
Chapter 438 Xuanhuang Pagoda, Going to Daqi

Facing Luo Tian's loud shouts, the voice from the void fell into silence, and there was no more movement.

A thought suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's heart that made him shudder, could it be that this is the way of heaven?The way of heaven, the way of heaven, doesn't the League of Heaven say that under the way of heaven, no one dares not to follow?If it was really a conspiracy of the Tiandao League, Luo Tian made a big mistake in this step, a big mistake.

But it's too late to regret it now, I have become the so-called first Holy Master, according to that person's tone, there should be eight Holy Masters, I hope the other eight people don't get together so soon, otherwise it will be time to make up for it It was too late.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian drove Qingyun into the void without hesitation, and returned directly to the Great Wu Kingdom after only a stick of incense. Before returning to the Great Wu Kingdom, he made a special trip to Biquan Palace to follow The master of Biquan Palace exchanged opinions, but the old fox, the master of Biquan Palace, spoke ambiguously, and couldn't ask any meaningful answers at all, so Luo Tian had to turn back angrily.

Back in the Great Wu Kingdom, Luo Tian looked at it, and the beam of light leading to the Qingli Small Immortal Realm from the direction of the Luo family still hadn't dissipated. It seemed that the coalition forces of the major sects of the Great Wu Kingdom had not come out of the Qingli Small Immortal Realm.


Luo Tian went straight back to his other courtyard, and then his consciousness enveloped the entire Luo family, notifying everyone else, such as Luo Yuntu, the great elder of the Luo family, and Monk Mingyue, who had a good relationship with Luo Tian, ​​all called them over. There was no notification about Dongfang Long and Baiqi.

After everyone had arrived, Luo Tian said, "Since everyone is here, I won't be polite to you. This time I went to the Fire Forbidden Land of Fire Yan Kingdom, and the Forbidden Fire Land suddenly disappeared."

"Ah, isn't it?" Monk Mingyue exclaimed immediately, besides Luo Tian, ​​Monk Mingyue was naturally the one with the most affection for Xuanhuo Forbidden Land.

Luo Tian nodded, and said: "I don't want to believe it either, but the facts are like this. Not to mention the sudden disappearance of the Forbidden Fire Land, some changes have also taken place in the Chenzhou Vortex in Beihe Kingdom."

"What change?" Now, even Fang Yun, who has always been silent, asked. Fang Yun also knew about the Chenzhou whirlpool. After all, he and Luo Tian had entered it together, and learned the second-order supernatural power from it.

"I don't know if you have heard of Hongta?"

After a long silence, Luo Tian finally spoke slowly.

"Xiao Tiantian, tell me in detail." Monk Mingyue frowned abruptly, as if he had some impression.

After a while, after Luo Tian finished speaking, Monk Mingyue suddenly came to his senses, his face was full of shock, "Could it be, could it be that treasure was born!"

"What?" Luo Tian seemed to have an ominous omen.

"The Xuanhuang Pagoda must be the Xuanhuang Pagoda!" Monk Mingyue said excitedly, "The main hub of the Tianxuan plane is the Xuanhuang Pagoda, which is enough to enhance the potential of the plane. This is also one of the reasons why other planes are not as good as the Tianxuan plane, because The Tianxuan Plane was originally a wild world, and it is said that the Immortal Realm was separated from it, and at that time there were also great supernatural beings who wanted to take the Xuanhuang Pagoda, but in the end they returned in vain!"

"Moreover, the Xuanhuang Pagoda can also guard the plane!" Monk Mingyue continued, "The guarding of the Tianxuan plane is usually opened only when the strong come from other planes. It is said that the Xuanhuang Pagoda was only opened once. A big battle!"


Not only Luo Tian, ​​but also the complexion of the others changed drastically.

Luo Tian quickly regained his composure, and said, "Could it be that something big is about to happen in the Tianxuan plane?"

"Sure!" Monk Mingyue nodded, "At the beginning, my father left a jade slip that mentioned the Xuanhuang Pagoda, otherwise I wouldn't have known about it."

