
Chapter 428 Lunzhang Daojun

"Clean up, we must clean them up hard!" Xiao Hei said excitedly, jumping up and down.

Luo Tian crossed his arms and stared coldly at the still dusty slope. He already had some calculations in his heart, so he smiled lightly and turned his hands to find a spirit-gathering talisman, a high-level spirit-gathering talisman, from the Naxu Ring.

Xiao Hei's small eyes swept away, and he couldn't help being taken aback, oh my god, this trick of the boss is really vicious and shameless.The spirit-gathering talisman is quite different from the element-gathering talisman. The spirit-gathering talisman gathers the aura of the world. Generally speaking, this aura is very suitable for monsters, but not for human monks.Polymers are just the opposite.In particular, what Luo Tian took out was a high-level spirit-gathering talisman, which is simply the favorite of monsters. As a result, the two monks on the slope were under a lot of pressure...

"Boss, don't stare at me so affectionately, I'm sorry." Seeing Luo Tian immediately staring at it, Xiao Hei couldn't help but feel that he had fallen into a trap, and suddenly his whole body shivered.

Luo Tian suddenly chuckled, and said, "Xiao Hei, don't waste time, this high-level spirit-gathering talisman will be handed over to you to detonate."

"What?" Xiao Hei's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted, and then he looked like a resentful woman, "Boss, aren't you, there are so many monsters, I'm in great danger."

"Stop talking!" Luo Tian snorted, "I haven't settled the old account with you on the second day's domain yet, if you settle this matter before me, I will let the past go!"

"A gentleman's word!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"


"good buddies!"

Xiao Hei rolled on the spot, and immediately returned to his original shape, then swallowed the high-level spirit-gathering talisman in Luo Tian's hand, and ran happily towards the slope...

After a long, long time, Xiao Hei, who had become a venerable from one dimension at that time, always recalled the days when he was with Luo Tian, ​​and there was a very bleak look in his eyes. The Demon Lord has only one comment: Never trust him.

Watching Xiao Hei heading towards the slope in an extremely wretched posture, Luo Tian suddenly felt a little restless, and it became more and more real, this was the first time this happened to Luo Tian.

Soon, Luo Tian reached out and took out the tortoise shell given by Master Qiankun. With a big hand, he formed a sound-proof barrier within three feet around his body with that sliver of spiritual consciousness. The tortoise shell shook for a while, making a pleasant impact sound.

Today's Luo Tian has repeatedly done that thing of stealing the sky, especially recently he used Taiyi Dongxuan Divine Light to make the second clone reach the point of great success, it's not surprising.

"Sure enough, there is someone else."

For a long time, Luo Tian's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, but before he could think about it carefully, an astonishing spiritual energy shot up from the slope in the distance, and immediately there was a burst of shouting and cursing from the breakthrough.

"Damn it! I was preempted by that bastard!"

"Don't talk too much!"

The high-level spirit-gathering talisman was formed at once, and the aura was really rich, like a real fountain, spraying up seven or eight feet high. In this way, the group of monsters came forward and became more fierce and ferocious. Even if a person sacrificed the magic weapon with all his strength, he might have to go through so many densely packed monsters and reach Luo Tian, ​​and it would not be very powerful.

"It's done." There was a smile on Luo Tian's face, and Xiao Hei's horse was really extraordinary.

"Boss, boss..."

After a while, the disheveled Xiao Hei finally returned to Luo Tian's side, "Those monsters are too fierce, I can't hold it anymore."

"Get lost, your benefits are indispensable." Luo Tian scolded with a smile.

"That's good, that's good, hehe."

"I did a divination just now, and found out that there is a place in the north that is a great opportunity. Xiao Hei, go and have a look, it's a hundred miles to the north." After a while, Luo Tian blinked, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Really?" Xiao Hei looked at Luo Tian with some doubts. Now that he has entered the tenth-level monster realm, he must have a great background if he wants to advance further, and the promotion is the greatest possibility Sex is to swallow high-level elixir and high-level elixir, there is no other way, after all, those areas on the Profound Sky Plane that are rich in aura are occupied by people, even if they want to find it, it will cost a lot of money. effort.

"Absolutely true." Luo Tian said expressionlessly, what he thought in his heart was beyond the guesswork of outsiders.


The next moment, Xiao Hei turned into a stream of white light and rushed out, "Boss, stand here and hold on, and the little one will go to detect the reality first, and if there is something good, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Be careful." Luo Tian just said this, and when it was confirmed that Xiao Hei had finally walked away, he turned his back to Xiao Hei, and the smile in his eyes was fleeting.

In a bush in the distance, Xiao Hei waited for a while before leaving at ease, this time the boss finally did not bully him, very relieved, very relieved...

From this point of view, Luo Tian and Xiao Hei are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"One hour should be enough."

Luo Tian took out two elixirs from the Naxu Jie, swallowed them immediately, and then leaned on the tree trunk and closed his eyes to rest easily.


"The boss who suffered a thousand knives, I don't trust you anymore..."

About an hour later, Xiao Hei galloped from the ground in a state of embarrassment. Just as he hit a tree trunk with his tail, Xiao Hei suddenly changed direction and flew obliquely forward. A big hole was blasted, and immediately a ghostly young man in sackcloth followed closely behind with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Such a person and a monster are constantly chasing each other.

"Come on, boss, I brought back that high-level elixir!"

It took about an hour to go, and the road was already familiar when I came back, and Xiao Hei escaped much faster, it only took less than half an hour to go back, it was really a wolf.

"Where's the high-level elixir?" A moment later, Luo Tian stood in front of Xiao Hei with a face full of grief and indignation, with a smoldering expression, "Xiao Hei, do you think it's fun to lie to me? Huh?"

"Ah, it's not like this boss." Xiao Hei saw that Luo Tian's expression didn't look like he was lying, so he quickly said, "Boss, you don't know that just when I arrived at the place where the high-level elixir is, I was killed by an extremely powerful human. The cultivator is being targeted, what a damn bad luck!"

"Where's that person?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Behind, we'll be there soon."

Before the little black words were finished, Luo Tian flicked his fingers, and five sword qi burst out from his right hand, shooting towards a certain void with the sound of howling wind.

Before the energy of the five swords was exhausted, a figure in hemp clothes slowly appeared from the air. His figure was dodging strangely, like a dexterous fish, and the five amazing swords flew past him.

"you are?"

The next moment, Luo Tian and the young man in Mai asked together.

ps: I didn't update it yesterday, but I will make it up today.

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