
Chapter 417 Do You Know My Uncle?

"My mother!"

Monk Mingyue gave a strange cry, and quacked with a sinister smile, laughing very happily, "Xiao Tiantian finally lost his temper, I like it, spraying peach blossoms on his face, since Xiao Tiantian returned, I finally found the feeling of the two of us in the past! "

Everyone except Fatty Wang was sweating profusely.

Fatty Wang looked like an old god, and said very bullishly: "I'm so scared! Look at your rare and strange country people. I think that when Boss Luo and I didn't know the bastard monk, the two of us Just when the Huoyan Kingdom became famous all over the world, especially Boss Luo, he is simply a pervert. During the foundation establishment stage, he was able to escape from the master monks of the Yuanying stage. Usually, you all say that my escape skills are unparalleled in the world. In fact, I and the monk two The sum of people is not as good as Boss Luo!"

"Stay away, fat man. Lao Tzu and Luo Tian escaped from the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator at the foundation establishment stage. You also listened to me. Don't pretend to be a big-headed fly here!"

Everyone was even more shocked. It was simply as difficult as reaching heaven to be able to escape from the master monk of the Nascent Soul Stage with the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Stage.Not to mention escaping, even if a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage wanted to die happily in front of a great monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, it would be extremely difficult.

In the arena, Dongfang Long watched for a while, and couldn't help but fly back to the Emerald Dragon Boat with a wry smile. He originally thought that even if he was not Luo Tian's opponent at the moment, he could still last for a while.Looking at his situation now, it was obvious that he was merciful when he sparred with him.

It's a bit unbelievable that a ninth-level monster should be suppressed and beaten by a mid-stage cultivator in the distraction stage!


Luo Tian punched the blond man in the face hard, and sent the blond man flying hundreds of feet away, but before the blond man got up, Luo Tian followed him like a shadow and kicked him again.

The big man in gold did not expect that an ordinary robber would meet such a perverted human monk. He is a ninth-level monster, but in terms of physical toughness, he is not as good as the human in front of him. The blood of the dragon and phoenix clan?Or does it contain the blood of the four sacred beasts?

"Don't...don't fight, I admit defeat, I admit defeat..." The golden-clothed man has no strength to fight back. For some reason, when fighting this young man in green-clothed hand-to-hand, there seems to be a strange mana faintly restraining his own Taoism. The Taoism that can restrain monsters and beasts are all methods that are not taught by the Buddhist sect or there are several peerless skills.

As a matter of fact, there are four kinds of peerless exercises in Luo Tian's body including the Purple Lotus Sword Code, and there are also Buddhist extraordinary exercises such as the Mahadura Sutra. This big man in gold is bound to suffer a great loss.

"Then hand over everything on your body." Luo Tian stepped down, and a bewitching cloud emerged from the sole of his foot, and then the cloud suddenly dispersed. The kick fell apart.

"Master, if I have good things on me, why would I come out to rob me?" The man in the golden coat was devastated. Although the original injury was more serious, he was really poor and white.

Then, Luo Tian said something that made him almost vomit blood.

"Since I'm a pauper, I'd better kill him and waste my time."

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't waste your time!" The big man in gold was not as strong as a human, and his attitude changed very quickly, so he hurriedly behaved with his tail between his legs.

Seeing Luo Tian rushing over again, the big man in gold finally couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me, I know a place where there are many magic medicines, you human monks come to Qingli Little Immortal Realm Isn't it for these magical medicines!"

"Oh?" In the nick of time, Luo Tian's palm was less than three inches from the forehead of the big man in gold, which made the big man in gold sweat profusely.

"Tell me."

The big man in golden clothes narrowly escaped death, and he couldn't help but respectfully said: "That place is guarded by a high-ranking dragon and a black phoenix, if you fall, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged.

The big man in golden clothes couldn't help being a little bit happy when he saw that there was something going on, his life was finally saved. In fact, what he said was not entirely true. Only the truth and the false can confuse the enemy, especially when eight parts of the truth are combined with two parts of the lie The highest level of speaking.

"That high-level dragon's cultivation is not too high, it's just a bit higher than mine. And that black phoenix has stepped into the realm of the demon king with one foot, it's really hard to deal with!" The blond man in gold smiled wryly. Said, this is the truth, otherwise he wouldn't be seriously injured so miserable, think back when uncle was still there, who the hell would dare to provoke me?The tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs.

"Could it be that you are not the demon king?" Luo Tian was startled, and the dusty memory in the depths of his heart seemed to be opened all of a sudden.

"Of course I don't count!" The blond man in gold had a resentful expression, "Only when a monster has reached the tenth level can it be called a monster king and get the title of monster king. I'm just a mid-level ninth-level monster. .”

fine.Luo Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was the first time he heard about the division of monsters into ranks. Fortunately, the opponent did not advance to the tenth rank of monsters. That is equivalent to the cultivation base of a human monk. They are all unparalleled in strength, but against the monsters who have been cultivated in the fusion stage, they are also courting death.

"Take me to see that dragon first." Luo Tianyun said lightly.

"Sure enough, he is also a shameless person who bullies the weak and fears the hard, just like Lao Tzu." The big man in gold couldn't help but secretly speculate in his heart, and immediately turned around to lead the way.

"Eating these few pills will help your injury to a certain extent." Luo Tian threw out a few jade pills.

The big man in golden clothes took the jade pill, his face became cloudy, but he turned his back to Luo Tian, ​​presumably the other party couldn't see his expression, and immediately shook his palm lightly, directly shaking the jade pill away, the jade pill Suddenly there was a strong aroma, and he licked it with his tongue, and the big man in gold just felt relieved and swallowed the elixir directly into his stomach.

"Hero, aren't you afraid that I, Jin, will eat your elixir and run away?" The man in the golden coat suddenly laughed.

"I know the panacea I refined, you can slip away if you are not afraid of death."

"Damn it!" The eyes of the big man in gold went dark, and he almost fainted. I knew that there is no such good thing in this world. The human monk in front of him is too treacherous, despicable, and shameless!

"By the way, you said your surname is Jin?" Luo Tian asked.

"That's right, if I don't change my name or surname, Jinda is me!" The big man in gold was full of pride and listlessness.

"I don't know if you know the three-pole demon king Jin Yue?" Luo Tian said with a slight frown.

"Ah!" Unexpectedly, the big man in gold suddenly became energetic, "This hero, you actually know my uncle?"

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