
Chapter 426 The Bodhi Tree

Luo Tian was already prepared as if he was facing a big enemy, all his thoughts were tense like a bow, just waiting for the opponent's next embarrassment, his whole body was ready to go, and he had entered an extremely miraculous state, but listening After hearing the words from the high platform, even though his psychological quality was unrivaled, he couldn't help but his eyes darkened, and he almost fell into the dust.

What is this thing called?

Luo Tian was really defeated by the opponent, his whole body was lazily, not to mention fighting spirit, he couldn't even lift a little bit of strength, he was really frightened to the point of being weak all over.Immediately, Luo Tian found out very sadly that Luo Tian came to Qingli Small Immortal Realm properly, and Luo Tian himself was here for the magic medicine and chance, but now the magic medicine is not found, and the bad luck is more ferocious and fiercer than the other. Just agreed to the mysterious expert guarding the ice coffin to obtain the fairy condensing grass, here the righteous master of the Huntian Palace put forward three more conditions, this is exactly the time when one has just left the tiger's lair and entered the wolf's lair. Horrible to the extreme.

"I'm not talented, I may not be able to fulfill your three conditions with my meager ability." After a long while, Luo Tian just bit the bullet and said, God knows what kind of tricks these big bosses from Huntian Palace are trying to play.

"Don't worry, these three conditions are of great benefit to you."

In the silent void, a man's voice suddenly sounded, which shocked Luo Tian and Xiao Hei.

"Your Excellency, please tell me first." Luo Tian didn't dare to answer directly. These bosses are extremely horrific, and his spiritual consciousness in Xuanqing Palace can't break through his body. It can be seen how terrifying this place is. The boss will regret it when the time comes, and the unlucky one is still himself.

"Boss, there are two people here."

"Nonsense, it's up to you to say, I know it myself."

While Luo Tian and Xiao Hei were chatting obscenely, the two on the high platform were also chatting.

"Is this kid too vigilant?" The middle-aged man frowned slightly, "It stands to reason that the person Mr. Fang chooses should be a real genius, and this little scene is all fussy?"

"Don't jump to conclusions too early, maybe this person has another brilliant idea." Mrs. Tianhu Baolun stretched lazily, with infinite charm, "It's a mule or a horse, and you have to take it out for a walk to find out. .”

"Just listen to my sister-in-law once." The middle-aged man said, "But my sister-in-law really decided to let him subdue such a treasure. I have been used to drinking Bodhi Qingxin tea for these years. Wouldn't it be painful if I can't drink it in the future?"

"Don't think that I don't know that you secretly hid more than ten catties." Mrs. Tianhun Baolun said lightly.

The middle-aged man suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He did these things very confidentially, how did the sister-in-law know?

"The first condition, the magic medicine in Qingli Xiaoxianjie, you can choose three of them."

Luo Tian and Xiao Hei were still muttering, when the woman's voice came from the high platform, making Luo Tian and Xiao Hei stunned, what?It turned out to be such a good thing?

The brothers and sisters only had to look at each other, and Luo Tian replied: "I agree to this condition, but..."

"Someone will put in front of you the information about all the magic medicines in the Qingli Xiaoxian world later, and it will not be too late to choose after you understand the efficacy of the magic medicines." Just say that directly.

"Then the first condition, I agree." Agree, of course yes, Luo Tian has always adhered to the shameless thought of being a bastard who is cheap and not sticky.

"The second condition is to let the tenth-order monster dragon turtle beside you do one thing for the Huntian Palace."

"Please forgive me for being rude. You have to ask the person concerned about this condition, and I can't make the decision." Luo Tian said in his heart, finally showing his mother's fox tail, wanting my Xiao Hei to go through life and death for you, there is no way!

"I promise." Xiao Hei just thought for a while, and then gave an answer that made Luo Tian dumbfounded.

"Xiao Hei, you're going to die!" Luo Tian cursed anxiously, "Can you agree to what the boss of Huntian Palace asks you to do? !"

"Don't worry, boss, I have my own ideas." Xiao Hei continued after finishing the sound transmission, "But the premise is not to violate morality, not to be too dangerous, and not to make difficult choices."

"You are honest, little guy, well, I promise you." Finally, the man laughed.

"What about the third condition?"

Luo Tian and Xiao Hei waited for a long time, but they didn't see the two on the high platform speak out, so they couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

"The third condition is that Luo Tian should take action to subdue a holy object of the Huntian Palace."

In the end, the woman's voice was softly heard by the two of them.

"What holy object?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Boss, holy things are ancient sayings, that is, some fairy treasures with spiritual consciousness." Xiao Hei hurriedly said.


The scene in front of him changed, and there was no bright starry sky anymore. It must be an area in the Huntian Palace. This area is full of aura, it seems to be an island, and there are countless exotic flowers and plants on this island.

Looking at the vast and boundless island, Luo Tian wanted to cry, how could he find the holy object in such a big place.

"The holy object is in the core area of ​​this island, but apart from the two of you, another team has already broken into it. Whether you can subdue the holy object depends on your luck."

Luo Tian thought to himself, anyway, I already have enough treasures on my body, it doesn't matter if I get this holy thing or not, anyway, it's just a hard journey.

"Of course, if you can't get the holy object, the first two conditions will be automatically void."

It's very hateful, the voice came again, making Luo Tiantian's teeth itch, the second condition is fine, the first condition is very important to Luo Tian, ​​whether the Ningxiancao is obtained depends on the first condition middle.

"Then, could you please explain the appearance of the holy object?" Luo Tian said somewhat helplessly.

"The holy Bodhi tree is the name of that holy object, and it can only tell you so much. Okay, let's start."

"Hey, hey, I haven't planned to agree..."

As soon as Luo Tian yelled, he was automatically teleported away.

"This little guy is quite interesting, hehe." The middle-aged man smiled lightly, "I haven't met such an interesting guy for a long time."

"Don't just watch the show, there are quite a few powerful beings in that small space, don't make a mistake at that time, and if Mr. Fang pursues it, I won't be able to protect you."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of this little guy."


"Unreasonable and inhumane!"

Luo Tian and Xiao Hei wanted to cry but were transported to a place with a lot of aura, but they found out sadly that they still couldn't use any spiritual consciousness here, that is to say, in this strange place, they could only rely on their physical body. Mixed firmness.Fortunately, Luo Tian and Xiao Hei are perverted and tyrannical, and the other is a monster, so they don't care about it.However, the two found out sadly that there are many elixir here, but all the good elixir are guarded by monsters around them. Could it be that they are asked to continue to do their old job and rob them by force?

Currently, this is the only way.

Elixir, here we come!

The next moment, Luo Tian and Xiao Hei turned into streamers and shot straight ahead.

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