
Chapter 427 Untidy

For Luo Tian and Xiao Hei, the two of them were extremely excited and excited at the beginning, but after a few hours, the two of them lost their interest.There is no other reason. There are many kinds of rare elixir on this vast and boundless island, but what makes the two of them depressed is that all the best elixir are guarded and occupied by some monsters, and there are even some elixir. Yao unexpectedly had several monsters staring at him at the same time.

"Boss, this is too perverted!"

Luo Tian and Xiao Hei sat on the top of a smooth mountain panting.

"It's really perverted and shameless enough." Luo Tian nodded with lingering fear in his heart. With the two people's current strength and methods, ordinary elixir is naturally despised. Among other things, Luo Tian alone is the number one in the Black Lotus Space. There are a lot of elixir in Tianyu, and the two finally fell in love with a thousand-year-old jasper lotus flower. This elixir is said to have been extinct in ancient times. It has very powerful functions and can increase the hardness of the physical body by a level.But when the two of them were about to attack with bright eyes, they were very sad to find that there was actually a group of monsters guarding the thousand-year-old jasper lotus, and hundreds of monsters immediately became angry. This monster is none other than a Gryphon, the weakest of which has reached the level of a sixth-order monster, and the three leaders with the highest cultivation bases are all at the peak level of an eighth-order monster, and they cannot use the spirit lock here. However, Luo Tian and Xiao Hei could only rely on their physical bodies to snatch it. Although Xiao Hei appeared in the form of a monster, he did not have the pressure of a tenth-level monster. He got a thousand-year-old jasper lotus, but was chased by this group of monsters for hundreds of miles before he escaped. It was really embarrassing.

"Have you noticed? The monsters here seem not to be restricted by rank, even a third-rank monster dares to risk our lives with us." Luo Tian and Xiao Hei swallowed several elixirs, and finally recovered most of their physical strength.

Xiao Hei scratched his head and said distressedly: "This ghost place is really evil."

"The evil door belongs to the evil door. You and I should be more careful. I heard from the two big brothers of the Huntian Palace earlier that it seems that other human monks have entered here. Be careful, and don't let us be fooled by others." good."

Luo Tian thought for a while, and said calmly, suddenly Luo Tian frowned, and looked towards the southeast.

"Boss, there seems to be a big battle going on there." Xiao Hei cheered up and shouted happily.

In fact, Xiao Hei doesn't need to say much, Luo Tian can probably guess what happened in the distance, although he can't use his consciousness here, but Luo Tian and Xiao Hei are people who have gone through countless battles, and they still have a good sense of the danger. Very sharp.


Luo Tian let out a low shout, and Xiao Hei immediately transformed into a miniature child about one foot tall, and jumped directly onto Luo Tian's shoulder. Immediately, Luo Tianshi launched the secret method of the Five Elements Teleportation Technique, and in a blink of an eye, he was in five Sixty feet away, this level of cultivation, in the secular world, is probably a first-class super master who can call the wind and rain, and it has really reached the level of the land immortal.

After just a meal, the two of Luo Tian arrived at the place where the battle took place. Immediately, Luo Tian chose an extremely tall giant tree, and directly hid himself in the canopy of the luxuriant tree, and immediately looked down condescendingly.

"Boss, it seems that a monster has gone mad." Xiao Hei and Luo Tian had a telepathic connection, so voice transmission into secrets is naturally not a problem.

"It's not that simple." Luo Tian shook his head lightly, "Look at those monsters who attack in a disorderly manner, but the strongest monsters always run in one direction."

Thousands of feet below the two of them, there are two groups of monsters mixed together, one group is a one-horned wild boar covered with fine hair, and the other is a snow-white tiger. The two groups of monsters seem to have lost their minds, and they are moving towards the other. He dashed away from a hillside, and Lao Gao couldn't see the specific situation clearly.

Two brilliance flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, one purple and one blue, and then he regained his clarity.

"Boss, what's going on?" Xiao Hei hurriedly asked.

"It's two human monks. They can't see their faces clearly. They seem to have high-level spirit treasures that can shield the fluctuations of mana. One is dressed in white and the other is dressed in black. Regardless of the words of the primordial spirit, the two are really rare masters. I'm afraid At least he is also a great monk in the distraction period."

"Hey, do you want to be the two of them, to kill and seize treasure?" Xiao Hei rubbed his palms excitedly, looking impatient.

"What's the rush? Let's talk about it after a while. Those who can enter here are not ordinary monks. They all have means to save their lives. If you and I can't deal with each other with a sudden attack, then we will startle the snake."

"Impossible." Xiao Hei cried out resentfully, "With the physical cultivation of the two of us, let alone a mere human monk, even a tenth-level monster can exhaust him to death."

"Didn't you notice that this area is a little strange? We can use a little bit of spiritual sense." Luo Tian suddenly turned his mouth slightly. Although it is still extremely difficult to use the divine sense here, if you observe it patiently, you will find that here The space in his body seems to be a little different, and he can display a trace of divine consciousness.

"Then don't be afraid. Boss, with your primordial spirit cultivation base, I'm afraid even if you are a monk at the fusion stage, the two of us will have the strength to fight."

"Look over there." Luo Tian suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed to the distance, where the dust was billowing, and there seemed to be a steady stream of monsters rushing towards here.

"..." Xiao Hei was speechless for a moment. His physical body was as strong as it could be, but under the attacks of hundreds or even thousands of monsters, he would be exhausted to death.


At this moment, the two human monks are ashamed, but their spirits are still good. There is a faint fluorescent light flickering around the two of them. They just sit back to back, and the attacks they make are like antelopes. Horn, knocking away the monster beasts that rushed up one by one.

"Li Tian, ​​have you notified Boss Zhao, but I can't hold on any longer." The monk in white, who was the previous strongest team's Daoist Jade Fan, couldn't help but said with a bitter face.

That black-clothed monk is naturally the Demon Lord of the Spear.I saw him with a straight face, and said coldly: "Why panic, Boss is still thousands of miles away now, and it will take at least two hours to get here, what is your name Qu, don't think I don't know if there is something wrong with you?" Shaolin Pill."

"I didn't complain, it's just that the two guys not far away look like old gods watching a theater, I'm very upset!"

"Drag them into the water and it's over, too much nonsense."

"Now I can control the magic weapon to fly a distance of seven hundred feet at most. Those two are hiding more than a thousand feet away. I don't have any thoughts, and you don't want to help."

"Speed ​​eliminated this wave of monsters, I will help you and pull those two into the water!"

In the distance, Luo Tian and Xiao Hei suddenly flew upside down a large number of monsters on the slope very quickly, and couldn't help but sneer and said: "I will never change my nature, and I still want to drag the young master into the water in such a field, thanks tidy!"

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