"I don't know if there will be any human monks entering after us this time?" The monk in black frowned slightly.

"It's unlikely. We are already No. 40, the six teams that entered here, and there are three more teams coming in later. According to the data, there is probably no team stronger than ours!" The monk in white shook his head with a smile. Shaking his head, he exuded a strong sense of self-confidence from the beginning to the end, "Don't forget, our boss is a cultivator at the transformation stage, and he is only one step away from entering the state of a holy monk. The palace also has Fairy Luoyue, a mid-stage cultivator of the transformation stage, but Xuanyu Palace's skills are moderate and peaceful. I am afraid that even if I make a move, it will be able to withstand Ji Luoyue for a day or two, let alone the boss and you, a fighting madman. !"

The fact that the white-clothed friar can say these words with a mid-stage distraction-stage cultivation level is shocking to the world. Unexpectedly, the black-clothed friar’s cultivation level is even more perverted. , this is already the pinnacle of cultivation.

"There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Many people hide their strength, so don't be careless." The young man in sackcloth counted lightly, "Have you forgotten, Luotian of the Great Wu Kingdom who caused ups and downs in my Dali Kingdom last time. "

"This man is a good opponent!" Hearing the words, the black-clothed monk couldn't help showing a strong fighting spirit.

"According to the mirror light technique, Na Luotian is just a monk in the out-of-body stage. I heard that he has entered the early stage of the distraction stage. Even if he has the skills and supernatural powers that can leapfrog the opponent, he will end up in the most miserable end. I'm not his opponent, I'm afraid Ice Cube Face can deal with him, not to mention the boss, Luo Tian has a fairy weapon in his hand, and the three of us also have a fairy weapon in our hands, not to mention the boss who has a fairy weapon, he can destroy it. Kill the weak tenth-order monster." The monk in white said very easily.

In words, this team from Dali Kingdom is indeed the strongest in overall strength. It is not an exaggeration to call it the strongest team that has entered the Qingli Xiaoxian Realm this time, but it has now broken through to the peak in the middle of the distraction period Luo Tian, ​​who is cultivated, has all kinds of means on his body, which have long been no weaker than monks in the transformation stage.

It's just surprising that the origin of these three people is that each of them owns a fairy artifact, which really makes people's jaws drop.

Of course, if Dongfang Long comes again, he will definitely recognize these three people. The cultivator in white is the sixth-ranked Jade Fan Daoist from the Zixia Temple; the monk in black is the fourth-ranked Demon Spear Jun, from Purgatory Demon Sect; the strongest monk in linen is the second-ranked reincarnated Taoist Lord, from Yuqing Palace.These three people are the hermit sects of the Dali Kingdom, and they are also the future pillars of the Dali Kingdom. Speaking of the Dali Kingdom's ability to dominate the Tianxuan Continent, it is also because the Dali Kingdom is united as one, and there has never been a large-scale internal struggle. The monks in Li country are extremely united.

As for the top ten of the Mountain and River Ranking, except for the female monks who are all titled fairies, the other male monks who came from the righteous way are given the title of Dao Lord, and those who came from the magic sect are given the title of Demon Lord.

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away, the Luotian people who had just entered the depths of the Qingli Xiaoxian Realm encountered trouble.

"Why did you block the way?" Luo Tian looked at the other party quietly.

The one who blocked the way was a nine-foot-tall man in golden clothes. He was holding a weed in his mouth at the moment, and he was staring at Luo Tian jokingly, "Not bad, it turned out to be a great monk in the mid-stage of distraction. It's worth it." I'm taking action to rob!"

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