"Damn, it's a big deal!"

Luo Tian patted his forehead weakly, and immediately said, "These days, I will help you improve your cultivation as much as possible, and then go to Daqi Kingdom to bring Qing He back. This is going to change!"

"Tian'er, I'm afraid Daqi Kingdom won't let Qinghe leave easily." The head elder of the Luo family also looked a little ugly.

"If they let them go, they have to let them go, or if they don't let them go, they have to let go, otherwise I don't mind killing the Daqi Kingdom with blood!" Luo Tian said gloomyly, "Anyway, the monks of the Daqi Kingdom in Qingli Xiaoxianjie are not bad. Let me kill them all."

"By the way, there is also an ancient sect in Daqi Kingdom. Could it be that Qinghe is there?" Monk Mingyue said suddenly. Regarding Luo Qinghe, Monk Mingyue also learned from him that it is very important in Luo Tian's life a woman.

"No problem!" Luo Yuntu suddenly stood up at this time, and said proudly, "The ancient sect in Daqi Kingdom is the Sanyuan Palace, which is a branch of Taoism. Even if Tian'er brings Qing He back, if Sanyuan Palace makes any moves, it will be up to Luo Those old ancestors from the Jianzhong Tomb will attack!"


This time, Luo Tian stayed at Luo's house for another two months. During these two months, Dongfang Long and Bai Qi also came to the door bitterly, and brought orders from the master of Biquan Palace. According to the order of the palace lord, Biquan Palace is the permanent friendly partner of the Luo family, and they will never abandon each other!

For all of this, Luo Tian naturally felt that there was some icing on the cake, but without thinking too much, he directly opened the Black Lotus Dimension, and brought everyone to the third heaven to practice. Of course, they could only bring their souls into it. in.

This time, it doesn't mean Monk Yue and Fatty Wang, but low-level monks such as Ding Ye and Luo Yuntu have greatly improved. In addition, Luo Tian has not hesitated to guide the aura of Bodhi Mountain and the second day domain Entering, everyone's cultivation base can be said to be progressing rapidly.

Two months later, Luo Tian left Luo's house, and drove Qingyun towards Daqi Kingdom.


Daqi Kingdom, bordering the sea, outside an ancient palace, an old Taoist priest with white beard and hair suddenly danced in his hands without any wind.

"No, the catastrophe of heaven and earth has come!" The old Taoist directly typed out several spells in the next moment, and the whole world changed color. Immediately afterwards, the entire palace behind him was surrounded by countless heaven and earth forces, and finally disappeared. Some kind of prohibition circle covered it.

Half an hour later, Luo Tian's figure flashed, and he went directly to the sky above the Great Qi Kingdom. After a little identification of the direction, he was actually heading directly for the imperial capital of the Great Qi Kingdom.

"The Lord of Great Qi quickly come to see me!"

Luo Tian yelled loudly, and the emperor of the Great Qi Kingdom seemed to tremble, and immediately many monks flew out in the air.

"Cultivator He Fang dares to invade our Great Qi Kingdom, retreat quickly!"

"The person who came here dared to violate the Covenant of All Nations, is it possible that he is going to be the target of public criticism?"


Luo Tian yelled like thunder, and countless monks fell from the sky in unison, "Say it again, let the king of the Great Qi Kingdom come to see me, otherwise today's capital of the Great Qi Kingdom will become history!"

ps: 100 million words, I want to celebrate, but unfortunately sitting in front of the computer at ten o’clock in the morning, my head is dizzy, my nose keeps flowing, I can’t write at all, but my wife came back from the company at noon and forcibly dragged me to In the hospital, the infusion was done directly. The nurses didn't see it, and they were lethargic all the time. When they came back, they insisted on finishing this chapter.Just one chapter today, tomorrow will be better, and two updates will be restored, and there will definitely be an update tomorrow.The hot cold is really annoying. Today I will take the medicine as a meal, and hope that tomorrow will be better.

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