
Chapter 429

"Boss, do I know who he is from?"

Suddenly, the tranquility that the two of them could maintain was broken by Xiao Hei first.

Luo Tian and the young man in Mai Yi glanced at each other, and they both smiled lightly. Later, Luo Tian said, "Oh, you know the background of this fellow Taoist? Let's hear it, if you talk nonsense, the consequences will be quite serious..."

Hearing Luo Tian's slightly warning words, Xiao Hei couldn't help shivering, and quickly said with a flattering smile: "Boss, he is the boss of Yuqing Palace, if you don't believe me, you can ask him."

The young man in sackcloth raised his nose, and at the beginning he had a bit of contempt for Xiao Hei. This little dragon turtle is really slippery, and he couldn't even catch him with his own means, but now he can tell his background in one go. It is indeed a bit of morality.

If the young man in linen clothes still had his spiritual sense, he might be able to tell that the little dragon turtle in front of him was an inconspicuous little dragon turtle, but it was a genuine tenth-order monster, which was extremely tyrannical.

"Yuqing Palace!" Luo Tian kept his expression on his face, but his heart was really overwhelmed for a while. Yuqing Palace seemed to be an ancient super sect, and it also had a lot of power in the fairy world.

"Little Dragon Turtle has pretty good eyesight." The young man in linen chuckled, and immediately performed an ancient etiquette, "Yuqing Palace, Zhao Samsara. Your Excellency is full of swordsmanship, so he must be from the great Wu Luo family."

"Luo family, Luo Tian." Luo Tian smiled faintly, "This fellow Taoist should also come for the holy Bodhi tree, right?"

"Everything in the world is a chance, and time treasures can only be found by virtuous people. Everything is seen as a chance and cannot be forced." Zhao Huanhui gave an ambiguous answer, true and false.

"Haha, Daoist friends are really happy." Luo Tian laughed loudly, feeling even more afraid of Zhao Samsara who was born in Yuqing Palace in front of him. Just now, his blow almost reached the limit of his physical body, but the opponent avoided it very lightly. Driving, it seems that he is also a super strong man who has comprehended some laws of heaven and earth.

"Boss, don't rush to hit it off with that guy, Deng Laohei and I are about to be tossed to death by monsters!"

At this time, an extremely excited roar came from the slope in the distance.

Seeing this, Zhao Huanhui was still lukewarm, and said with a gentle smile, "Brother Luo, why don't we go together?"

"It's disrespectful." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and put on a gesture of invitation. The two guys who had been tricked by his high-level spirit-gathering talisman were still struggling to support them. It seemed that their cultivation was not bad.

With just one step, Zhao Huanhui showed extremely powerful strength. If one of the human monks had the most powerful body, it would naturally be Luo Tian. Luo Tian's current body could already compete with ninth-order monsters. To gain the upper hand against the bang, although the tenth-order monster may not be able to handle it, but compared with the fragile body of a human monk, it is really different day by day.

But now Zhao Huanhui stepped forward lightly, and he was already forty feet away without knowing how to make a move. It was really astonishing to see that he was as unrestrained as flowing clouds and flowing water.

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, he finally remembered what Dongfang Long said, Zhao Lunhui, the second in the list of mountains and rivers, is definitely Luo Tian's formidable enemy, he is physically tyrannical and has comprehended some laws of heaven and earth, and it is very likely that he is a spiritual transformation The peak monk of the period.The end is horror.

"Boss, you are finally here!"

Xiao Hei was still sitting leisurely on Luo Tian's shoulders, and the two of them followed Zhao Huanhui closely. They saw Zhao Huanhui strolling towards the group of monsters, and those fierce monsters also saw Zhao Huanhui. Many human monks have already rushed towards him, overwhelming the sky.

A series of palm shadows and fist shadows suddenly erupted centered on Zhao Samsara. Each palm and punch contained supreme power. Whenever a head of monsters was touched by the palm shadows and fist shadows, all of them were touched. It's hard to resist Zhao Huanhui's every move by flying directly.


Luo Tian and Xiao Hei followed Zhao Sanshui, glanced at each other, and couldn't help thinking that Zhao Sanshui had almost entered the category of a saint monk at the stage of integration. Landslides and ground cracks, even if you don't use any spiritual consciousness to manipulate magic weapons to perform Taoism and supernatural powers, you have already achieved extremely high attainments in terms of physical body and martial arts cultivation base, and the two of them can see that this person, like Luo Tian, ​​is also a magic body double repair.

It took only a cup of tea time for Zhao Lunhui to go up the slope leisurely. The surrounding monsters surrounded the slope tremblingly, but they didn't dare to go forward. It seemed that they were frightened by Zhao Lunhui. There is fear in the depths.You must know that monsters advocate the supremacy of force the most, whoever has the biggest fist is the truth, whoever is the sky!The highest level of these monsters in front of them is also the eighth level monsters, but without exception, they were beaten down by Zhao Huanhui's tyrannical beatings.

"Go, let's go up too."

Luo Tian said hello to Xiao Hei, this guy just can't use his divine sense, if he can't, all the monster spirits here will probably be sucked up by him, even if he can't be promoted again, there is no doubt that his strength will increase greatly up.


Those monsters couldn't do anything to Zhao Sanshui, but it didn't mean that they also bowed their knees to Luo Tian, ​​and surrounded dozens of monsters at once, staring at Luo with gleaming eyes. Tian and Xiaohei.


Luo Tian yelled loudly, and immediately a layer of purple aura of true essence appeared on his body, but all the monsters within two feet of Luotian were hit by a burst of purple sword aura shot out from Luotian's body, this The purple sword qi is like destroying the dead and rotten. With the rough skin and thick flesh of a monster, it will break bones and tendons if it is hit by the sword qi.

After a while, Luo Tian also calmly walked up the slope, glanced at Zhao Huanhui and the three of them indifferently, and said softly, "Now, can we go together?"

"Brother Luo is really a famous man, are you not afraid that the three of us will shoot you to death here?" Zhao Lunhui suddenly laughed.

"Two reasons, one is that you don't have the strength; the other is that under this slope is the world within the world, you can't get through it safely, you and I need to work together." Luo Tian smiled lightly, the old god was on the ground Said.


The black-clothed monk was fine, but the white-clothed monk who wanted to do Luo Tian a favor before was snorted coldly, rather unconvinced.

"If this fellow Taoist is not convinced, he can fight first."

"You..." The white-clothed cultivator couldn't help but get angry. From what Boss Zhao said just now, this person is extremely powerful. Even Boss Zhao is not sure that he will win, and he will undoubtedly lose if he fights with others.


At this moment, Zhao Lunhui stomped down with his big foot, and the earth slope immediately collapsed like loose sand. Immediately, countless clear rays of light emerged from under the loose sand, forming a square with a radius of one and a half feet. The circle only flashed a few times, Luo Tian and the others disappeared immediately, and the dirt slope immediately returned to its original state.


This is a small area with a radius of more than ten miles. As far as the eye can see, there is only one color here, that is turquoise.All are all bodhi trees.In the most central area, a huge bodhi tree with a height of one hundred feet stands tall like a flock of chickens.

"Could it be that the bodhi tree has evolved into the holy tree of son and mother?" Zhao Huanhui and the three were teleported to a corner, but they were not teleported to the same place with Luo Tian. The three were also stunned by the scene in front of them. up.

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