
Chapter 435 Surprised Changes in Chenzhou

Then, Luo Tian didn't believe in evil, and poured his spiritual consciousness directly into the ground within the original coverage of the Profound Fire Forbidden Land. Now his spiritual consciousness is as vast as the sea, and he quickly penetrated three thousand feet underground, but the three thousand feet below the ground are all The hot and surging magma, Luo Tian probed a thousand feet into the magma again, but still found nothing, finally Luo Tian angrily withdrew his consciousness.

"What's going on? Why did it suddenly disappear?" Luo Tian was very puzzled. It stands to reason that the entire Profound Fire Forbidden Land had completely disappeared. Such a big movement, let alone the entire Huoyan Kingdom, might have occurred in the entire northern part of the Profound Sky Continent. It was an earthquake, but there was no way to refute the things in front of them, and even if the entire Profound Fire Forbidden Land disappeared, how much magical power would it take to do it?At the very least, Luo Tian thought that it would be difficult for an immortal to descend to the mortal world, and at least one of the most powerful beings among immortals would have such great supernatural powers and mana.

"By the way, isn't there still the Phantom Fire Clan?"

With a thought in Luo Tian's mind, the whole person disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he was over the base camp of the Huanhuo Clan, his brows were furrowed again.

"Even the Phantom Fire Clan is gone!"

Luo Tian's thoughts changed sharply, and his spiritual thoughts spread out, covering the entire Huoyan Kingdom in an instant.

"All monks above the alchemy stage of Huoyan Kingdom, please come and see me quickly!"

The Huoyan Kingdom has changed!

At this moment, all the monks in the entire Huoyan Kingdom were shocked. The sound of coming to see me quickly was like a thunderbolt exploding in my ears. The weaker monks directly vomited blood and held their breath. The sect seems to have passed through a horror scene of doomsday origin.Layers of dense black clouds flashed directly above the heads of the three major sects. These dark clouds could not be dispelled by supernatural powers, and in the dark clouds, countless thunder and fire fell like raindrops. The protective formations of the three major sects only resisted the thunder The Ganghuo was directly blasted by the Lightning Ganghuo in a short time, and then there was a miserable scene like hell.

Countless mountains have been flattened, countless palaces have been razed to the ground, and countless monks have been turned into fly ash. In the face of such irresistible natural disasters, even the ancestors of the alchemy stage may lose their lives.

Among them, the area that Luo Tian took care of the most was the northwest of Huoyan Kingdom. This place was originally surrounded by green grass and mountains, but suddenly countless buckets of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and slammed into this paradise.

"What kind of evil is this?" Patriarch China jumped up, casting out magic spells one after another, but compared with the thunder and lightning falling from the sky, his resistance was nothing.

Afterwards, the sound of coming to see me like rolling thunder made the complexion of Chi Nao Patriarch change wildly.

"It's him!"


A bolt of lightning directly landed on Patriarch China's body, and the strength that Patriarch Chinao had managed to recover after more than a hundred years of rest and recuperation disappeared all of a sudden. The cultivation base that has been practiced for hundreds of years just disappeared!

Countless monks above the alchemy stage flew towards the place where Luo Tian was located. Luo Tian looked down at these monks who used to be aloof, and snorted coldly. Back then, in Huoyan Kingdom, almost the whole country attacked him and Monk Mingyue , now that Feng Shui is taking turns, it is natural to settle this account back!

"I've seen seniors!"


Under the pressure of Luo Tian's powerful and invincible spiritual sense, all the monks knelt down straight, even the big monks in the Nascent Soul stage were no exception.

"I'll give you another quarter of an hour. If you haven't arrived here yet, just wait for your body to die!"

Luo Tian said in a cold voice, the news immediately spread throughout the Huoyan Kingdom, and naturally there were still great monks who did not move at all, but most of the monks who met the requirements had all arrived in front of Luo Tian without any neglect.Although they don't know Luo Tian's cultivation level, even if they think about it with their asses, they know that Luo Tian is at least a great monk who has entered the stage of transformation of gods.

"It's a quarter of an hour, very good." Luo Tian smiled faintly, and just snapped his fingers lightly. Three or four great monks who didn't arrive on time exploded into a cloud of blood mist for no reason in the heavily restricted training ground. Both body and spirit are destroyed.

