
Chapter 439 It's up to you!

At the moment when the entire continent was about to face catastrophe, Luo Tian went directly to Daqi Kingdom first. At this moment, there was movement in the direction of Tianxinghai.

On the vast and boundless Sea of ​​Stars, at this moment, a huge astonishing dragon boat slowly emerged from the sea level. This dragon boat was golden in color, and it was very strange to ride the wind and waves on the sea. No monster dared to approach this dragon boat .It doesn't matter whether it's a monster flying in the sky or a monster swimming in the sea, it's the same.

At this moment, this huge golden dragon boat is filled with rays of light, and it seems to be a powerful magic weapon.Suddenly, a confused little fish was attracted by the colorful light on the dragon boat, and before it got close to three feet, it exploded into a cloud of blood mist, which was very strange.

At this moment, on the second floor of the golden dragon boat, two men and two women looked into the distance.

"Grandma's a leg! I mean second child, don't you have a bitter face all day long, okay? I didn't kill that little fish just now. It's suicide. Do you understand suicide?" The macho man in a bright red robe shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Boss Sha, everything in this world has spirituality..." the man in black robe next to him said bitterly.

"Second, you'd better go to practice and don't bother me. If the third is here, he won't care so much!" The red-robed man waved his hand impatiently, the second is not as good as the third, the third , brother will come to you soon.

"Sha Sheng, how long will it take to reach the Profound Sky Continent?" At this time, the beautiful woman in a white dress on the far side asked coldly. When she opened her mouth like this, not far away, she closed her eyes and rested her eyes. The woman in the dress also opened her eyes.

Sha Sheng!

Chang Sha Sheng, a young patriarch of the Cancer Clan, finally succeeded in reshaping his body, but he planned to take Luo Tian to see the beauties of various races in the Tian Xing Sea just after he left customs, but he was told that Luo Tian had returned to the Profound Sky Continent, so Sha Sheng went to the Profound Sky Continent. Yuchidao returned angrily.It so happened that at this time Bai Yan'er and Su Muqing both sent someone to bring a message to Sha Sheng, and if he went to the Profound Sky Continent, he would definitely call them.

Sha Sheng had a headache at that time, one head and two big, these two women are Luo Tian's women, strictly speaking, they are both his younger sisters-in-law, it's not good to offend either one of them, it's okay if one of them follows him , when the two come together, things will be a little difficult to handle.Who knows if these two great aunts will meet and a peerless battle will break out?Fortunately, when Sha Sheng had a headache, Zhang Yu left the customs.

To say that Zhang Yu has been in seclusion for so long, Sha Sheng almost forgot his existence, and it turned out that this guy was in the distraction stage when he left the seclusion, which is really shocking.Fortunately, Sha Sheng has also broken through the ninth-level monster now, and the transformation orb in his body will automatically disappear, and he can already transform into a human form. Now that the two are together, only the third Luo Tian is left. Together, the two will decide They went to the Profound Sky Continent with great interest. After all, they had never left the Sky Star Sea. The two of them were so excited that they did not mention it. They notified the two aunts and vaguely explained the situation. Qi agreed to go to Profound Sky Continent with Sha Sheng. Although they had very little communication after meeting, they finally did not break out into a big fight.

"It's almost there!" Sha Sheng quickly came back to his senses, and said with a flattering smile, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'll use the astrolabe to confirm the location first."

After finishing speaking, Sha Sheng rushed out very quickly, soared into the sky, and threw out the astrolabe disk with his hands. The astrolabe disk rolled in the air, and immediately shot out a misty clear light. Into the dragon boat.

"You two sisters and daughters-in-law, with less than ten thousand miles left, we can reach the Profound Sky Continent! Wahahaha, the human beauties of the Profound Sky Continent, brother is here!"

"Shut up!" Su Muqing, who was wearing a light yellow dress, couldn't help saying coldly, "That's all you have to offer."

Sha Sheng immediately shut his mouth obediently. This master is more powerful than Bai Yan'er, an aunt, and he is from the Meteor Immortal Palace, one of the four most mysterious forces in the Star Sea. Originally, Sha Sheng didn't know These things were accidentally mentioned to his father later, and his father concluded with a serious face just now that the Su brothers and sisters are undoubtedly from the Falling Immortal Palace.

Falling Immortal Palace, that is a very ancient existence. It is said that many immortals in the sky have been beheaded. No matter whether the rumors are true or not, it is true that the strength of Falling Immortal Palace has reached an unimaginable level. All of them, I'm afraid it can't hurt the fur of the Meteor Immortal Palace.

Therefore, Sha Sheng has always been in awe of these two aunts who are not very good-tempered. After all, these two aunts are still his sister-in-law...

"Isn't it less than ten thousand miles?" The chill on Bai Yan'er's face finally eased, Qiu Shui's eyes were steaming, stinky guy, I miss you very much, I don't know if you missed me in Profound Sky Continent?

Compared to Bai Yan'er, Su Muqing was not so excited, but there was a trace of resentment deep in her heart. This guy's name is Luo Tian, ​​but he insisted on changing his name to Han Yi, and he even kept it from himself. Tell her secretly that she is still kept in the dark, this guy is full of lies after taking his own body, Su Muqing came to look for Luotian this time, but it is more likely to come to Xingshi to question him.

Bang bang!

At this time, Sha Sheng frowned, and he jumped out of the golden dragon boat with a soaring hostility.

Zhang Cut finally gave a wry smile, "You're looking for a dead end, how can you get back on track?"

Outside the golden dragon boat, Sha Sheng stared gloomyly at a monk in front of him with a peacock on his feet, and grinned, "The monk in the distraction period is really amazing."

"Naughty animal! You, the Sea Clan, dared to go up to the Profound Sky Continent, and retreated quickly!"

"Sha Sheng!" The two aunts said in unison, "Don't worry about it, just move on."

"Decree!" The two aunts both spoke, and Sha Sheng naturally had no scruples. The monk in front of him was about to suffer.


Sha Sheng stomped his feet, and there was a deafening sound of explosion under his feet. In an instant, he was in front of the old Taoist priest who looked like a fairy, and punched hard.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The old Taoist smiled faintly, and made a few imaginary draws with his fingers in front of his body, a talisman was born directly in the air, and immediately countless red flames radiated from the talisman, which was about to drag Sha Sheng into the sea of ​​flames and refine it.

"That's all you have?" After a few breaths, the sea of ​​fire in front of him dissipated, and Sha Sheng walked out of the void step by step, completely unscathed.

"You? You are not afraid of these three flavors?" The old Taoist's complexion changed.

Sha Sheng shrugged his shoulders. His body was naturally afraid at first, but now his body has absorbed the powerful skeletons of the Cancer family. Although the Sanwei Zhenhuo is powerful, it can't hurt Sha Sheng.

"A lot of nonsense!"

Sha Sheng punched out again, directly breaking through the old Taoist's protective light curtain, and immediately kicked the old Taoist off the peacock, and the peacock was also stripped of half of its feathers by him, and fled in fright.

"Dare to send me to your door when I'm upset, and I will control you!"

ps: I have to go to the hospital for an injection at night. It seems that the cold has become more serious, and I am speechless.If I come back early in the evening, there will be updates. There may not be many updates tomorrow, because the day after tomorrow is my wife’s birthday, and a lot of people will gather for dinner tomorrow. I don’t know how long it will take.In the past two days, let me explain these things in advance.

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