
Chapter 423 Five Moves, Taiyuan Needle

Throughout the countless years of history in the world of cultivating immortals, none of the genius monks who practiced several kinds of exercises can survive the ninety-nine catastrophe, because once this kind of existence survives the catastrophe, I am afraid that it can directly become an extremely powerful person in the immortal world. As long as there is enough time for a person with outstanding potential to not fall, it seems that there should be no big problem in advancing to the Immortal King Realm, and the Immortal King Realm is not determined by talent. It is said that the entire Immortal World is boundless, from There are countless geniuses in all planes, and in the end, I have never heard of how many people can advance to the realm of the fairy king. The realm of the fairy king is one of the most peak existences in the fairy world. At that level, they can already open up a small world by themselves.

Of course, it is too far away to say these things at present.

poop puff!

There was a series of dense sounds, and Luo Tian and Li Meng exchanged hands countless times in an instant. The two of them had almost escaped from the phantom category. They could only see two very faint lights and shadows colliding in the air. Every time they collided, There was a wave of ripples wherever the two of them were, showing their extremely powerful physical cultivation.

Chi Chi!

Suddenly, Li Meng escaped from the battlefield very quickly, and immediately turned into a giant golden bear as tall as a mountain, looking extremely powerful.

Naturally, Luo Tian wouldn't move, with just one hand, countless purple lotus flowers appeared in front of him, and immediately rubbed them lightly, these lotus flowers turned into a huge lotus flower in the air, and then Luo Tian took another breath When it sprayed out, it turned into a cyan flame and shot into the purple lotus, and a layer of strange cyan light immediately appeared on the purple lotus.

"go with!"

With a wave of Luo Tian's hand, the ten-foot-sized lotus floating in front of him directly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the giant golden bear in front of him.

The giant golden bear is Li Meng's body. Li Meng himself is also a monster beast at the peak of the ninth rank, and his strength is extremely strong. He let out a low growl, and immediately the golden hairs on his body stood on end, and a monstrous aura burst out. There seemed to be a gust of wind all of a sudden, and then Li Meng was surprised and grabbed the lotus.

"This kid." Fang Ziqiao, the young man in white, couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling. He was the one with the highest cultivation level present, so he could see the unusualness of Luo Tian, ​​a lotus flower at a glance. However, with Li Meng's cultivation level, it seemed that he could completely Eat this attack.

"Turn the clouds!"

The old god Luo Tian stood on the ground, his hands moved up and down in a yin and yang shape, Li Meng's body immediately shook violently, and immediately the overwhelming white clouds gathered, forming a strange cloud vortex above his head. In the vortex, there are bursts of lasing thunder.The most frightening thing was that Li Meng found that the space around him began to distort sharply, as if it was about to burst.


In the end, the space was broken in more than ten places. Although the space here is extremely tough and stable, Luo Tian has already used the cloud-turning supernatural power to the extreme at this moment. Li Meng can't do it in a short period of time if he wants to get out of trouble. After all, Luo Tian is now Has comprehended part of the law of space.How can the laws of heaven and earth be so easily deciphered?If Luo Tian's space law is small, he may be able to raise his hands and feet to kill Li Meng without any effort.

"Li Meng lost."

Han Yuan finally saw the clues at this moment. This was the second time she had watched Luo Tian cast the cloud-turning supernatural power, but this time he was able to completely trap Li Meng. You must know that Li Meng's body is known as the strongest attacking bear clan. Golden Bear.But even the attack power of the cracking gold bear can't break through the opponent's supernatural power.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, I have a heartfelt request." At this time, Fang Ziqiao, a young man in white who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Please say."

"I want to gamble with you, may you agree?" the young man in white said lightly.

"I don't agree." Luo Tian refused without hesitation, "I have used all my trump cards when fighting this fellow Daoist Li Meng, because I think I still have a chance of winning. But against a tenth-level monster, I am There's no chance."

As soon as Luo Tian said this, everyone was a little surprised. The human monk in front of him was really interesting. He was able to temporarily trap Li Meng even though he was only in the middle of the distraction period. He could also see the boss's cultivation. Not to impress.

In fact, Luo Tian's attack just now contained Fumo Ganghuo, which can restrain all demonic beasts, otherwise it is still unknown if Luo Tian wants to trap Li Meng.

"Five moves." Fang Ziqiao, a young man in white, stretched out his palm, "I only use [-]% of my cultivation for the first move, [-]% for the second move, and [-]% for the fifth move. The enemy and the enemy will end, how about this?"

Luo Tian thought for a moment, and finally nodded slowly.

"First move."

The young man in white smiled slightly, and two rays of light shot out of his eyes, which instantly landed in front of Luo Tian.

Luo Tian had already made preparations. At this moment, a layer of blue flames directly emerged from his body. At the same time, Luo Tian stepped back a few steps, directly activated the three high-level defensive charms on his body, and put them on his body one after another.


Just for a moment, Luo Tian blocked it easily.

"Second move."

As soon as Fang Ziqiao, a young man in white clothes, pointed out, the whole space seemed to have become hazy.

"Space supernatural powers!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and immediately pointed out his fingers one after another like a gourd painting, and an astonishing purple sword energy hundreds of feet long pierced the void.


Everyone stared intently at the human cultivator in front of him. It was really inconceivable that he could resist the two moves of the boss with his mid-stage cultivation base.

"The third trick!"

Fang Ziqiao, a young man in white, didn't change his complexion from the beginning to the end. Instead, his fighting spirit became more intense. The third move was still a flat palm.

It's just that this palm fell in Luo Tian's eyes, causing Luo Tian's eyelids to jump wildly. The opponent's palm seemed to seal all his escape routes, and he had no other way but to fight hard.

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Styles!"

Without hesitation, Luo Tian unleashed the Seven Sky-Splitting Styles, and at the same time, the amplitude was quadrupled. In addition to his own strong mana and incomparably tough physical strength, he struck out a claw, which increased the amplitude by eight times.


There was just a loud noise, and in the middle of Luotian and Fangziqiao, a gap in the dark space more than ten feet long appeared directly.

"The fourth move."

Fang Ziqiao punched out regardless, smoothing the gap in the space as before, and immediately came towards Luotian. Huge and incomparable pressure fell from the sky, surrounded Luotian in all directions, full of powerful vitality.

The yin and yang of the heaven and the earth change, the solitary yin does not grow, and the solitary yang does not grow. The ultimate life is death!

"Break it for me!"

Although Luo Tian looked a little pale, he was still calm. A purple streamer shot out from his hand, which directly dispelled Fang Ziqiao's powerful blow. Except for Fang Ziqiao, the others didn't see how Luo Tian cracked it at all. one move.

"It turned out to be a fairy artifact." Fang Ziqiao's eyes flashed, and he immediately stretched out his right thumb, and lightly pressed against the void above Luo Tian's head.

"what is this?"

"Taiyuan Needle, one of the unique skills of Huntian Palace!" Han Yuan turned pale.

Luo Tian didn't respond at all. His primordial spirit cultivation was very strong, but it wasn't strong enough to resist tenth-order monsters. The opponent's fourth move almost emptied all the mana cultivation in his body. He didn't have time to resist Xi's fifth move.

Moreover, this fifth move is even more powerful!

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