
Chapter 416 Looking for teeth all over the place!


This was the first thought of Luo Tian, ​​Fatty Wang, and Monk Mingyue.


This was the first thought of Huang Hao, Fang Yun, Dongfang Long and Baiqi.

This is?

This is the idea of ​​Ding Chunqiu, Song Wuji and Chen Yu.

Eleven people are right, Ding Chunqiu's wife was forcibly brought in by Luo Tian into the Black Lotus Dimension. This Qingli Xiaoxian Realm has undergone countless years of evolution. You have already thoroughly researched the formation of Qingli Xiaoxianjie, and it is barely possible to bring one more person in, as long as you have enough strength.It was precisely because Luo Tian's team brought in one more person that the space almost collapsed and the original coordinates were lost.

The big man in golden clothes who blocked the way was so tough when he appeared on the stage, which made everyone stunned for a moment.Then Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue looked at each other, are you kidding, this is, I rob others all day long, and who would dare to rob me?Against him!

From the beginning to the end, Luo Tian's face was as calm as water, without even a trace of shock fluctuations. During this journey, he used his second clone to devour dozens of monks who were not weak. Seeing his own cultivation soar, although this kind of growth in cultivation is not conducive to his future practice, it would be impossible for others, but Luo Tian has no worries at all, but in this way, there are too many karma on his body, and he will be able to overcome it one day. That day's catastrophe will definitely be much more difficult than others.

Of course, these are not what Luo Tian wants to consider at present.

"But the ninth-level peak monster, the tone is too loud!" Luo Tian only glanced at Dongfang Long, and Dongfang Long obediently went out to fight. There is no way, whoever has the biggest fist is the king.

"Hey, I actually missed my point, and you, a little guy with an early cultivation base in the distraction stage, my cultivation base is not high, but it is more than enough to kill you! Damn..."

The big man in gold was still talking with a sneer, and he felt a huge pressure descending from the sky, faintly covering the surrounding space completely, but he was only slightly startled in his heart, such a scene was not enough to watch.


A flash of golden light flashed, and it went straight out of a hundred feet away, but before he continued to move forward, his expression changed slightly, and immediately he raised his hands, and golden light and shadow long swords quickly formed, bursting directly from the palm of his hand. It shot out, forming an extremely terrifying hurricane of sword rain, which shot into the air in an instant, fast and fast.

There was a sound of space distortion, and the void seemed to be about to break apart, shaking constantly, but it was not torn apart in the end. It seems that the two of them have reached the pinnacle level of manipulating spells.

"Dragon Elephant Ring!"

The big man in golden clothes couldn't help but screamed, and immediately waved his sleeves, a golden feather directly transformed into a three-color flame and directly hit the dragon elephant ring, and the huge coercion born from the dragon elephant ring Immediately, he was shaken away a lot, the big man in golden clothes was like lightning, he went out for hundreds of feet in an instant, and it seemed that he was going to come towards the emerald dragon boat where Luo Tian was.

"Today I'm going to beat you all over the place!"

The big man in gold was obviously angry, but he was also injured, otherwise he would definitely not be able to resist even the dragon elephant ring. The dragon elephant ring is just a top-quality spiritual treasure, and it would be very difficult to cause him too much damage.

"go back!"

But I saw that beautiful young man in Tsing Yi who looked like a woman whispered in his mouth. Without seeing how he made any gestures, a huge purple lotus flower appeared in front of him. The lotus flower could not help but shoot out countless petals of light during its rotation, layer by layer. The ground is superimposed in one place, forming an unbreakable cage.

"Break it for me!"

The big man in the golden coat shouted viciously, and an illusory shadow several tens of feet tall formed behind him. The shadow was a giant golden eagle with three heads. The giant eagle spread its wings lightly, and countless millstones appeared in the entire space Large and small wind color vortices confronted the purple lotus.The spiritual energy all over the sky is violently surging, whistling endlessly.

After a roar, the vision in the sky disappeared immediately.

And the big man in gold was floating in the air, and his figure began to change constantly. There was no real place, and there was no real place, but no matter how you looked at it, the big man in gold was in a mess.

"It's you who is looking for teeth all over the place!"

Luo Tian calmly let out a low voice, and immediately shook his hands to see countless talismans, all kinds of heaven and earth energy floating in the air endlessly, putting the big man in gold into an extremely embarrassing situation, he couldn't really hide, let alone attack.

"Turn the clouds!"

In Luo Tiantian's moment, he had already displayed his cloud-turning supernatural power, and the man in golden clothes was completely trapped in an inexplicable void. The void was extremely weak, and it seemed that it would break apart with just a touch, and it was extremely fragile.

Even if Luo Tian's cloud-turning supernatural power is not counted as a supernatural power, it is at least in the category of second-level supernatural power. Once he makes a move, the big man in gold seems to know how powerful it is, but with his cultivation base and speed, he wants to get out of it. It is also a very troublesome thing.


Luo Tian chuckled, and immediately disappeared in the same place, and then the big man in gold was like a flat boat in the raging waves, swaying unsteadily, under Luo Tian's melee attack, there was no way to dodge it. The strength of Luo Tian's physical body is much higher than that of ordinary monsters, even if the opponent is the three golden eagles, it is useless.

Bang bang bang!

A series of intensive physical collisions sounded, and the big man in gold was almost cornered by Luo Tian. This was not at all due to the oppression of high-level monsters, but a huge gap in strength.

The man in golden clothes never thought that, as a noble ninth-level monster, he was suppressed and beaten by a human monk in the most proud field. The resentment in his heart was really beyond expression, but he wanted to Fighting to the death with the opponent, but not the opponent's opponent, it is really aggrieved and makes people crazy.

It doesn't help to go crazy.

The big man in gold found that the other party was so perverted that he didn't look like a human being, and he was even more perverted than a high-level existence among monsters. Then his fierce attack was a way to completely hurt both sides. Is the other party crazy?It's fine if it's crazy, why bother to bully such a poor guy...

"Uncle Luo, what are you doing!"

Dongfang Long also seemed to realize that something was wrong with Luo Tian, ​​he found that Luo Tian seemed to be indulging himself with all his might, without any concealment, for a great cultivator in the distraction period, this was undoubtedly very scary.

A crazy monk in the distraction stage can do things that countless people dare not even think about, but he can also achieve the situation of abandoning himself. What's wrong with Luo Tian?

Fight, fight, fight!

"Fellow Daoist, what exactly do you want to do?" The big man in gold was obviously timid.

"You've been beaten all over the place!" Luo Tian shouted arrogantly, like a god descending to earth.

ps: I still owe four chapters!

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