
Chapter 436 1 Violet Qi, 3rd Sky Domain

Luo Tian didn't see that after he stepped into the Chenzhou vortex, the Chenzhou vortex seemed to expand a circle, which was extremely strange, as if the more people entered, the higher the cultivation level, the vortex would change a bit.

Not long after Luo Tian plunged headlong into the Chenzhou vortex, there were several sounds of piercing the sky from afar, and they rushed directly into the cloud and mist vortex without even stopping.

This is the second time for Luo Tian to enter the Chenzhou whirlpool. At this moment, he is engrossed and does not dare to neglect in the slightest. At the same time, he is slightly frowning. For some reason, he feels that there seems to be some changes in the whirlpool, but where is it? There was a change, but it was hard for him to see it for a while.


Luo Tian directly took out the tortoise shell presented by Master Qiankun. With his spiritual thoughts, the whole tortoise shell and the three ancient coins in it couldn't help shaking. After a long while, there was a soft click on the tortoise shell, and a crack crack.

Luo Tian's expression was neither sad nor happy, and he grabbed the tortoise shell with his hand in the air, and the three ancient coins flew out by themselves. Luo Tian just looked at it, and his body couldn't help trembling. Luo Tian couldn't figure out any useful news if he knew the secret.

"Oh shit!"

Then, Luo Tian passed through the outer first floor area, and once again saw the towering mountain peak with big characters engraved on it. He felt that the aura that looked amazing at first was only a trace of ancient aura at the moment, and there was nothing amazing about it. Now The current Luo Tian is already a sage monk at the stage of integration, so that little breath can naturally be ignored.

Later, Luo Tian passed through the five-element attack formation of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. At this moment, Luotian was wearing the ancient leaf battle armor, surrounded by a layer of emerald green light. The five-element attack was like rain hitting lotus leaves. Luo Tian didn't have any threats.

At this time, Luo Tian finally stopped in front of an area shrouded in gray smoke. The last time he and Monk Mingyue came here, they were directly sucked in by a sudden space crack after going through the five-element attack formation. Now the space crack has not reappeared, which made him a little puzzled. Last time, at most, they walked here and returned, and they didn't know anything about the next area.


Luo Tian punched out a crack in space, but the space here is extremely stable, and it will heal itself soon. It is more than a hundred times stronger than the outside. Outside, Luo Tian's random punch may tear a hundred feet apart. The crack in space, but here it is only a crack of about ten feet torn open.


Luo Tian's thoughts changed sharply, and at this moment, he was also a little confused, and he rushed into it rashly, and he was also worried. After thinking carefully for a while, Luo Tian rushed into the gray smoke area without hesitation, riding the waves and blue clouds.

clap clap clap!

Just entering this gray smoky area, the surrounding smog approached as if possessing spirituality. Fortunately, it was blocked by the emerald green glow around Luo Tian's body, but the gray smoke was still eroding Luo Tian's protective glow at an extremely slow speed. .

After walking forward for about half an hour, Luo Tian still hadn't seen his head. With his current vast mana like smoke, he couldn't support it. The mana in his body was completely eroded by [-] to [-]% by the surrounding gray fog. It was shocking, but fortunately Luo Tian had brought a lot of panacea with him, so he was able to hold on.

Soon, Luo Tian's eyes lit up, and he saw a small round stone platform standing in the gray fog. This small stone platform only had a radius of two or three feet. I don't know what is so strange about the small stone platform. The surrounding gray The thick fog couldn't even get close.

After falling on the small stone platform and resting for a while, Luo Tian recovered all the mana in his body and moved forward again.

This gray foggy area seemed endless, Luo Tian flew straight all the way, at an extremely fast speed, he had encountered four small stone platforms along the way, and finally a strange scene happened on the fifth stone platform!

On the fifth small stone platform, a purple brilliance as thick as an arm hovered and danced, only five feet long.


Without any warning, a black lotus flower immediately appeared above Luo Tian's head, and the black lotus began to spin around. This time, Luo Tian didn't have the slightest perception in advance, and the black lotus magic weapon started to operate automatically again. Then, the black lotus spread out a There were layers of black light curtains, and finally a red brilliance shot out from the light curtains, directly rolling towards the strange purple flower on the small stone platform.

That strange purple flower also seemed to be quite spiritual, and it was entangled with the red brilliance emitted by the black lotus magic weapon. The two fought for a full hour before the red brilliance rolled up Zihua and shot it directly back into the black lotus magic weapon .


Just as Luo Tian landed on the fifth small stone platform, there was a strange roar in his mind, and his soul trembled violently, Luo Tian himself was taken aback.No matter how he is now a sage cultivator of the Consolidated Phase, to make his primordial spirit tremble, at least it must be a magic weapon of the fairy level to do it.

Then, Luo Tian finally understood the reason.It turned out that the third realm of the black lotus magic weapon was finally opened. This is a red world, empty, with only a jade platform on it, and nothing else.

"No way?" Luo Tian frowned. He didn't believe that the third heaven of the Black Lotus Space was just a useless space. Immediately, his spiritual consciousness swept through it. After a while, he had no choice but to regain consciousness knowledge, nothing.

"and many more!"

Luo Tian suddenly realized that time, yes, is time!The time in the third heaven of the Black Lotus magic weapon is a hundred times faster than that outside, which means that if Luo Tian cultivates in it for three or four days, it is equivalent to practicing outside for a year.By analogy, if it is thirty or forty days, it is equivalent to ten years outside, and three or four hundred years, that is, one year outside, is equivalent to a hundred years inside.

"This... This is simply a holy place for cultivation!" Luo Tian finally came to his senses, laughed loudly, and his consciousness spread out again, and found that there was no existence within thousands of miles, only empty gray fog .

Luo Tian didn't dare to move on now, but sat cross-legged on the fifth stone platform, with a thought, he went directly to the third floor of the Black Lotus Space, and decided to wait for a few days, this area is too weird, The erosive power of the gray fog is getting stronger and stronger. I am afraid that even a monk in the Nascent Soul stage will be turned into flying ash if he can't hold on for a while.

The mind directly entered the third dimension of the black lotus magic weapon, and Luo Tian even moved a lot of the spirit liquid pool and spirit stones in the second day domain, and even advanced into the Bodhi Mountain with his mind, and began to refine the Bodhi Mountain.

Just imagine, Luo Tian just absorbed the heaven and earth energy from the tip of the Bodhi Mountain iceberg, and jumped directly from the distraction stage to the integration stage. If he absorbed all of it, he might be able to ascend in the daytime just like Bai Shijie, the loose cultivator king of Tianxinghai.

ps: I have a cold and my nose keeps flowing. There must be Chapter 2 today but it should be a little later.

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