"It turned out to be him!"

At this moment, some respectable monks have already recognized the true appearance of the mysterious strong man standing high in the air with a blue cloud under his feet, and they can't help but tremble. How come he has cultivated to this point after not seeing him for more than a hundred years? so-so?

"What I want to ask is, why did the Profound Fire Forbidden Land suddenly disappear?"

Luo Tian looked indifferently at the many monks kneeling below, just one look seemed to be able to affect their state of mind and make them go mad and die.This is the practice of a holy monk in the integration stage!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one said anything.

"Don't you know? Then you can all die." Luo Tian said lightly. In the realm of the Huntian Palace, Luo Tian had already eliminated all karma in his body, that is to say, there is Bodhi Mountain. No matter what kind of evil he commits, there will be no karma on his body.

"I know."

At this time, a gray-haired old man in white stood up, his legs were trembling. He was a great monk in the middle of the Nascent Soul stage, but under the pressure of Luo Tian, ​​he only held on for a breath before he went back Kneel down.


"It is said that the disappearance of the Profound Fire Forbidden Land is related to Chenzhou of Beihe Kingdom. The other old people really don't know about it. I hope that seniors will be merciful and leave the incense of my Huoyan Kingdom to pass on."


Luo Tian let out a cold snort, and the rules of heaven and earth within a radius of ten miles were directly distorted. Immediately, all the cultivators below were reduced by one level of cultivation, "A hundred years ago, the Huoyan Kingdom used all the power of the whole country to hunt down and kill me. You will abide by your duty in the future!"

After finishing speaking, the blue clouds rolled under Luo Tian's feet, and then directly entered the void and shuttled away.

After just a meal, Luo Tian stepped on Qingyun to Chenzhou, Beihe Country. The cloud and mist vortex in the high sky at the beginning not only did not shrink, but became larger, and countless thick clouds and mist diffused out of it.

"The Chenzhou vortex seems to be a bit more powerful. Could it be that someone has really entered the depths of the vortex?" Luo Tian's pupils shrank, because with his current cultivation level, his consciousness entered the Chenzhou vortex. Trembling, it can be seen how terrifying the Chenzhou whirlpool is.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Tian flicked his sleeves, and a layer of divine breath ancient leaf armor appeared on the surface of his body, and the green leaf imprint in the center of his brows was shining brightly. Luo Tian seemed to have entered the most powerful level, and his whole body flickered , and directly entered the Chenzhou vortex.

ps: Starting tomorrow, stick to two chapters a day until the end, keep going.If you have something to go out, you will try to keep it updated every day.This book is over, I need to take a good rest, I may not have time to write in a short time, I hope everyone will understand me, for the sake of living.Writing a book is a hard job, and now Xianji can’t make much money in a month, but we write it down with the attitude of seeking peace of mind. I was really busy a while ago, really busy, how can I say that I have to win my job in two years? The second meaningful graduation certificate in my life, huh, huh.Having said that, the book Xianji can be popular, but at that time the website stipulated [-] words a day before it was highly recommended. [-] words a day, occasionally I feel that it can be done, but it is like this every day, and I can’t do it even if I kill it. Yes, this is the truth.Therefore, there is no recommendation, you lovely ones still insist on flipping through Xianji, and you are satisfied.At the beginning, I set the rules for myself, how can we write only if the monthly income is more than [-], but it is useless if the update does not come up and there is no recommendation. This Immortal Apocalypse was finished hastily a long time ago. If you don't have money to earn, who would work so hard with you.I usually come up and go offline after uploading the update directly. I dare not read book reviews, and I feel resentful.So, all the lovely heroes and beauties, please persevere, this book is already in progress, please don't blame me in your heart, after finishing this book, I don't know if there will be a chance to publish a new book in the future.It’s true that writing a book is a hobby, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have much money, but it still feels uncomfortable when no one sees it. Many writers who have just published articles have this mentality. Being recognized is the writer’s greatest wish, isn’t it?Now rn has changed a lot, a new generation has replaced us old people, and there will be more changes in the future.If one day you really miss the article we wrote, I may suddenly appear o(n_n)o~, well, I have said so much nonsense, I wish all the lovely readers, all wishes come true, In good health.Bow and thank you, whether you love me or not, I love you all.

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