
Chapter 424 Xuanqing Hall

Speaking of which, the courage to fight tenth-order monsters at the level of the distraction stage is already hard to come by in this world, let alone cross the two realms. If you are an ordinary middle-stage monk in the distraction stage, I am afraid the second move It is difficult to parry, and the third move is even more irresistible no matter what.But now Luo Tian even blocked the fourth move. For every [-]% increase in the attack of a tenth-order monster, it would be more than a doubling. I'm afraid it would be measured by ten times or tens of times.Now the fifth trick that is about to come is already half of Fang Ziqiao's cultivation base. Of course, Fang Ziqiao thinks that Luo Tian can't bear it. Even if the cultivation base in the late stage of the transformation of the gods came, I would have to use all my strength to resist, and I would have to be seriously injured.

The fifth trick, there is no way to hide, it is so terrifying!

Just when Luo Tian was about to hide in the Black Lotus Space, and Fang Ziqiao was about to withdraw his attack, a sudden change occurred!

I saw a faint bright black light flashing above Luo Tian's head, and immediately after a huge black shadow rolled a few times in the void, a huge snow-white monster appeared, with a dragon head and a turtle body, long Da Baizhang was ten feet tall, and when he stood there, he almost covered half of the sky. Immediately after the monster opened its mouth and sprayed, a blood-red beam of light fell directly down, completely covering Luo Tian in it.

"The ice dragon clan is really strong!"

Dragon Turtle is Xiao Hei in Hei Lian's space. He is connected with Luo Tian's heart and soul. He sensed Luo Tian's crisis and rushed out of Hei Lian's space to save Luo Tian. Xiao Hei immediately stared at Fang Ziqiao coldly. , "What kind of skill is bullying my boss, why not you and I fight?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hei only trembled slightly in the air, and turned into a little boy with pink make-up, who looked only twelve or thirteen years old, with a sky-high comb on his hair, and only wearing a small blue coat , with bare feet, looks extremely cute and gratifying.

"The Xuanwu family!"

At this time, everyone including Fang Ziqiao was stunned. They guessed the beginning, but they didn't guess the choking and brutal result. With a tenth-order monster.

"..." Luo Tian was obviously also stunned. The last time he saw Xiao Hei, this bastard was only a seventh-order monster with the peak cultivation base. How could it have reached the level of a tenth-order monster after not seeing him for more than ten years? , to be able to transform into a human form, it must have stepped into a ninth-level monster, but who can understand Xiao Hei better than Luo Tian, ​​the two of them are connected by heart, and they can see each other's cultivation status at a glance, and there is no room for hiding their strength at all .

The tenth-order demon beast, Xiao Hei, can become king now?

"Xiao Hei, uh, how did you cultivate?" Luo Tian asked a little dumbfounded.

"Hey, Boss, this is thanks to the second day of the Black Lotus Space, the boss is the boss, and he can lead me to glory!"

Luo Tian hurriedly forked out a trace of his consciousness and entered the second day of the Black Lotus Space, but the scene in front of him almost made Luo Tian faint.

"I'm spraying peach blossom honey on your face, Xiao Hei!"

Nearly half of the spirit stones and spirit liquid pools in the second day domain before him had disappeared, as if they had been robbed by robbers.

"Boss, don't want to be like this. After my careful observation, the spiritual stones and spiritual liquid pools in the second domain will automatically recover. It will not take a hundred years for this place to return to its original appearance."

"You loser!"

Luo Tian withdrew his consciousness, charged directly at Xiao Hei, beat him violently, and then kicked Xiao Hei far away.

Fang Ziqiao, Li Meng, Han Yuan and the others were stunned. Why did they suddenly start fighting among themselves?Moreover, Luo Tian was actually beating up a tenth-order monster?That tenth-order monster still hasn't fought back...

"Boss, please stop, let's talk about it first..."

"This fellow daoist, fellow daoist Luo and I are just talking to each other." Fang Ziqiao still had that personable appearance.

"What a fart! If I hadn't made a move, my boss would have been seriously injured!" Xiao Hei naturally knew the power of Heilian's space, but he certainly wouldn't say it out loud, and just said this half-truth.

Fang Ziqiao frowned, slightly shocked in his heart, just now he had used [-]% of his cultivation base, and with the opponent's mid-stage distraction cultivation base, he would definitely be wiped out by force, could it be that the opponent still had a trump card that he hadn't used yet? ?

In fact, Luo Tian still has four kinds of hole cards in his hands that can be used. The first is to hide in the black lotus space without any danger, the second is to manipulate Qingyun to escape into the space, and the third is the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword. With the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword, Luo Tian shouldn't have a big problem in resisting the opponent's blow.The fourth type is Luo Tian's teleportation supernatural power. However, the integrated stage monks can already imprison a part of the space, and Luo Tian is not [-]% sure that he can teleport successfully.

"This is the end of the matter."

Luo Tian didn't pursue it too much. After beating Xiao Hei, he really vented his frustration a lot. He still has important business to come to Huntian Palace this time, so he can't delay for too long.

"Also ask Fellow Daoist Han to lead the way."

Although Han Yuan still had many doubts in her heart, she still didn't say anything in the end. She nodded and led Luo Tian to move on.

Looking at the three streamers of light that disappeared in the distant sky, Fang Ziqiao and Li Meng, who had already escaped from the cloud-turning supernatural power, looked at each other. They both had secret thoughts on Luo Tian. This person is really terrifying.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Yuan brought Luo Tian to a place shrouded in mist.

Luo Tian looked up, and after two brilliance, one purple and one blue, swept across his eyes, he couldn't help being a little horrified. The clouds and mist in front of him were naturally made by the formation prohibition, but what surprised Luo Tian was that the scene after his spiritual eyes saw through the void turned out to be A huge palace suspended in mid-air.

To make the palace suspend in mid-air naturally requires great magical powers to do so, but at least it requires the cooperation of several Mahayana monks to do it.From this point of view, it can be seen that the Huntian Palace is really a big deal. Just looking at this background, it is far beyond the comparison of some super sects. No wonder it can control Qingli Xiaoxianjie.

"Is it Yuan'er?"

Suddenly, a very pleasant voice came, and Han Yuan bowed directly and respectfully, "Yuan'er lived up to everyone's orders and brought Fellow Daoist Luo here."

"Go back and ask Fang Ziqiao and others to go to Thunder Terrace for three days."

The inexplicable voice said again, this time Han Yuan couldn't help being shocked after hearing it, "Thunder Tower, that's the execution platform of Qingli Xiaoxianjie."

It can make an existence that is about to enter the tenth level of monsters look horrified, presumably the Thunder Terrace is still a terrifying and abnormal place.Luo Tian remained calm on the face, but secretly speculated in his heart.


At this time, the clouds and mist in front of Luo Tian suddenly separated and changed, and immediately turned into a white stone step extending far away.

Through countless misty clouds, Luo Tian's spiritual eyes could see a palace at the end of the clouds.

Xuanqing Palace.

These are the three ancient seal characters on the top of the palace, written in Qingli script.

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